Wednesday 2 August 2017

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Usando OTP Bancos Windows Phone aplicação, você pode facilmente acessar OTP Bancos gama de serviços bancários eletrônicos: OTPdirekt, SmartBank, SmartBank demo, ATM e localização de sucursais, as taxas de câmbio eo moneychanger. Você também pode entrar em contato com o banco no ponto do menu Contatos e seguir facilmente o saldo do seu cartão OTP SZEP e procurar locais de aceitação. Copyright 2000-2015 copy Termos e Condições do FileGuruUFX PARTE I ndash DISPOSIÇÕES DE ABERTURA 1 Partes deste Contrato de Cliente 1.1 Este Contrato de Cliente é celebrado entre a UFX que é detentora da marca UFX e UFXMarkets (doravante denominada "Companyrdquo" ou "Wequot" ou " Pessoas que tenham preenchido o formulário de candidatura e cuja candidatura aceitemos. 2 Efeito do Contrato 2.1 Este Contrato de Cliente entra em vigor quando você o aceita on-line em nosso Website e quando confirmamos por escrito e / ou por meios eletrônicos que sua Conta foi aberta e aceitamos você como nosso Cliente. 2.2 Ao continuar a fazer encomendas conosco, você concorda em continuar vinculado por este Contrato de Cliente, que substitui todos os outros Contratos e termos de negócios que anteriormente pudessem ter sido estabelecidos entre nós. 2.3 Não seremos obrigados e não poderemos aceitá-lo como Cliente até que toda a documentação do Know-Your-Client e Anti-Money-Laundry que nós exigimos tenha sido recebida por nós e nos reservamos o direito de que até que tenhamos recebido toda essa documentação , Devidamente preenchido por você, sua conta não será ativada para negociação. 2.4 Tenha em atenção que não aceitamos cidadãos de determinados países. Os cidadãos dos EUA ou residentes nos EUA não são estritamente aceitos como clientes devido às regras da US Securities and Exchange Commission (ldquoSECrdquo). 3 Âmbito dos Serviços 3.1 A partir da data em que a sua Conta é activada, iremos: (a) Receber e transmitir ordens para si em Instrumentos Financeiros, (b) Fornecer serviços em moeda estrangeira desde que estejam associados à prestação do Serviço de Investimento da Secção (A), (c) Fornecer para custódia e administração de instrumentos financeiros para a conta de Clientes, incluindo custódia e serviços relacionados tais como administração de dinheiro / garantia, (d) Investigação de investimento e análise financeira ou outras formas de recomendações gerais relativas Operações com instrumentos financeiros. 3.2 Você reconhece que nossos Serviços não incluem a prestação de aconselhamento de investimento. Qualquer informação de investimento que possa ser anunciada pela Companhia para você não constitui conselho de investimento, mas visa simplesmente ajudá-lo na tomada de decisão de investimento. Também é entendido e aceito que nós não teremos absolutamente nenhuma responsabilidade, independentemente das circunstâncias, para qualquer tal estratégia de investimento, transação, investimento ou informação. 3.3 Não iremos aconselhá-lo sobre os méritos de uma transação específica e você sozinho fará negociação e outras decisões baseadas em seu próprio julgamento para o qual você pode querer procurar aconselhamento independente antes de entrar. Ao pedir-nos para entrar em qualquer transação, você representa que você foi exclusivamente responsável por fazer a sua própria avaliação independente e investigação sobre os riscos da transação. Você representa que tem conhecimento suficiente, sofisticação do mercado, aconselhamento profissional e experiência para fazer sua própria avaliação dos méritos e riscos de qualquer Transação. 3.4 Obtenção de informações sobre seus conhecimentos e experiência no campo de investimentos para que possamos avaliar se o serviço ou produto considerado é apropriado para você. Assumiremos que as informações sobre seu conhecimento e experiência são precisas e não teremos nenhuma responsabilidade se tal informação for imprecisa ou mudar sem nos informar e, como resultado, não poderemos avaliar a adequação e adequação de nossos serviços para você. Se você não fornecer informações suficientes a este respeito (ou deixar de fornecer qualquer informação), não será capaz de avaliar se você tem o conhecimento necessário e experiência para compreender os riscos envolvidos. Se você ainda deseja que façamos o seu trabalho, podemos fazê-lo, mas não poderemos determinar se a negociação de CFDs é apropriada para você. Consequentemente, aconselhamos vivamente que nos forneça as informações solicitadas que consideramos necessárias para que possamos avaliar a adequação dos nossos produtos para si. 3.5 A Companhia poderá oferecer ao Cliente uma assinatura gratuita para recebimento de sinais de negociação, caso em que os detalhes de contato do Cliente serão encaminhados automaticamente para a iSignals, a menos que instruído pelo Cliente. ISignals só será encaminhado o número de telefone Clientrsquos para receber alertas de negociação por telefone e o plug-in na plataforma de negociação deve ser habilitado, para que qualquer sinal recebido não pode constituir recomendações pessoais. Os sinais emitidos pela iSignals devem ser considerados recomendações gerais ou estudos de mercado que não tenham em conta a adequação de cada Cliente individual. Ao aceitar receber os sinais de negociação, o Cliente concorda e concorda com os termos e condições da iSignals GmbH como pode ser encontrado em seu website em alliancesignals. Entende-se e aceita-se que nós não teremos absolutamente nenhuma responsabilidade, independentemente das circunstâncias para qualquer sinal de negociação de suas falhas. Ao continuar a receber os serviços da iSignals GmbH, você continua a concordar com seus termos e condições. No caso de um Cliente pretender optar por este serviço, a Empresa tem de ser informada por escrito. 3.6 Podemos periodicamente, e com absoluta discrição, retirar total ou parcialmente os Serviços temporária ou permanentemente. 4 Consentimento do Cliente 4.1 Você concorda e entende que não terá direito à entrega do Subjacente do Instrumento Financeiro, nem a sua titularidade ou qualquer outro interesse nele. 4.2 Você concorda e entende que nenhum interesse será devido sobre o dinheiro que possuímos na sua Conta. 4.3 Você concorda e entende que afetaremos quaisquer Transações com você como um agente. Assim, estaremos transmitindo suas ordens para execução a outro corretor (s), e tais corretores podem estar transmitindo as ordens recebidas por nós para outros provedores de liquidez. Estes corretores não operam necessariamente num mercado regulamentado. Estamos recebendo preços definidos para os instrumentos financeiros que você pode negociar em nossa plataforma e não têm meios de modificá-los ou requoting-los. 4.4 Você concorda e entende que a negociação de CFDs não é feita em um mercado regulamentado. 4.5 Você declara solenemente que leu atentamente e entendeu inteiramente todo o texto do Contrato de Cliente aqui com o qual você concorda total e totalmente. 4.6 Você declara solenemente que leu, entendeu que foi considerado satisfatório e aceitou como parte integrante deste Contrato do Cliente as seguintes informações fornecidas no nosso site: a) Avisos de Risco e Divulgação de Riscos eb) Condições de Negociação 4.7 Você concorda especificamente com a provisão Das informações da Seção 4.6 por meio do nosso Site. 4.8 Você confirma que tem acesso regular à Internet e concorda em fornecer informações, incluindo, sem limitação, informações sobre alterações ao nosso Contrato de cliente, custos, taxas, políticas e informações sobre a natureza e os riscos dos investimentos por postagem Informações no nosso site. 4.9 Você reconhece que uma variação que é feita para refletir uma mudança de lei pode, se necessário, entrar em vigor imediatamente sem aviso prévio. Podemos alterar este Contrato de cliente a qualquer momento e permanece apenas sua responsabilidade de se manter informado sobre quaisquer alterações. A versão mais recente de nosso Contrato de cliente está disponível para acesso em nosso site. 4.10 Sua conta de negociação deve ser estabelecida apenas para fins de negociação. A Companhia não é um banco, nem mantém depósitos como um banco. Nós mantemos depósitos apenas para manter margens de apoio à conta de negociação e atividades de negociação. 4.11 A empresa mantém uma política de tolerância zero para estratégias de negociação abusivas, atividades fraudulentas, manipulação ou quaisquer outras fraudes. Essas atividades incluem, mas não se limitam ao uso indevido de fundos depositados e promocionais / bônus, arbitragem de swap, arbitragem de bônus, reembolsos, hedge interno ou externo, o uso de qualquer sistema automatizado de negociação e / ou software (ldquotrading robotsrdquo, ldquoexpert advisorsrdquo, Etc). Se julgarmos haver alguma dessas atividades, nos reservamos o direito de anular e cancelar qualquer ou todas as Transações anteriores e debitar todos os lucros gerados. 5 Aviso de Risco 5.1 Você reconhece e aceita sem reservas que: a) Você corre um grande risco de incorrer em perdas e danos como resultado da negociação de CFDs e / ou Instrumentos Financeiros e aceitar e declarar que está disposto a assumir esse risco. Os danos podem incluir perda de todo o seu dinheiro e também quaisquer comissões adicionais e outras despesas, b) CFDs e / ou Instrumentos Financeiros têm um alto grau de risco. A alavancagem ou alavancagem obtida em CFDs e / ou negociação de instrumentos financeiros significa que um pequeno depósito ou adiantamento pode levar a grandes perdas, bem como ganhos. Isso também significa que um movimento relativamente pequeno pode levar a um movimento proporcionalmente maior no valor de seu investimento e isso pode funcionar contra você, bem como para você. CFDs e / ou Instrumentos Financeiros Transações têm um passivo contingente e você deve estar ciente das implicações disso, em particular, as exigências margining, c) Ao negociar CFDs e / ou instrumentos financeiros você está negociando sobre o resultado do preço de um subjacente D) Antes de decidir negociar com margem, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco, e) Você escolheu o Tipo de serviço e instrumento financeiro, tendo em consideração as suas circunstâncias financeiras totais que considere razoáveis ​​nestas circunstâncias e f) Existem riscos associados ao uso de sistemas de negociação e de negociação on-line incluindo, mas não se limitando a falhas de software e hardware E desconexão da Internet. A Companhia não é responsável por tais perdas ou falhas. 5.2 A Companhia não será responsável por qualquer perda decorrente de qualquer investimento com base em qualquer recomendação, previsão ou outra informação fornecida. Quaisquer opiniões, notícias, pesquisas, análises, preços ou outras informações contidas neste site são fornecidas como comentário geral do mercado e não constituem conselhos de investimento. A Companhia não se responsabiliza por qualquer perda ou dano, incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer perda de lucro, que possa resultar, direta ou indiretamente, do uso ou da confiança nessas informações. 5.3 O conteúdo de qualquer relatório fornecido não deve ser interpretado como uma promessa expressa ou implícita, como uma garantia ou implicação de que os Clientes irão lucrar com as estratégias aqui contidas, ou como garantia de que as perdas em conexão com ela podem ou serão limitadas. 5.4 Os negócios de acordo com as recomendações de uma análise, especialmente os investimentos alavancados, podem ser muito especulativos e podem resultar em lucros, bem como em perdas, especialmente se as condições mencionadas na análise não ocorrerem como previsto. 5.5 Em caso de falha no processo de precificação, erros de digitação, erros de introdução e erros de cotação através do sistema de negociação eletrônico e / ou telefone, a Companhia tem todo o direito de fazer as modificações necessárias na conta de negociação do investidor na qual o erro ocorreu. 5.6 Se você não entender os riscos envolvidos na negociação de câmbio ou Instrumentos Financeiros alavancados, por favor não negocie. 6 Responsabilidade 6.1 Você concorda que não seremos responsáveis ​​por quaisquer danos conseqüentes, indiretos, incidentais ou especiais (incluindo perda de lucros e perdas de negociação) resultantes do uso dos Serviços, mesmo que você tenha nos avisado da possibilidade de tal perda . A perda consequente inclui perda puramente econômica, perda de lucro, perda de negócios e perda provável direta ou indireta. 6.2 Caso contrário, não seremos responsáveis ​​por quaisquer perdas, danos ou reclamações resultantes, directa ou indirectamente, de qualquer pessoa que obtenha quaisquer dados de acesso que lhe tenham sido emitidos antes de nos comunicar o mau uso do seu Dados de acesso. 6.3 Não seremos responsáveis ​​por perdas, danos ou reclamações que resultem direta ou indiretamente de qualquer pesquisa em que você confiar ao fazer uma Ordem, seja publicada por nós ou não. 6.4 Não seremos responsáveis ​​por perdas, danos ou reclamações, que resultem, directa ou indirectamente, de um atraso na transmissão de qualquer Pedido. 6.5 Não seremos responsáveis ​​por perdas, danos ou reclamações, que resultem direta ou indiretamente de quaisquer alterações nas taxas de imposto. 6.6 Não seremos responsáveis ​​por quaisquer perdas, danos ou reclamações que resultem directa ou indirectamente se não recebermos quaisquer documentos enviados relativamente à sua Conta ou quaisquer fundos detidos em seu nome, ou se não receber qualquer documentação que possamos Pode encaminhar para você. 6.7 Nada neste Acordo do Cliente será tomado para restringir ou excluir qualquer dever ou responsabilidade que possamos lhe devemos. 6.8 Você concorda em nos indenizar contra qualquer perda, responsabilidade, custo, reclamação, ação, demanda ou despesa incorridos ou contra nós em conexão com o bom desempenho de suas obrigações sob este Contrato do Cliente, exceto quando tal perda, responsabilidade, Ação, demanda ou despesa decorre de nossa negligência, fraude ou inadimplência dolosa ou de nossos empregados. 6.9 A nossa incapacidade de buscar reparação por violações ou de insistir no cumprimento estrito de qualquer condição ou disposição deste Contrato do Cliente ou de nossa incapacidade de exercer qualquer direito ou remédio ao qual temos direito ao abrigo deste Acordo do Cliente não constituirá uma renúncia implícita Do mesmo. PARTE II - FUNDOS 7 Dinheiro do Cliente 7.1 Todas as quantias entregues pelo Cliente à Sociedade ou que a Sociedade detiver em nome do Cliente para a prestação de Serviços de Investimento serão realizadas em nome do Cliente e / ou no Nome da Empresa em nome do Cliente em uma conta. Todos os Fundos de Clientes depositados para a prestação de Serviços de Investimento, serão mantidos em conta segregada (s) (conta omnibus) sob o nome ldquoClient Accountrdquo juntamente com dinheiro de outros Clientes. Todas as quantias entregues pelo Cliente à Sociedade ou que a Sociedade detenha em nome do Cliente para a prestação de Serviços de Investimento serão detidas em nome do Cliente e / ou em nome da Sociedade em nome do Cliente em uma conta. Isso significa que seus fundos serão segregados do nosso próprio dinheiro e não podem ser usados ​​no curso de nossos negócios. 7.2 Podemos manter seu dinheiro eo dinheiro de outros Clientes na mesma conta bancária do cliente (conta omnibus). Neste caso, somos capazes de identificar o seu dinheiro através do nosso back-office e sistema de contabilidade. 7.3 Podemos receber ou transferir dinheiro de clientes para qualquer uma de nossas empresas afiliadas ou um terceiro (por exemplo, um banco, um mercado, comerciante, e-carteira, corretor intermediário, contraparte OTC ou câmara de compensação) para deter ou controlar a fim de efetuar Uma Transação através ou com essa pessoa ou para satisfazer a sua obrigação de fornecer garantia (por exemplo, exigência de margem inicial) em relação a uma Transação. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer atos ou omissões de terceiros a quem passamos dinheiro recebido de você. O terceiro a quem passamos o dinheiro pode mantê-lo em uma conta omnibus e pode não ser possível separá-lo do nosso dinheiro, ou o dinheiro do terceiro. No caso de insolvência ou qualquer outro processo análogo em relação a esse terceiro, só teremos um pedido não garantido contra o terceiro em nome de você e de nossos outros Clientes, e você poderá estar exposto ao risco de que o dinheiro recebido Por nós da parte terceira é insuficiente para satisfazer as reivindicações de você e todos os outros clientes com reivindicações relativas à conta relevante. A Companhia não se responsabiliza por quaisquer fundos não depositados diretamente nas contas bancárias da Companhia, por perdas (diretamente ou em decorrência de) devido a atrasos e / ou falhas no depósito / remessa de fundos por meio de afiliados e / ou de terceiros. 7.4 Não devemos pagar juros sobre o dinheiro do Cliente que são creditados ou depositados na Conta de Cliente segregada pela Companhia, e podemos colocar seu dinheiro em depósitos overnight e você, por meio deste, consente que estamos autorizados a manter quaisquer juros acumulados. Podemos depositar seu dinheiro com um depositário que pode aplicar uma garantia, penhora ou direito de compensação aos fundos. 7.5 Podemos manter o seu dinheiro do Cliente em seu nome fora da nossa jurisdição doméstica. O regime jurídico aplicável a qualquer desses bancos ou pessoas pode ser diferente e, no caso de insolvência ou qualquer outro processo análogo em relação a esse banco ou pessoa, o seu dinheiro pode ser tratado de forma diferente do tratamento que se aplicaria se o dinheiro fosse mantido com Um banco em uma conta na nossa jurisdição em casa. Não seremos responsáveis ​​pela insolvência, actos ou omissões de qualquer terceiro referido neste parágrafo. 7.6 Podemos depositar seu dinheiro em um depositário que possa ter uma garantia mobiliária, garantia ou direito de compensação em relação a esse dinheiro. 7.7 Ao assinar ou aceitar o Contrato do Cliente, você autoriza a Companhia a processar quaisquer depósitos e retiradas da Conta Bancária do ldquoClient Fundsrdquo em nome da Companhia, incluindo, e sem prejuízo da generalidade do acima, retiradas para a liquidação de todos os Transacções realizadas ao abrigo do Acordo do Cliente e todos os montantes que são pagáveis ​​pelo ou em nome do Cliente à Sociedade ou a qualquer outra pessoa. 7.8 Salvo acordo em contrário entre a Sociedade e o Cliente, a Sociedade poderá, a seu critério, de tempos em tempos e sem autorização do Cliente, compensar quaisquer montantes detidos em nome do Cliente e / ou ao crédito do Cliente contra a obrigação do Cliente para com a Companhia ou seus Corretores. Salvo acordo em contrário por escrito entre a Companhia eo Cliente, este Contrato não dará direito a quaisquer facilidades de crédito. 8A Financiamento e Retiradas da Conta de Clientes 8.1 Você pode financiar sua Conta por meio de cartão de crédito ou débito, transferências eletrônicas ou transferências SEPA, e-wallets ou outros métodos similares de transferência de dinheiro aceitáveis ​​pela Companhia ou qualquer de suas empresas afiliadas de tempos em tempos Em seu absoluto critério. Não garantimos que todos os métodos de transferência estejam disponíveis para serem utilizados no seu país. As transferências para financiar a sua conta só podem ser iniciadas por você 1) através da plataforma de negociação ou 2) através da assistência de um operador de telefonia sujeita ao seu consentimento expresso. 8.2 O depósito inicial mínimo exigido para iniciar a negociação é descrito na seção lsquoAccountsrsquo do nosso site. A nosso critério, podemos permitir que você comece a operar se você tiver transferido menos fundos do que o depósito inicial mínimo. Reservamo-nos o direito de recusar depósitos em dinheiro e / ou acesso a contas de negociação devido a esses depósitos em dinheiro. 8.3 Você pode solicitar a retirada de fundos depositados em sua conta de acordo com o procedimento descrito na seção de levantamentos do site, sujeita a entregar-nos os documentos necessários. Se o seu pedido de retirada for feito para nós sem cumprir todos os requisitos, a Empresa reserva-se o poder absoluto de executar este pedido de retirada até que todos os requisitos legais sejam cumpridos. A Companhia não cobra quaisquer taxas pela transferência de fundos de retirada para você, mas quaisquer despesas incorridas pelo banco, empresa de cartão de crédito, processador de pagamento ou carteira eletrônica para transferir os fundos retirados serão suportadas por você, consulte a seção relevante sobre Nosso site. O valor máximo que pode ser transferido para sua facilidade de depósito inicial é igual ao depósito inicial feito lucros feitos só podem ser transferidos para sua conta bancária. 8.4 O Cliente poderá retirar fundos depositados em sua Conta e / ou lucros obtidos através de transações comerciais de suas Contas somente para a conta ou cartão relevante a partir do qual ele usou para financiar sua Conta (tal conta será chamada de Conta de Administração / Cardrdquo. Retiradas) de fundos para contas / cartões que não sejam a Conta / Cartão Originário é permitida a critério absoluto da Companhia e desde que a Companhia esteja convencida de que há uma justificativa razoável para a transmissão dos fundos para uma conta diferente. , Salvo indicação em contrário 8.5 O Cliente é totalmente responsável pelos detalhes de pagamento dados à Companhia e a Companhia não aceita qualquer responsabilidade pelos fundos do Cliente se os detalhes fornecidos pelo Cliente estiverem incorretos Se um pedido de retirada for feito para uma conta bancária , O cliente tem um mês a contar da data do pedido de retirada para fornecer os seus dados bancários. Se um mês se passou sem obter informações suficientes e adequadas, os fundos serão devolvidos à sua conta de negociação e um novo pedido de retirada deve ser apresentado. 8.6 A Companhia efetuará retiradas de fundos do Cliente somente quando a identidade do Cliente for verificada pela documentação válida do Know-Your-Client e Anti-Money-Laundry. 8.7A Nós faremos todos os pagamentos devidos a você da maneira que julgarmos apropriada nas circunstâncias e manteremos uma política de tolerância zero para quaisquer violações destes Termos e Condições, tais como, mas não se limitando a, qualquer cartão de crédito / débito fraudulento Uso, cobrança de cartões de crédito / débito ou outros estornos de custos do processador (independentemente de quando ocorreu a transação ou o estorno), caso em que todas as contas serão imediatamente e irrevogavelmente encerradas. Quaisquer operações abertas associadas à conta serão imediatamente fechadas e as negociações futuras serão recusadas de acordo com a cláusula 13.1.q da TampC. Você reconhece que não somos obrigados a fornecer-lhe aviso antes de fechar seus negócios e / ou conta, mas pode optar por fazê-lo. 8.7B Em casos de suspeita de fraude fraudulenta, como por exemplo uma reclamação de estorno não justificada contra uma transação legítima, você reconhece que, além dos direitos mencionados na cláusula 8.7A, a Companhia se reserva o direito de: a) Imediatamente, irrevogável e indefinidamente proibir Você - e todos os terceiros que você tenha autorizado a agir em seu nome - de usar nossos serviços. Reservamo-nos o direito de implementar proibições sobre: ​​i. Todos os endereços IP usados ​​para acessar ou de outra forma associado à sua conta ii. Os seus próprios e terceiros autorizados têm endereços postais e de facturação registados transmitidos durante o processo de verificação da conta iii. Os seus próprios nomes e apellidos, bem como todos os outros dados de identificação, tal como aparecem nos documentos de identificação apresentados durante o processo de verificação da conta. Iv. Quaisquer outros elementos de identificação que possamos encontrar adequados e eficazes Todas as proibições serão finais e não negociáveis. B) Recupere o montante do estorno (s) de seu saldo remanescente restritivo c) Apreenda do seu saldo remanescente o total da soma dos lucros. E) Notificar todos os emissores de crédito relevantes e instituições de rating de crédito f) Prosseguir processos criminais contra você por fraude de cartão de crédito g) Iniciar processo civil contra você para reparação, compensação e recuperação de qualquer e Todas as perdas e danos incorridos, incluindo danos à reputação, direta ou indiretamente relacionados a estornos fraudulentos 8.7C Desde que consideremos que a cláusula 8.7.B está adequadamente satisfeita, qualquer saldo positivo deixado em sua conta será devolvido ao ponto de origem do fundos. Você reconhece que não é obrigatório fornecer-lhe aviso antes de proceder com o reembolso, mas pode optar por fazê-lo. 8B Promoções e Incentivos 8.8 Os negócios abertos de Clientes que não fizerem login por mais de uma semana e / ou nunca tiverem depositado quaisquer fundos próprios serão encerrados automaticamente a cada fim de semana e os fundos serão debitados da sua conta. A Companhia não assume responsabilidade ou responsabilidade pelo resultado financeiro resultante do fechamento automático de tais posições em aberto. 8.9 A Companhia, de tempos em tempos, e a nosso exclusivo critério, pode oferecer vários tipos de promoções e / ou incentivos através dos quais os Clientes podem ganhar recompensas especificadas quando alcançarem ou completarem metas pré-definidas. LdquoPromotionsrdquo são regimes que a Empresa utiliza repetidamente com os mesmos mecanismos ou similares, enquanto que os quoincentives (ou concursos) são regimes específicos únicos (por exemplo, mas não limitados a presentes de Natal) normalmente abertos aos Clientes apenas sujeitos a convite e respectivas confirmações. Os clientes que não depositaram quaisquer fundos não podem ter direito a qualquer bônus ou a qualquer bônus de retirada e / ou qualquer outro incentivo similar que possa estar disponível sob qualquer promoção ou incentivo oferecido pela Companhia. 8.10 As promoções de adesão estarão sujeitas a condições específicas aplicadas conforme listado abaixo na Seção 8.12. No entanto, as condições aplicáveis ​​aos incentivos específicos específicos são / serão emitidas no anúncio de incentivo. Ao aderir a promoções e / ou incentivos, todos os outros termos deste Contrato aplicam-se, a menos que expressamente e especificamente excluídos. As condições se aplicam apenas à duração da promoção / incentivo e podem estar sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. 8.11 Qualquer suspeita de violação, violação ou abuso deste Acordo e / ou das condições específicas pode levar, sem prejuízo de qualquer outro direito que possamos ter sob este Contrato ou Regulamento, ao cancelamento imediato, retirada e débito de todos os bônus. 8.12 As promoções e incentivos estão sujeitos à disponibilidade e podem não ser oferecidos a todos os clientes. Ao participar nas promoções e incentivos, você continua a aceitar nossos Termos e Condições. Reservamo-nos o direito de alterar promoções e / ou incentivos, condições, retirar ou anular qualquer esquema sem aviso prévio. A. Bônus de Depósito (Bônus Pendente) (a) Sujeito ao método de depósito, os bônus recebem aprovação imediata ou de gerentes. Os bônus sujeitos à aprovação dos gerentes só serão visíveis na sua carteira de bônus uma vez aprovados. (B) Algumas promoções de bónus podem incluir uma janela temporal para a qual os novos depósitos são elegíveis para receber um bónus e, consequentemente, serão anunciados nos termos da respectiva promoção. In case no specific time window is stipulated, all deposit requests have to be received within the first 24 hours the first deposit was approved under the respective bonus promotion to be eligible for a bonus. (c) The respective bonus promotion shall indicate the bonus to be granted with each approved deposit. In case no specific terms are issued, the bonus shall be 30. (d) The required trading volume is based on the cumulative bonus amount and updated each time a bonus is issued. (e) Your bonus will be automatically released to your account balance when your leveraged trading volume reaches a specified multiplier on the granted bonus within a period of 60 days. In case the respective bonus promotion does not stipulate different terms, this multiplier shall be USD 10,000. For example, if you have a bonus of USD 300, you need to trade a total volume of USD 3,000,000 for it to be released. If you are subsequently granted another bonus of USD 200, your required trading volume will be USD 5,000,000 to release all bonus funds. (f) When the bonus is released, it will be automatically credited to your account balance and can be withdrawn immediately. (g) Bonus funds cannot be used for trading until they are added to your account balance. (h) The bonus wallet cannot exceed USD 10,000 unless otherwise stipulated in the respective bonus promotion. (i) Deposited funds (excluding the bonus) can be withdrawn at any time. (j) The Company reserves its right to amend and/or cancel the conditions of its bonus promotions at any time and it shall be the responsibility of the Client to update himself accordingly. By continuing to participate in the bonus promotions you agree to their terms and conditions. The Redeposit bonus may be issued in different bonus levels, the below example refers to the 20 all other levels follow the same mechanism. Subject to joining the redeposit bonus promotion, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Subject to the deposit method, bonuses receive instant or managersrsquo approval. Bonuses will be visible only once approved. (b) The required trading volume is based on the cumulative bonus amount and updated each time a bonus is issued. (c) You can withdraw your entire bonus amount and the profits generated with it when your leveraged trading volume reaches a multiplier of USD 10,000. For example, if you make a redeposit of USD 1,000, your 20 bonus will be USD 200 and you need to trade a total volume of USD 2,000,000 for it to be withdrawable. If you are subsequently granted another bonus of USD 200, your required total trading volume from the moment of receiving the first bonus will remain USD 2,000,000. Once this volume is reached, the initial amount of your bonus funds will become withdrawable. To release the follow-up bonus, you will have to complete another trading volume of USD 2,000,000. (d) Deposited funds and profits can be withdrawn at any time the bonus can be withdrawn only when fulfilling the bonus conditions described above. For example, if you were to deposit USD 10,000 and participate in our 20 bonus promotion, you would receive a bonus amount of USD 2,000 in your trading account. Considering the option that you made a trading profit of USD 1,000, your total account balance would be USD 13,000. If you were to submit a withdrawal request before meeting the required volume, you would be able to withdraw your initial deposit of USD 10,000 and your full trading profit of USD 1,000. Your total withdrawals would be USD 11,000. If, instead of a profit, you would incur a loss of USD 1,000 and submit a withdrawal request before meeting the required volume, you would be able to withdraw USD 9,000. (e) The bonus cannot exceed USD 10,000 unless otherwise stipulated in the respective bonus promotion. (f) The Companyrsquos normal terms and conditions apply and we reserve our right to amend and/or cancel the conditions of any bonus promotions at any time. By continuing to participate in the bonus promotions you agree to their terms and conditions. Subject to joining the rebate bonus promotion, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Our rebate bonus scheme will allow you to claim real cash back money when specified targets (such as for example but not limited: volume, rebate per trade, etc) amounts are completed before the promotionrsquos expiration time. Targets are applicable as per the specific rebate promotion. (b) The rebate bonus scheme may apply to all financial instruments or to specific ones from time to time the rebate amount available per financial instruments is indicated in each asset box on your trading terminal and will be added to your cashback wallet at the opening of a new trade. (c) As soon as you completed the required target, you will be able to manually claim the accumulated cashback amount. You will have to claim the cashback by clicking the relevant button in the cashback wallet. (d) The claimed amount will be transferred to your account and will be available for immediate withdrawal without any additional requirements. (e) If the expiration time is reached before the targets are completed, we may inform you of three options, as applicable: Get extra time, or Assign a new target and carry over the accumulated cashback amount. (f) Extra time, if offered, will only be offered one time per target. If you chose to switch to a new target, you may carry over your accumulated cashback. (g) As long as you have a completed the target but an unclaimed cashback, no additional promotion will be issued to you. If you reach your target and wish to participate in a new promotion, you will have to first claim the cashback money from the previous promotion. Clients trading through our dealing room will have to claim the cashback on the trading platform. (h) You make a redeposit to an existing promotion without changing your target(s). (i) Total lifetime cashback amount is limited to 30 of the deposit at the start of the promotion with a bonus maximum of USD 5,000 (five thousand). New targets will not be assigned when the maximum bonus level is reached. (j) The rebate bonus promotion is subject to availability and might not be available for all clients. By participating in this bonus promotion you continue to accept our Terms and Conditions. We have the right to change the present Terms and Conditions, withdraw or annul the bonus promotion at any time without prior notice. (k) If the Client chose to participate in the Redeposit Bonus programme, he/she will be prohibited from any further participation in the Rebate Bonus programme, and any outstanding cashback earned via the Rebate Bonus will be cancelled. If a Client has been restricted from participating in the Rebate Bonus programme and wishes to cancel his/her enrolment in the Redeposit Bonus programme, he/she may do so by submitting a request at any time, subject to the Company39s approval. In cases where the Client receives approval from the Company to terminate his/her enrolment in the Redeposit Bonus programme, the Redeposit Bonus amount will be debited from his/her trading account if the required volume has not yet been completed. (a) Clients are eligible to participate in the phone verification bonus by following the relevant promotional campaign and registering their correct telephone number before their initial deposit. Duplicate registrations by the same Client will result in the cancellation of all issued bonuses. (b) Participating Clients will receive a one-off phone verification bonus worth USD 50 which will be credited to the trading account for immediate use. 1. After the Client has verified his phone number and received the USD 50 verification bonus, he has a period of 7 days in which to make a deposit and open at least one position. 2. If the Client fails to deposit but has traded with the bonus amount and has open positions, then on the 8th day all open positions will be closed and the account balance (including bonus and profits) will be set to zero. 3. If the Client has deposited but not traded, the bonus will be debited from his trading account on the 8th day. 4. If the Client, after receiving his Phone Verification Bonus of USD 50, has not logged into his account for 7 days, the bonus will be debited from his trading account on the 8th day. (c) Subject to meeting all of the below criteria, the phone verification bonus will become withdrawable: a. Completed Know-Your-Client (KYC) documentation b. Opening of one trade c. Fulfilling a minimum trade volume of USD 1,000,000 (one million). D. Clients are eligible to receive the bonus once, and for one account only. Each account opened qualifies for the bonus once per registered IP address, phone number, and email. E. The account in question contains a minimum balance of USD 100. (d) Residents of certain countries may not be eligible to participate in the phone verification bonus. The Company reserves the right to restrict Clients from participating in the phone verification bonus at any time without notice. (a) All of our Clients are eligible to participate in the Happy Hour Bonus where the Company may, from time to time, offer beneficial trading conditions and/or rebates for executed trades on specific financial instruments. (b) The incentive will be automatically credited to your trading account, if you think you were eligible for a happy hour bonus but it has not been credited to your account, you should contact your account manager. (c) This bonus promotion is subject to a minimum opening trade size equivalent to USD 500,000 on all trades without a close limit. (d) For example, if the Company is offering a 50 spread discount on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your spread is 3 pips, then your bonus is calculated as follows: i. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, Happy Hour spread as per the promotion 1.5 pip iii. Credit 1,000,000 x 0.00015 USD 150 bonus to be credited to your trading account. (e) Happy Hour Bonuses are issued up to a cumulative amount of USD 5,000 per Client. (a) All of our Clients are eligible to participate in the Pip Spread Bonus where the Company may, from time to time, offer beneficial trading conditions and/or rebates for executed trades on specific financial instruments. (b) The incentive will be automatically credited to your trading account or you will pay a reduced spread for the trade as applicable. If you think you were eligible for this bonus but it has not been credited to your account, you should contact your account manager. (c) This bonus promotion is subject to a minimum opening trade size equivalent to USD 500,000 on all trades without a close limit. (d) Example 1, if the Company is offering a 2 Pip Spread Bonus on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your usual spread is 3 pips, then your bonus is calculated as follows: i. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, reduced spread as per the promotion 2 pip iii. Credit 1,000,000 x 0.0001 USD 100 bonus to be credited to your trading account. (e) Example 2, if the Company is offering a 1 Pip Spread Bonus on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your usual spread is 3 pips, then your position will automatically open with 1 pip spread. Eu. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, reduced spread as per the promotion 1 pip iii. Paid spread. 100 instead of 300. (f) Pip Spread Bonuses are issued up to a cumulative amount of USD 5,000 per Client. G. Refer-a-Friend Terms and Conditions 1. This promotion is only available to existing UFX Traders (the ldquoReferrerrdquo), upon manager approval, and valid only once for each unique referral (ldquoNew Account Referralrdquo). A New Account Referral is defined as a trader who is currently NOT a UFX customer. Traders who have accounts, or have had accounts with UFX at any time during the past 12 months, will not count as New Account Referrals. 2. Referrer will register New Account Holdersrsquo personal contact details, subject to their explicit consent with UFX in order to mark a New Account Holder as a referred client. 3. The Referrer will be awarded with the following amounts: a. USD 100 if the New Account Referral makes an initial deposit between USD 500 to USD 1,000 b. 10 bonus from the New Account Referralrsquos deposit if the initial deposit is between USD 1,000 to USD 10,000. This is valid on the New Account Referralrsquos first deposit only. Whereby the bonus will be credited directly to the Referrerrsquos account and will be subjected to USD 1 million of trading volume for each USD 100 bonus to become withdrawable. Immediately withdrawable deposits do not qualify for this bonus. 4. UFX reserves the right to terminate all transactions related to this offer at any time without giving prior notice. Any hedging trades in a single account or across multiple accounts will be cancelled as per the standard Terms and Conditions. 5. This offer can only be combined with the Cashback Bonus, whereby Cashback requirements will be accounted for, before Refer-a-Friend requirements. 6. The Referrer confirms that New Account Holders have agreed to disclose personal contact information such as, but not limited to name, email address, and/or telephone numbers to UFX for the purpose of being contacted for trading in financial instruments. 7. New Account Holdersrsquo contact details will be added to UFXrsquos database for the purpose of sending marketing materials and general financial information. The New Account Holder can be removed from the marketing email list as per his own request by using the ldquounsubscriberdquo buttons in the emails. 8. UFXrsquos general Terms and Conditions apply. H. Practice Mode Bonus (quotPMBquot) (a) Eligible Clients can earn up to USD 60 by completing certain trades in Practice Mode: USD 10 when a position is opened USD 20 when a position is closed USD 30 when a profitable position is closed (b) No deposits or registration necessary to participate, Clients are provided with virtual funds to practice trading (c) The PMB is converted into real funds when the Client registers and creates a real account (d) The converted PMB must be used to trade within a period of 7 days after creating the real account failure to do so will lead to the PMB automatically being debited from the trading account (e) Subject to meeting all of the below criteria, the PMB will become withdrawable: Completed Know-Your-Client (KYC) documentation Minimum deposit of USD 25 Minimum account balance of USD 100 Opening a minimum of one trade Fulfilling a minimum trade volume of USD 1,000,000 (one million) (f) Clients are eligible to receive the bonus once, and for one account only. Each account opened qualifies for the bonus once per registered IP address, phone number, and email. (g) Clients who have never deposited funds and who have not logged in for more than one week will have their positions closed and bonus money debited (h) The PMB cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers 9 Margins and Collateral Payment 9.1 During the lifetime of any Financial Instrument, we, in our absolute discretion, reserve the right to review and adjust the percentage of funding required or the rates at which interest is calculated on such Financial Instrument, with or without notice to you, especially in, but not limited to, volatile market conditions. Positions that are open overnight may be adjusted to reflect the cost of carrying the position over. Details of such adjustments are available on our Website. 9.2 Where we effect or arrange a Transaction involving a CFD you should note that, depending upon the nature of the Transaction, you may be liable to make further payments when the Transaction fails to be completed or upon the earlier of the transaction settlement or closing out of your position. You will be required to make further variable payments by way of margin against the purchase price of the Financial Instrument, instead of paying (or receiving) the whole purchase (or sale) price immediately. The movement in the market price of your investment will affect the amount of margin payment you will be required to make. We will monitor your margin requirements on a daily basis and we will inform you as soon as it is reasonably practicable of the amount of any margin payment required under this clause. 9.3 You agree to pay us on demand such sums by way of margin as are required from time to time or as we may in our discretion reasonably require for the purpose of protecting ourselves against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated transactions under this Customer Agreement. 9.4 Unless otherwise agreed, margin must be paid in cash. Cash margin is paid to us as an outright transfer of funds and you will not retain any interest in it. Cash margin received by us will be recorded by us as a cash repayment obligation owed by us to you. 9.5 In addition and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this Customer Agreement, we shall have a general lien on all funds held by us or our Nominees on your behalf until the satisfaction your obligations. 9.6 We shall have the right, in addition to any other rights we may have under this Customer Agreement, or under the law in general, to close, cancel and or limit the size of your open positions (new or gross) and to refuse to establish new positions. Situations where we may exercise such right include, but are not limited to, where: a) We consider that there are abnormal trading conditions, b) We consider there to have been abusive trading strategies transmitted to us, or c) Your account has reached Stop Out level. 9.7 At margin levels of less than 25 of your equity, we have a discretionary right to begin closing positions immediately and without notice. Individual Stop Out levels are set at 25 and we reserve the right to close all or any of your Open Positions below Stop Out level immediately and without notice solely in our discretion. The provisions of this paragraph are applicable to all Clients. 9.8 For deals entered using the MT4 online trading platform, we have a discretionary right to issue margin calls when the margin level is below 50. Deals will be closed automatically and without any further notice when the margin level falls below 20. 9.9 It is in the Companyrsquos discretion to close any open deals after an inactivity period of 90 days of such deals. Hedging positions may incur an administration fee of 0.1 of the complete volume (deal plus hedge position) in US-Dollars per day and we retain the right to close any hedged positions after 21 days without any further notice. 9.10 We shall be entitled to retain monies which are required to cover adverse positions, initial margin, variation margin, any uncleared funds, realized losses and any and all other amounts payable to us under this Customer Agreement. 9.11 Whenever we conduct currency conversions, we will do so at such reasonable rate of exchange as we shall select. PART III - TRADING 10 Online Trading System And Website Access 10.1 When your account is enabled for trading, you are entitled to use your Access Codes within our Online Trading System in order to be able to transmit orders for the purchase or sale of Financial Instruments through us through your compatible personal computer connected to the internet on our Online Trading System. 10.2 You will not proceed and avoid proceeding in any action that could probably allow the irregular or unauthorized access or use of our Online Trading System. You accept and understand that we reserve the right, at our discretion, to terminate or limit your access to our Online Trading System or part of if we suspect that you allow such use of our Online Trading System. 10.3 When using our Website and/or Online Trading System you will not, whether by act or omission, do anything that will or may violate the integrity of our computer system or cause such system to malfunction. You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining the equipment necessary to access and use our Website and/or Online Trading System. 10.4 You acknowledge that the internet may be subject to events which may affect your access to our Website and/or Online Trading System including but not limited to interruptions or transmission blackouts. We are not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from such events which are beyond our control or for any other losses, costs, liabilities, or expenses (including without limitation, loss of profit) which may result from your inability to access our Website and/or Online Trading System or delay or failure in sending Orders. 10.5 We are not an Internet Service Provider and cannot be responsible for not fulfilling any obligations under this Customer Agreement because of internet connection failures or public electricity network failures or hacker attacks. 10.6 We shall not be held responsible in the case of delays or other errors caused during the transmission of orders and/or messages via computer. We shall not be held responsible for information received via computer or for any loss which you may incur in case this information is inaccurate. 10.7 You are permitted to store, display, analyze, modify, reformat and print the information made available to you through the Website and/or Online Trading System. You are not permitted to publish, transmit, or otherwise reproduce that information, in whole or in part, in any format to any third party without our express written consent. You must not alter, obscure or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided in connection with the information. You represent and warrant that you will not use the Website and/or Online Trading System in contravention of this Customer Agreement, that you will use the Website and/or Online Trading System only for the benefit of your Account and not on behalf of any other person, and that, with the exception of a web browser and other applications specifically approved by us, you will not use (or allow another person to use) any software, program, application or other device, directly or indirectly, to access or obtain information through the Website and/or Online Trading System or automate the process of accessing or obtaining such information. 10.8 Our operation time for trading begins at 17:05 Sunday and concludes at 16:59 Friday New York time (EST) which is equivalent to 00:05 to 23:59 server time, Monday to Friday, except the 25th of December, the 31st of December, and the 1st of January. During Daylight Savings Time our operation and server time is adjusted according to New York time (EST). Be informed that we reserve the right to change our trading hours at any time without prior notice. 10.9 You agree to keep secret and not to disclose any Access Data to any person other than an individual who has been expressly authorized to act on your behalf according to Section 16. 10.10 You should not write down your Access Codes. If you receive a written notification of your Access Codes, you must destroy the notification immediately. 10.11 You agree to notify us immediately if you know or suspect that your Access Data has or may have been disclosed to any unauthorised person. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Access Data and will issue you with a replacement Access Data. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive the replacement Access Data. 10.12 You agree that you will co-operate with any investigation we may conduct into any misuse or suspected misuse of your Access Data. 10.13 You accept that you will be liable for all orders given through and under your Access Data and any such orders received by us will be considered as received by you. In cases where a third person is assigned as an authorized representative to act on your behalf, you will be responsible for all orders given through and under your representative39s Access Data. 10.14 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons have access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, when the above are transmitted between us or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means. 10.15 We may offer third party authentication services such as Twitter and/or Facebook for registration. While subscribing / registering for our service, you should provide accurate information and should not in any case try to deceive us, impersonate other persons and/or entities. Using third party authentication remains your sole responsibility and we cannot guarantee the data protection enforcement of such third parties. We may or may not choose to verify any or all of the information provided by you during registration or later for security purposes. 11 CFD39s Trading Procedures amp Orders 11.1 You or those persons you have notified to us in writing as authorized to give instructions and Orders on your Account may place Orders either via our Online Trading System or via phone, in the way specified in Section 11.2. 11.2 You can place new Orders via our Online Trading System by using your Access Codes, you can give instructions to liquidate your existing positions or to delete/modify pending orders via phone by using your name, username or user ID. Orders are accepted at our sole discretion and we reserve the right to refusal of accepting any Order. For accepted Orders, we will use commercially reasonable efforts when transmitting all Orders for execution to the venues indicated under Section 12. 11.3 In case of an Order received by us in any means other than through the online Trading System, the order will be transmitted by us to the Online Trading System (if possible) and processed as if it was received through the Online Trading System. 11.4 We will be entitled to rely and act on any Order without any further enquiry, and we will consider any Orders to be binding upon you where such Order has been placed using your Access Data in accordance with Section 11.2. 11.5 We shall receive and transmit all Orders given by you strictly in accordance with their terms. We will have no responsibility for checking the accuracy of any Order. Any Order that you give to us constitutes an irrevocable instruction to us to proceed with the Transaction on your behalf. 11.6 Any Order shall be conclusively deemed to be a valid Order from you to us if we believe it to be genuine. You are responsible for any loss, claim or expense incurred by us for following or attempting to follow any of your Orders. 11.7 We will not be obliged to check or have regard to any assumption made or expressed by you as to the effect of any trade on your existing or overall positions with us. We need have no regard to your comments that any trade you place is a trade to close all or part of an open position. We will treat all trades as a buy or a sell regardless of whether the trade has the effect of opening a new position or closing an existing one. It is your responsibility to be aware of your positions at all times including expiry dates. 11.8 If you give us an Order which puts you in breach of any of this Customer Agreement, we may in our absolute discretion fill such an Order to the extent we deem appropriate and you will not have any right to cancel any resultant partially filled Order. You will be liable for the breach of this Customer Agreement and remain liable for the settlement of the resultant Transaction in accordance with the terms of this Customer Agreement. 11.9 You may give only the following orders of trading character using our Online Trading Systems: a) OPEN - to open a position as market or limit order, b) CLOSE - to close an open position as market or limit order, or c) To add, remove, edit orders for Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop 11.10 Any other Orders not mentioned in Section 11.9 are unavailable and are automatically rejected. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price. If the price requested is not available in the market, the order will be filled as a market order. If the requested price of a Stop Loss or Take Profit is reached at the open of the trading session, the order will become a market order. 11.11 All open spot positions will be rolled over to the next business day at the close of business in the underlying relevant Market, subject to our rights to close the open spot position. 11.12 Subject to this Customer Agreement and as amended from time to time, we may allow our Clients, at our sole discretion, to specify a closing price for ldquoStop Lossrdquo or ldquoTake Profitrdquo orders. Upon our acceptance of such order, you hereby authorize us to close the respective order subject to the terms specified in the order without any further notice from us to you. Any confirmed positions cannot be cancelled or changed. 11.13 You have no right to change or remove Stop Loss, Take Profit and Limit Orders if the price has reached the relevant level. 11.14 Orders can be transmitted for execution, changed or removed only within the operating (trading) time and if they are not executed they shall remain effective through the next trading session. 11.15 Your Order shall be valid in accordance with the type and time of the given Order, as specified. Each deal will expire after 90 days at 23:59 or on the contract expiration day, whichever occurs first. Click here to see the contract39s expiration date. 11.16 Orders: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop are transmitted for execution at the price declared by the Client on the first market price touch. The Company reserves the right not to transmit the Order or to change the opening (closing) price of the transaction in case of the technical failure of the trading platform and also in case of other technical failures. 11.17 Under certain trading conditions it may be impossible to transmit Orders (Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell limit, Sell Stop) at the declared price. In this case the Company has the right to transmit the Order for execution or change the opening (closing) price of the transaction at a first market price. This may occur, for example, at times of rapid price movement, if the price rises or falls in one trading session to such an extent that under the rules of the relevant exchange, trading is suspended or restricted or during the starting moments of the trading session. In the case of such an event, the order will be executed at the next best price. As a result, placing such order will not necessarily limit your losses/take your profits to the fully intended amounts because market conditions may make it impossible to execute such an Order at the stipulated price. It should be noted that the price at which a trade is executed at may vary significantly from original requested price during abnormal market conditions. lsquoSlippagersquo is a normal market practice and a regular feature of the foreign exchange markets under certain conditions such as but not limited to illiquidity and volatility due to news announcements, economic events and market openings, therefore trading according to news cannot be guaranteed. Please refer to our Risk Disclosure Policy and website for further details about Slippage. 11.18 We may establish cut-off times for instructions or Orders which may be earlier than the times established by the particular market and/or clearing house involved in any Transaction and you shall have no claims against us arising out of the fact that an Order was not placed by you before of our cut-off time. 11.19 We have the right to change the contract specifications, including leverage and spreads, at any time depending on the market situation. You agree to check the full specifications of the CFD before placing any Order. We have the right to allow a change to your trading Account leverage or spreads at our discretion. 11.20 The level of Swap Rates vary in size and change depending on the level of interest rates. We reserve the right to change the level of Swap Rates and credit your account accordingly. From Friday to Monday swaps are calculated once. From Wednesday to Thursday swaps are calculated in triple size. 11.21 Our spreads are based on the market rates received by us from the execution broker(s) and/or liquidity providers and are pre-determined according your account status. Spreads and/or the minimum deal size may be changed at our discretion without your prior consent and/or informing you in writing. 11.22 The Client accepts that the transmitted orders shall be solely executed by the Companyrsquos execution broker(s) and/or liquidity providers which may change from time to time and may be based in jurisdictions not covered under regulations. For any orders placed with the Company, the Company shall act as an agent and not as a principal on the Clientrsquos behalf (Reception and Transmission on Orders). 11.23 You acknowledge that we derive our revenue as fixed share of the spread regardless of you winning or losing deals. Therefore, in case the fair market price reduces our commission in a specific transaction it may occur that the transaction will not be executed by our liquidity providers. In the event of such, a new price quote will be sent to you for consideration. 11.24 For MT4 users we operate under a First-In-First-Out no hedge basis meaning opened deals involving the same Underlyings must be closed out before another deal with the same Underlying but in the opposite direction is opened. Hedged positions shall be closed or cancelled in the discretion of the Company without prior notification of the Client. 12 Best Execution Policy 12.1 The Company follows a strict reception and transmission of orders execution policy and as such we shall ensure each time when carrying out Clientsrsquo order, or acting on behalf of Clients that the following criteria shall be taken into account as applicable: (a) the characteristics of the Client including the classification of the Client as Retail (b) the characteristics of the Client order (c) the characteristics of Financial Instruments that are the subject of the order (d) the characteristics of the execution venues to which the order can be directed 12.2 The Company shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for a Client taking into account price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size nature or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the order. Nevertheless, whenever there is a specific instruction from the Client the Company shall execute the order following the specific instruction as applicable. 12.3 Where the Company shall carry out an order on behalf of a Retail Client, the best possible result shall be determined in terms of the total consideration, representing the price of the Financial Instrument and the costs related to carry out that order, which shall include all expenses incurred by the Client directly related to the execution of the order, including execution venue fees, clearing and settlement fees and any other fees paid to third parties involved in the execution of the order. 12.4 For the purposes of delivering best execution where there is more than one competing venue to carry out an order for a Financial Instrument, in order to assess and compare the results for the Client that would be achieved by executing the order on each of the execution venues listed in the Company39s order execution policy that is capable of executing that order, the Company39s own commissions and costs for executing the order on each of the eligible execution venues shall be taken into account in that assessment. 12.5 Finally, as a safeguard for best execution, the Company shall not structure or charge their commissions in such a way as to discriminate unfairly between execution venues. The Companyrsquos detailed Best Execution Policy can be downloaded here . 13 Refusal To Transmit Orders 13.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions herein, you agree and understand that we have the right, at any time, without giving any notice and/or explanation, to refuse, at our discretion, to transmit any Order for execution, and that you have no right to claim any damages, specific performance or compensation whatsoever from us, in any of the following cases but not limited to: a) Whenever we deem that the transmission of the Order for execution affects or may affect in any manner the reliability or smooth operation of the Online Trading System, b) Whenever there are no available cleared funds deposited in your Account to pay all the charges and required margin relating to the said Order, c) There is absence of essential detail of the Order, d) It is impossible to proceed with an Order regarding the size or price, e) Your Order has more than one interpretation or is unclear, f) It is impossible for the Order to be executed due to condition of the market, customs of a trading volume, g) We received from you the notice on cancellation of the contract, h) Forwarding of the notice on termination of the Customer Agreement by us to you, i) If any doubt arises as to the genuineness of the Order, j) Where we suspect that you are engaged in money laundering activities or terrorist financing, k) In consequence of lawful claims or requirements of corresponding organized trading platforms, affiliates as well as in consequence of lawful claims of third parties, l) Where the legality of the Order is under doubt, m) In consequence of request of a court order, n) In the circumstances mentioned in Section 9 and Section 21, o) Where the Order is placed in a manner and form not compliant with our normal operations of business, or p) When the underlying market is closed and the Company does not receive liquidity from its execution venues. q) If your account is under investigation or has been terminated according to provision 8.7 r) If your account is, or we suspect it to be, in breach of the Terms and Conditions. 14 Confirmations and Client Reporting 14.1 We reserve the right, at our discretion, to confirm in any manner the instruction and/or Orders and/or communications sent through the Online Trading System. You accept the risk of misinterpretation and/or mistakes in the instructions and/or Orders sent by you, regardless of how they have been caused, including technical and/or mechanical damage. 14.2 Information on Order(s) status, Accounts status, Trade Confirmations and messaging facility between us and you may be available via, but not limited to, our Online Trading System. 14.3 Any notice or other communication to be provided by us under the Customer Agreement, including a trade recap, Account Statements and Trade Confirmations, will be sent to you either in electronic form by e-mail to the CFDs Customer Agreement email address which we will have on record on you or provided via our Online Trading System. You are obliged to provide us with e-mail and mailing addresses for this purpose. We are not responsible for any delay, alteration, re-direction or any other modification the message may undergo after transmission from us. 14.4 It is your responsibility to inform us of any change to your email address (or any other relevant personal information), the non-receipt of a Confirmation, or whether any Confirmations are incorrect before settlement. 14.5 We will send to you, in the method specified above in Section 14.3, a Trade Confirmation in respect of each executed Order. Such documents shall, in the absence of manifest error, be deemed conclusive unless you notify us in writing to the contrary within 48 hours of receipt of the said Trade Confirmation. In the event that you believe that we have entered into a Contract on your behalf, which should have produced a Trade Confirmation, but you have not received such Confirmation, you must inform us immediately but no later than 48 hours when you ought to have received such Confirmation. In the absence of such information the Contract may at our absolute discretion be deemed non-existent. 14.6 A statement of Account is available to you on the private zone of your account. Any confirmation or proof for any act or statement of account or certification issued by us in relation to any transaction or other matter shall be final and binding on you, unless you have any objection in relation to such statement of account or certification and the said objection is filed in writing and received by us within five (5) Business Days from the issuance of any statement of account or certification. 14.7 We may provide to you Reports for the requested date on the Balance of your Account. Such Reports can be provided within 5 (Five) Business Days from the date of receipt of the request for such Report from the Client and will be subject to a standard minimum fee. 14.8 If we hold your funds we shall send to you, upon your request, a statement of those funds. 14.9 We will provide you with an online access to your Account via our Trading System by using your Access Data, which will provide you with sufficient information in order to manage your account and reporting, therefore we may not be providing you with periodic and/or annual statements. 14.10 The Company reserves the right to charge a fixed account maintenance fee of USD 50 every three months for inactive accounts (no movements within the last three months), assuming that the account has the available funds. If the account is funded with less than USD 50 and has been inactive for the said period, the Company reserves the right to charge a lower amount to cover administrative expenses and inform the Client of the pending accountrsquos closure within the next 10 business days after this notification. In the case of account closure, this Agreement will be suspended and/or your account will be archived. 15 Assurances, Guarantees 15.1 By agreeing to be bound by this Customer Agreement, and again on each occasion that you place an Order, you state, affirm, warrant and guarantee to us as follows: a) You are placing the Order and entering into the Transaction as principal, (that is on your own behalf and not for any third person), unless you have produced to our satisfaction, a document and/or powers of attorney enabling you to act as representative and/or trustee of any third person and relevant identification documents for such third party. b) You are entering into and performance of the terms of this Customer Agreement and each Transaction does not breach, conflict with or constitute a default under any law, regulation, rule, judgment, contract or other instrument binding on you or any of your funds or assets. c) You are not subject to any restrictions in placing the Order or entering into the Transaction contemplated by the Order. d) You have taken such advice in respect of the Transaction contemplated by the Order and have not relied on any representation or information provided by us in reaching your decision to enter into the Transaction. e) You are duly authorized to and have obtained all necessary power, authorizations and approval to enter into this Customer Agreement and to sign and give Orders and to otherwise perform your obligations under this Customer Agreement. f) All the information disclosed to us in your Application Form, the documentation provided and otherwise is true and accurate and that you undertake to inform us in writing should there be any changes to the information provided. g) The documents handed over by you to us are valid and authentic and to the best of your knowledge and belief, the information provided in the Application Form and any other documentation supplied in connection with the application form, is correct, complete and not misleading and you will inform us if any changes to such details or information. h) Your funds are not in any direct or indirect way the proceeds of any illegal activity or used or intended to be used for terrorist financing. i) You are over 18 years old and of sound mind, having no legal or other obstacle prohibiting you from entering into this Customer Agreement. j) You have provided us with your investment objectives which are relevant to our Services for example whether there are any restrictions on the markets or instruments in which any Transactions will be sent for execution for you, depending on your nationality or religion. 16 Third Party Authorization to Trade 16.1 You have the right to authorize a third person to give Instructions and/or Orders to us provided you have notified us in writing, of exercising such a right and that this person is approved by us fulfilling all of our specifications for this. 16.2 Unless we receive a written notification from you for the termination of the said person39s authorization, we will continue accepting instructions and/or orders given by this person on your behalf and you will recognize such orders as valid and committing to you. 16.3 The written notification for the termination of the authorization to a third party has to be received by us with at least 5 days notice prior the termination date. PART IV ndash GENERAL PROVISONS 17 Legal Provisions 17.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Customer Agreement, in providing Services to you we shall be entitled to take any action as we consider necessary in our absolute discretion to ensure compliance with the relevant market rules and or practices and all other applicable laws. 17.2 We are authorized to disclose information relating to you and/or your Transactions as required by law and/or where we believe it is desirable for the proper management of your Account. 17.3 Under internal policies, we will keep Client records for at least five years after termination of the Customer Agreement. 17.4 Should any part of this Customer Agreement be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or illegal or contravene any rule, that part will be deemed to have been excluded from this Customer Agreement from the beginning and this Customer Agreement will be interpreted and enforced as though the provision had never been included and the legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Customer Agreement or the legality, validity or enforceability of this provision in accordance with the law and/ or regulation of any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected. 18 Introduction of Clients 18.1 Some Clients may have been introduced to the Company by a business introducer. In such case and by accepting this Customer Agreement, the Client acknowledges that: a) The business introducer is not a representative of the Company nor is it authorized to provide any guarantees or any promises with respect to the Company or its services, b) The Company shall not be liable for any type of agreement that may exist between the Client and the business introducer or for any additional costs that might result as a result of this agreement, and c) Based on a written agreement with the Company, the Company may pay a fee or a retrocession to the business introducer as defined in Section 19 (Inducements). 19 Inducements (payments to/from third parties) The Company may pay and/or receive fees/commission to/from third-parties provided that these benefits are designed to enhance the quality of the service offered to the Client and not impair compliance with the Companyrsquos duty to act in the best interests of the Client. 19.1 The Company may pay fee/commission to business introducers, referring agents, or other third parties based on a written agreement. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions and/or other parameters. 19.2 The Company may receive fees/commission as well as other remuneration from third parties based on a written agreement. The Company may receive fees/commission from the counterparty through which it executes transactions. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions executed and/or other parameters. 19.3 The Company has the obligation and undertakes to disclose further details regarding inducements upon the Clients request. 20 Communication and Notices 20.1 We may provide you with access to third party trading recommendations, market commentary or other information. Where we do so: a) this is incidental to your dealing relationship with us. It is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions and does not amount to investment advice, b) if the document contains a restriction on the person or category of persons for whom that document is intended or to whom it is distributed, you agree that you will not pass it on to any such person or category of persons, c) we give no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of completeness of such information or as to the tax consequences of any Transaction, and d) you accept that prior to dispatch, we may have acted upon it ourselves to made use of the information on which it is based. We do not make representations as to the time of receipt by you and cannot guarantee that you will receive such information at the same time as other Clients. Any published research reports or recommendations may appear in one or more screen information service. 20.2 Market commentary is subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. 21 Complaints 21.1 Enquiries can be addressed to us in two ways: through the Contact Us Section found on our website or by sending us an email as described in Section 21.2 below. On the lsquoContact Usrsquo section there is a scroll down menu named the lsquoReason you are contacting Usrsquo and the client can select ldquocomplaintrdquo from the selection list. Enquiries shall be handled, in the first instance, by the customer support department within a 72hrs time limit. If you receive a response from the customer support department but deem your enquiry to be unsolved, we encourage you to contact the compliance department which is an independent department within our Company to submit your complaint. We have put in place formal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly aiming to solve any complaint submitted to us in a fair manner without escalating it further. 21.2 Any complaint has to be submitted within five days of occurring either through the Contact Us Section or by email to complaints. globalUFX and needs to include: a) full name the Client, b) Client39s username, c) email and telephone number, d) clear description of the complaint including deal IDrsquos, and e) supporting evidence to the complaint in question (i. e. screenshots) 21.3 For authentication reasons all complaints must be sent from the same Clientrsquos email address as the one in our records. If the complaint is received later than 5 days after the event occurred, then it will be in the Companyrsquos absolute discretion to accept the complaint or not. 21.4 All complaints must be made in English in a legible and comprehensive manner containing the information stipulated in Section 21.2. Complaints that do not contain this information and/or contain abusive language will not be processed. 21.5 We will try to resolve any complaints within five business days. If your complaint requires further investigation and we cannot resolve it within five working days, we will issue our holding response within four weeks of receiving the complaint. When a holding response is sent, it will indicate when we will make further contact (which should be within eight weeks of receipt of the complaint). 21.6 The Company will send a final written response to the Client within three (3) months from the date it is received. In case a Client complaint is not settled within a three (3) month period, the company will still send a written response informing the Client about status of their complaint. 21.7 Any conflicts regarding pricing will be solved by checking the actual prices in the market at the specific time at which the error occurred. Investors should review their account statement and are responsible for reporting any mistakes found on the account within 48 hours after the issue of the statement. 21.8 Without derogating from the provisions of Section 21.1 above, it is expressly stipulated that no complaints may be made in respect of: a) a transaction or a pending order or any modification to the foregoing not accepted, rejected, deleted or reverted in accordance with the provisions of this Customer Agreement, b) any trading or account management issue arising due to error in communications either on the side of the Client or the Company or both, c) any issues arising due to unavailability of the trading facilities for maintenance and/or other technical works conducted in accordance with this Customer Agreement and/or lsquoErrorrsquo messages returned by the platform, d) any transactions made with funds generated by the Client as profit from transactions that were subsequently cancelled by the Company, e) any issues arising out the failure of the Trading Platform software/hardware in case no records on the server log-file exist to prove the Client sent instructions, or f) any differences in the prices and/or quotes provided by the Company for the respective financial instrument and any of the foregoing provided for any other financial instrument (including, without limitation, the underlying asset) and/or provided for the same and/or similar financial instrument by any other company (whether the Companyrsquos affiliate or otherwise) an erroneous price quote and/or a spike in the Companyrsquos price feed any lost and/or unrealized profits or any non-financial losses. g) Bans, account terminations, fund seizures, bonus seizures, profit seizures, refusal of services, refusal of orders or any other action or inaction by UFX in relation to situations falling under provision 8.7. 21.9 The Companyrsquos records of the Clientrsquos Trading Account, including and without limitation the server log files, shall be the absolute and indisputable proof in respect of any complaint. Without limiting generality of the foregoing, in case of a discrepancy between the trading logs on the server side and trading logs on the Clientrsquos side, the log files on the server side shall take precedence. If the server log-file has not recorded the relevant information to which the Client refers, the complaint based on this reference may not be considered. 21.10 The Client acknowledges that the Company may, at its sole discretion, prevent the Client from making any changes to the Order(s) in question during the time the respective Complaint is being reviewed. 21.11 If a decision to address the issue referred to in the Clientrsquos Complaint has been made by the Company, the Company may, at its sole and absolute discretion, choose either of the following methods: a) Open and/or close a transaction and/or pending order in question, b) Satisfy (fully or partially) Clientrsquos request as stated in the complaint, or c) Otherwise address the issue using methods, generally excepted in common market practice. 21.12 Unless expressly set forth otherwise by an applicable law, the Companyrsquos decision with respect to a Complaint shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to any appeal. 21.13 If a situation arises which is not expressly covered by a term of this Customer Agreement, we and you agree to try to resolve the matter on the basis of good faith and fairness and by taking such action as is consistent with market practice. 21.14 In the case where a settlement is reached for a complaint, the Client agrees in writing to waive any rights to past or present claims against the Company and to withdraw any negative postings, announcements, filings or other publications which could have a negative effect on the Company by signing a settlement agreement. Failure of the Client to any of the provisions contained herein, or signing the settlement agreement will result in a legal filing from the Company against the Client. Bonuses pending through promotions and/or incentives will be debited if the Client fails to sign the agreed settlement agreement. 21.15 We reserve our rights to proceed with legal actions where complaints are based on false or misleading information, evidence in support of the complaint has not been submitted in the initial claim or deliberately been withheld or any non-disclosure of information in favour of your claim. Submitting such false or misleading information is a serious offence and if as a result of this, the Company suffers reputable damages in what form so ever, we shall initiate legal action filing for redress and compensation. PART V ndash CLOSING PROVISIONS 22 Communication 22.1 You accept and understand that our official language is the English language and you should always read and refer to the main Website for all information and disclosures about us and our activities. Translation or information provided in languages other than English in our local Websites is for informational purposes only and do not bind us or have any legal effect whatsoever we have no responsibility or liability regarding the correctness of the information therein. 22.2 Unless the contrary is specifically provided, any notice, instructions, authorizations, requests, general enquiry or other communications and messages to be given by you to us under this Customer Agreement shall be in English and in writing and shall be sent to us at the contact details specified in Section 1.3. If your communication is sent by post, it must be posted by registered mail or a commercial courier service. 22.3 We reserve the right to specify any other way of communication with you. 22.4 We may monitor and/or record any electronic communications between us (including telephone calls, emails, text messages and instant messages), without the use of a tone or other warning, to provide verification of instructions and maintain the quality of our service, for training purposes and to check compliance with this Customer Agreement, our internal policies and procedures and applicable Regulations. You accept that our records of our communications will be admissible as evidence of any instruction or communication given or received by you and that these records belong to us. 22.5 You may call us between the hours of 8:00 and 17:00 (CET) on business days. If we need to contact you urgently regarding your Account we may contact you outside these times. You may use the chat facility for any enquires with our customer service desk outside of our official working hours. 22.6 Notices sent to you will be emailed to you at the email address which is registered on your Account or posted to you at the last address that you provided to us as your normal residential address or given to you through the Online Trading System. It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide us with accurate and up to date contact information. 22.7 Notices shall be deemed delivered: if sent by facsimile, upon receipt by the sender of a transmission report from its facsimile machine confirming receipt of the message by recipient39s facsimile machine, or if delivered via commercial courier service, at the date of signing of the document on receipt of such notice and shall take effect only when actually received by the recipient, provided they do not violate and are not contrary to any term of this Customer Agreement. All notices issued by first class post shall be deemed to be received seven (7) Business Days after the date of their dispatch. Notices issued by airmail shall be deemed to be received seven business days after the date of their dispatch. 23 Charges and Taxes 23.1 You acknowledge that we derive our revenue as fixed share of the spread regardless of you winning or losing deals from the counterparty through which we execute transactions. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions executed and/or other parameters. However, and as a safeguard for best execution, the Company shall not structure or charge their commissions in such a way as to discriminate unfairly between execution venues should more than one execution venue be available. For further details please refer to Section 11.23 and 19. Account maintenance fees are listed in Section 14.10. Since rollover fees depend on several market parameters (such as but not limited to the financial instrument in question, market volatility, etc) the incurred fee may change. Please refer to the ldquoTrading Conditionsrdquo sections of our website for examples. The Company does not charge any fees for transferring the funds to you, but any expenses incurred by the bank, credit card company, payment processor or e-wallet for transferring the funds shall be borne by you. For further details please refer to Section 8. 23.2 You agree to pay our charges and applicable taxes (if any) at the rates and times set out on our Website from time to time. We may vary our charges from time to time and publish them on our Website accordingly. It will remain solely your responsibility to review the relevant sections of our Website and stay informed about any changes in our charges. 23.3 We may share dealing charges (commissions) with third parties, or receive remuneration from them in respect of transactions carried out on your behalf. 23.4 You undertake to pay all stamp expenses relating to the Customer Agreement and any documentation which may be required for becoming our Client or the carrying out of the transactions under the Customer Agreement. 23.5 You shall be solely responsible for all filings, tax returns and reports on any Transactions which should be made to any relevant authority, whether governmental or otherwise and for payment of all taxes (including but not limited to any transfer or value added taxes), arising out of or in connection with any Transaction. 23.6 Commissions for deposit and/or withdraw of funds may be amended by us from time to time. It will remain solely your responsibility to review the relevant sections of our Website and stay informed about any changes in our charges In addition you will be liable for any charges made by any third party provider involved in the transfer process. 24 Information, Confidentiality, Data Protection and Privacy Policy 24.1 You agree to provide us with such information as we reasonably request from time to time to enable us to comply with applicable rules to provide the Services. Where you provide us with information, you are responsible for ensuring that it is correct and should promptly inform us in writing of any change. 24.2 We will treat your Information as confidential and will not disclose it to any person without your prior written consent or as described in Section 25.4 except for those members of our personnel who require information thereof for the performance of their duties under this Customer Agreement, or where disclosure is made necessary pursuant to a court decision or when disclosure of certain types of such information is required under the legislation and to our consultants, lawyers, auditors, provided that in each case the relevant professional shall be informed about the confidential nature of such information and commit to the confidentiality herein obligations as well. In addition, we will in particular abide by any processing of personal data laws, and any other applicable data protection laws and rules in respect of the personal data comprised in your Information, in case you are a natural person. 24.3 We may collect your information directly from you (in your completed Application Form or otherwise) or from other persons including, for example, credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and the providers of public registers. 24.4 We may use your information in order to provide, administer, tailor and improve the Services, our relationship with you and our business generally (including communicating with you and facilitating your use of the Website and/or our telephone trading facilities) to carry out credit, anti-money laundering and fraud prevention checks to exercise and/or defend our legal rights and to comply with all applicable rules and the requests of enforcement authorities in any jurisdiction. You acknowledge that we may also need to transfer your information to countries outside our home jurisdiction. 24.5 You agree that we may contact you by telephone, email or post to tell you about products or services offered by us in which you may be interested in. We will not contact you for this purpose, however, if you have informed us that you do not wish to receive such communications by contacting us. 24.6 The obligations to safeguard the confidentiality and not to disclose information do not apply to information that is in public domain or is made public not due to the Parties39 actions (or failure to act) or is in legal possession of one of the Parties and was not subject to an obligation of confidence or non-disclosure at the moment of its receipt by such Party. 25 Force Majeure 25.1 Except as expressly provided in this Customer Agreement, we will not be liable or have any responsibility for any type of loss or damage arising out of any failure, interruption, or delay in performing our obligations under this Customer Agreement where such failure, interruption or delay is due to: a) Government actions, the outbreak of war or hostilities, the threat of war, acts of terrorism, national emergency, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage, requisition, or any other international calamity or political crisis, b) Act of God, earthquake, hurricane, typhoon, flood, fire, epidemic or other natural disaster, c) Labour disputes not including disputes involving our workforce, d) Suspension of trading on a market, or the fixing of minimum or maximum prices for trading on a market, a regulatory ban on the activities of any party (unless we have caused that ban), decisions of state authorities, governing bodies of self-regulating organizations, decisions of governing bodies of organized trading platforms, e) A financial services moratorium having been declared by appropriate regulatory authorities or any other acts or regulations of any regulatory, governmental, or supranational body or authority, f) Breakdown, failure or malfunction of any electronic equipment, network and communication lines (not due to the bad faith or wilful default of ourselves), hacker attacks and other illegal actions against our server and Online Trading System, or g) Any event, act or circumstances not reasonably within our control and the effect of that event(s) is such that we are not in a position to take any reasonable action to cure the default. 25.2 In the event of force majeure, the affected Party must notify the other Party of the circumstances and of the events beyond its reasonable control within 3 business days. 25.3 In the events of force majeure we may suspend, freeze or close your positions. 26 Term And Termination 26.1 This Customer Agreement shall be valid for an indefinite time period until its termination by virtue of the provisions of Section 26 herein. 26.2 We may terminate this Customer Agreement immediately upon the occurrence of any of the events set out below: a) You fail to comply with any requirement relating to the transfer of an open investment position, b) You do not have the authority to transact business with us or to do so in the manner in which you customarily conduct business with us, c) If you become deceased, declared absent or become of unsound mind, d) Such termination is required by any competent regulatory authority or body, e) You violate any provision of the Customer Agreement, and in our opinion, the Customer Agreement cannot be implemented, f) If you fail to make any payment or fail to perform any other act required by the Customer Agreement, g) We have reliable information that a material adverse change in your financial condition has occurred or that you may not perform your obligations under the Customer Agreement or you do not give to us adequate assurance of your ability to perform your obligations within 24 hours after receipt of the relevant request from us, h) If an application is filed in respect to you for any action pursuant to any bankruptcy acts or any equivalent act, including those of another country, applicable to you or if a partnership, to one or more of the partners, or a company, a trustee, administrative receiver or similar officer is appointed, i) If an Order is made or a resolution is passed for your winding-up or administration (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), j) If any distress, execution or other process is levied against any property of you and is not removed, discharged or paid within seven days, k) If any security created by any mortgage or charge becomes enforceable against you and the mortgagee or chargee takes steps to enforce the security or charge, l) If any indebtedness of you or any of your subsidiaries becomes immediately due and payable, or capable of being declared so due and payable, prior to its stated maturity by reason of your default (or any of your subsidiaries) or you (or any of your subsidiaries) fail to discharge any indebtedness on its due date. m) You convene a meeting for the purpose of making or proposing or entering into any arrangement or composition for the benefit of your creditors, n) If any of the representations or warranties given by you are/or become untrue, o) In cases of material violation by you of the requirements established by any legislation, p) If scalping or any other unauthorized trading activity is performed on the Online Trading System, automated or manual. In this case all Transactions performed that way will be annulled and cancelled, or q) If you are classified as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or fail to provide adequate documentation with regards to the Know-Your-Client and Anti-Money-Laundry regulations the Company has to follow. r) The Company maintains a strict policy of limiting accounts to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, same payment account details (e. g. debit or credit card, Neteller, etc) and shared computer, e. g. in a public library or workplace. Duplicate registrations by the same Client are strictly forbidden and all Transactions performed by all duplicate accounts will be annulled and cancelled and all profits generated will be debited. s) The company maintains a zero-tolerance policy for abusive trading strategies, fraudulent activities, manipulation, or any other scams. Such activities include, but are not limited to, misuse of deposited and promotional/bonus funds, swap arbitrage, bonus arbitrage, cash-backs, internal or external hedging, the use of any automated trading system and/or software (ldquotrading robots, rdquo ldquoexpert advisors, rdquo etc.). If we deem there to be any such activities in relation to the Clientrsquos trading account, we reserve the right to annul and cancel any or all of your past Transactions and debit all generated profits. 26.3 This Customer Agreement may be terminated by either you or us at any time by sending a written notice. As a result of termination of this Customer39 Agreement, your Account will be closed. 26.4 Your termination of this Customer Agreement will not affect any obligation or liability that you may then have to us, including any liability or short position you may have arising from or in connection with transactions initiated prior to the termination. Subject to Section 27 herein we will complete Transactions which are in progress at termination as soon as reasonably practicable. 26.5 If any of the described in Section 26.2 occurs, then we may at our discretion at any time that event (without prejudice to any other right we may have) and without notice to you, take any one or more of the following actions: a) Terminate this Customer Agreement, b) On your behalf and in your name, suspend, freeze or close out all or any or your open investment positions, c) Convert any currency, d) Apply any of your cash and the proceeds of any Transaction in satisfaction of the amount owing to us, including amounts due in respect of settlement, fees, commissions and interest, e) Keep such Client39s funds as necessary to close positions which have already been opened and/or pay any pending obligations you have, including, without limitation, the payment of any amount which you owe to us under the Customer Agreement, or f) Close your Account, g) Annul or cancel any or all your past Transactions and debit all generated profits. 26.6 We reserve the right to combine any accounts opened in your name, to consolidate the Balances in such accounts and to set off those Balances. 26.7 If there is Balance in your favor, we will (after withholding such amounts that we in our absolute discretion consider appropriate in respect of future liabilities) pay such Balance to you as soon as reasonably practicable and supply you with a statement showing how that Balance was arrived at and, where appropriate, instruct any Nominee or/and any custodian to also pay any applicable amounts. Such funds shall be delivered in accordance to your instructions, but we have the right to refuse transfer of your funds to a third party. 27 Applicable Governing Law And Jurisdiction 27.1 If a settlement is not reached by the means described in Section 21 of this Customer Agreement, all disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with the Customer Agreement shall be finally settled in an arbitration courtin the United Kindgom. 27.2 This Customer Agreement and all transactional relations between you and us are governed by international commercial law and/or industry practice. 27.3 We shall be entitled to take or omit to take any measures which we consider desirable in view of compliance with the laws and regulations in force at the time. Any such measures as may be taken and all the laws and regulations in force shall be binding on you. 28 Third Parties 28.1 We may at any time transfer, assign or novate any of our rights, benefits or obligations under this Customer Agreement subject to providing notification to you. 28.2 Your rights and obligations under this Customer Agreement are personal to you and are not capable of transfer, assignment or novation. 28.3 You are fully aware that the Company merely acts as an agent in the service described under UFX Debit Card enabling the Client to enter into direct business terms with the Debit Card Issuer. Once the Client follows the link embedded on the Companyrsquos Website and accepts the business terms of the Debit Card Issuer, the debit card services will be provided from a secured server hosted by the Debit Card Issuer and may not be subject to control by the Company or any government regulation equal in standard and/or scope to the one we adhere to. 28.4 You are fully aware that investment information which may be announced by us to you from time to time or on a regular basis is not necessarily the result of investment research conducted by us. Where such investment research is outsourced from our operations, we shall undertake every effort as to monitor the level and standard of diligence to which such research is undertaken but cannot guarantee that the provider is subject to control by the government or any regulatory authority equal in standard and/or scope to the one we adhere to. Facts, opinions and any further findings or omissions thereof do not represent the views of the Company and we cannot be held liable for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly from any third party research which you rely on in making an investment decision. 28.5 You are fully aware that when you are assigning rights to third parties (for example money managers, trading robots, signal providers, etc) we shall only provide our Services to you as described in Section 3 and your assignment of services to third parties shall be solely your responsibility. Any facts, opinions, findings, services or omissions thereof do not represent the views and services of the Company and we cannot be held liable for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly from any third party assignments. PART VI ndash DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS In this Customer Agreement the following words shall have the corresponding meanings: Access Codes . Your login and password given to you by us in order to have access on our Online Trading System or Website (where applicable). Access Data . Your Access Codes, your Account number and any information required to make Orders with us in any way. Account . Any transaction account which we may open for you on our records to allow you trade in Financial Instruments as defined below. Applicable Regulations . (a) the rules of the relevant market and (c) all other applicable laws, rules and regulations as in force from time to time in any jurisdiction. Application Form . The application form completed by you to apply for our Services (via which we will obtain amongst other things necessary information for your identification and due diligence and your categorization in accordance with the laws). Autochartist Limited . The Company shall act as an agent when enabling the Client to enter into business terms with Autochartist Limited. Balance . The total sum on your Account after the last transaction made within any period of time. Base currency . The first currency in the currency pair. Bonus Terms . The conditions as advertised in marketing campaigns from time to time that have to be fulfilled in order to receive the bonus incentive and in accordance with Section 8 of this Customer Agreement to qualify for a payout of such incentive. Business Day . Any day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, or the 25th of December, or the 1st of January. CFDs . A spot and/or forward Contract for Difference on the following underlyings: Currencies (Spot FOREX), Metals, Commodities, Futures, Options, Forwards, Stocks, Indices. Customer Agreement . This Agreement between us and you which also includes the following documents to be found on our Website: (a) Costs and Fees, (b) Contract Specifications, (c) General Risk Disclosure. Client Money Rules . The rules relating to Client money as set out by our Regulator. Contract Specifications . Each lot size or each type of Underlying in a Financial Instrument offered by us as well as all necessary trading information concerning spreads, swaps, margin requirements etc, as determined by us from time to time in our Website. Currency of the Account . The currency that you choose when opening an Account with us or converted into at your choice after the opening the Account. Currency Pair . Consists of two currencies (the Quote Currency and the Base Currency) and shows how much of the Quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the Base Currency. Debit Card Issuer . The Company shall act as an agent when enabling the Client to enter into business terms with the issuer of the Debit Card. Currently Clients can enter into business terms with Payoneer Payment Solutions Ltd who is licensed by MasterCard. Financial Instrument(s) . CFDs, NDFs and Rolling Spot. Liquidity Providers . The Company shall act as agent of the Client (principal) when receiving and transmitting orders. The Company will be transmitting your Orders for execution to another broker(s), and such broker(s) may be transmitting the orders received by us to other liquidity providers. These broker(s) are not necessarily operating in a regulated market. Leverage . A ratio in respect of Transaction size and initial margin. 1:200 ratio means that in order to open a position, the initial margin is two hundred times less than the Transactions size. Margin . The necessary guarantee funds to open positions or to maintain open positions, as determined in the Contract Specifications for each Underlying in a Financial Instrument. NDFs . Non-Deliverable Forwards and has the same meaning as CFDs. Nominee . Any company as we may appoint as our Nominee from time to time, which is a member of our group whose principal function is to hold funds acquired by our Clients. Online Trading System . Any software used by us which includes the aggregate of our computer devices, software, databases, telecommunication hardware, a trading platform, making it possible for you to obtain information of markets in real time, make technical analysis on the markets, enter into Transactions, place/modify/delete Orders, receive notices from us and keep record of Transactions. Open Position . A deal of purchase/sale not covered by the opposite sale/ purchase of the contract. Order . An instruction by you to us in Financial Instruments available for Transactions on our Trading Platform. Parties . The parties to this Customer Agreement - you and us. Pending order . Order for buy or sell a Financial Instrument at the price different from the market price. Quote . The information of the currency price for a specific Underlying of a Financial Instrument, in the form of the bid and ask prices. Quote Currency . The second currency in the currency pair. Rolling Spot . Has the same meaning as CFDs. Rules . Laws, articles, regulations, directives, procedures and customs as in force from time to time. Scalping . Refers to the opening and closing of a position within seconds. We have a one minute minimum time interval between opening and closing trades. Services . The services provided by us under this Customer Agreement as specified in Section 3. Slippage : This term refers to the difference between the expected price and the price at which the trade is actually executed. Spread . The difference between the ask and the bid prices of an Underlying in a Financial Instrument at that same moment. Stop Loss . means an offer to close a transaction at a price determined in advance by the Client which, in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to buy a specific number of a certain instrument, is lower than the opening transaction price, and in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to sell a specific number of a certain instrument, is higher than the opening transaction price. Stop Out . Situation when we execute the right to close all your open positions at current market price or the last available price and your equity divided by balance falls below the stop out level specified for your account type. Swap or Rollover . The interest added or deducted for holding a position open overnight. Swap Rates . The rate of the fixed portion of a swap, at which the swap will occur for one of the parties entering into a Financial Instrument. Take Profit . means an offer to close a transaction at a price determined in advance by the Client which, in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to buy a specific number of a certain instrument, is higher than the opening transaction price, and in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to sell a specific number of a certain instrument, is lower than the opening transaction price. Trade Confirmation . A message from us to you confirming the transmission for execution of your Order. Trading Signals . The Company shall act as an agent when enabling the Client to enter into business terms with iSignals GmbH. Transaction . Any dealing in a Financial Instrument. Subjacente. Forward and/or futures contracts on Currencies (Spot FOREX), Metal, Commodities, Futures, Options, Forwards, Stocks, Indices. We (our, us) . UFX is a globally operating brand and includes any of our affiliated companies Website . UFX or any other Website of the Companyrsquos trade names, as we may from time to time notify to you. You . The Client(s) who is (are) the holder(s) of the Account. Your Information . Any information that we receive from you or otherwise obtain which relates to you, your Account or our provision or your use of the Services. Last updated on October 13, 2016 UFX Terms and Conditions PART I ndash OPENING PROVISIONS 1 Parties To This Customer Agreement 1.1 This Customer Agreement is made between Reliantco Investments Limited, a Company duly registered under the Cyprus company law with Registration Number HE 270726, who is the holder of the trade name UFX (hereinafter ldquothe Companyrdquo or quotWequot or quotUsquot) and the persons who has completed the Application Form and whose application we have accepted. 1.2 The relationship between the Client and the Company shall be governed by this Agreement. As this Agreement is a distance contract, it is amongst others, governed by the Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Law N.242(I)/2004 implementing the EU directive 2002/65/EC, under which signing the Agreement is not required and the Agreement has the same judicial power and rights as a regular signed one. In case you, the client, wish to have a signed agreement, you are requested to print and send 2 (two) signed to the Company, where the Company will sign and stamp the Agreements and send a copy back to you. 1.3 The Company is authorized and regulated in Cyprus by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (ldquoCySECrdquo or the ldquoRegulatorrdquo) and subject to CySEC Rules. The license number is 127/10. 1.4 The Company is located in Cyprus, with its head office at139 Makarios III Avenue amp Avgyriou Eftalioti Street, Zavos Business Center 3rd Floor, 3021 Limassol, Cyprus, Tel 357 25 03 03 14, Fax 357 25 72 30 76, Email: info. cyUFX. 2 Effect Of The Agreement 2.1 This Customer Agreement takes effect when you accept it online on our Website and when we confirm to you in writing and/or electronic means that your Account has been opened and we accepted you as our Client. 2.2 By continuing to place orders with us, you agree to continue to be bound by this Customer Agreement, which supersedes all other Agreements and terms of business which may previously have been in place between us. 2.3 We shall not be required and may be unable under regulatory rules to accept you as a Client until all Know-Your-Client and Anti-Money-Laundry documentation we require has been received by us and we reserve the right that until we have received all such documentation, properly completed by you, your account will not be enabled for trading. 2.4 Please be aware that we do not accept residents of the following countries: AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, CANADA, BELGIUM. US citizens or US residents are strictly not accepted as clients due to US Securities and Exchange Commission (ldquoSECrdquo) rules. 3 Scope of Services 3.1 From the date on which your Account is activated we will, as authorized by our Regulator: (a) Receive and transmit orders for you in Financial Instruments, (b) Provide foreign currency services provided they are associated with the provision of the Investment Service of Section 3.1 (a) herein, (c) Provide for safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of Clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management, (d) Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendations relating to transactions in financial instruments. 3.2 You acknowledge that our Services do not include the provision of investment advice. Any investment information as may be announced by the Company to you does not constitute investment advice but merely aims to assist you in investment decision making. It is also understood and accepted that we shall bear absolutely no responsibility, regardless of the circumstances, for any such investment strategy, transaction, investment or information. 3.3 We will not advise you about the merits of a particular Transaction and you alone will make trading and other decisions based on your own judgment for which you may wish to seek independent advice before entering into. In asking us to enter into any Transaction, you represent that you have been solely responsible for making your own independent appraisal and investigation into the risks of the Transaction. You represent that you have sufficient knowledge, market sophistication, professional advice and experience to make your own evaluation of the merits and risks of any Transaction. 3.4 We are obliged under applicable regulations to obtain information about your knowledge and experience in the investment field so that we can assess whether the service or product envisaged is appropriate for you. We shall assume that information about your knowledge and experience is accurate and shall bear no responsibility if such information is inaccurate or changes without informing us and as a result we will not be able to follow our regulatory requirements of appropriateness and suitability. If you fail to provide sufficient information in this regard (or fail to provide any information), we will not be able to assess whether you have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks involved. If you still wish us to proceed on your behalf, we may do so, but we shall not be able to determine whether trading in CFDs is appropriate for you. Consequently, we strongly advise you to provide us with any requested information which we believe to be necessary for the purpose of enabling us to assess the appropriateness of our products for you. 3.5 Following the implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in the European Union and in accordance with the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 (Law 144(I)/2007) in Cyprus, we are informing you that we only accepted Clients in the category of ldquoRetail Clientrdquo and you accept our Customer Agreement as such. The Company may, at the written request of the Client and subject to internal approval, either 1) treat an Eligible Counterparty as a Professional or Retail Client, or 2) treat a Retail Client as a Professional Client. Further information with regards to MiFID can be found under: eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ. douriCELEX:32004L0039:EN:HTML. Further information with regards to Law 144 can be found under: cysec. gov. cy/Downloads/LawsRegulations/L20144(I)-2007EN. pdf . 3.6 The Company, at the Clientrsquos written request may re-categorise a ldquoRetail Clientrdquo as a ldquoProfessional Clientrdquo or ldquoEligible Counterpartyrdquo and thus the Client will be subjected to a lower level of protection. The Company, at its own discretion, may approve or reject such a request for re-categorisation. 3.7 The Company may offer the Client a free subscription for receiving trading signals in which case the Clientrsquos contact details shall be automatically forwarded to iSignals unless otherwise instructed by the Client. iSignals shall only be forwarded the Clientrsquos telephone number for receiving trading alerts by phone and the plug-in on the trading platform shall be enabled, therefor any signals received cannot constitute personal recommendations. Signals issued by iSignals shall be deemed to be general recommendations or market research only not taking into account the suitability for each individual Client. By accepting to receive the trading signals, the Client agrees and consents to the terms and conditions of iSignals GmbH as can be found on their website at alliancesignals. It is understood and accepted that we shall bear absolutely no responsibility regardless of the circumstances for any such trading signals of failings thereof. By continuing to receive the services of iSignals GmbH you continue to agree to their terms and conditions. In case a Client wants to opt-out of this service the Company has to be informed in writing. 3.8 We may, from time to time in our absolute discretion, withdraw the whole or any part of the Services on a temporary or permanent basis. 4 Client Consents 4.1 You agree and understand that you will not be entitled to delivery of, or be required to deliver, the Underlying of the Financial Instrument, nor ownership thereof or any other interest therein. 4.2 You agree and understand that no interest shall be due on the money we hold in your Account. 4.3 You agree and understand that we will affect any Transactions with you as an agent. Thus we will be transmitting your Orders for execution to another broker(s), and such broker(s) may be transmitting the orders received by us to other liquidity providers. These broker(s) are not necessarily operating in a regulated market. We are receiving set prices for the financial instruments you can trade on our platform and have no means of amending or requoting them. 4.4 You agree and understand that CFDs trading is not done in a regulated market. 4.5 You solemnly declare that you have carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the Customer Agreement herein with which you fully and unreservedly agree. 4.6 You solemnly declare that you have read, understood found satisfactory and accept as an integral part of this Customer Agreement the following information provided on our Website: a) Risk Warnings and Risk Disclosures, and b) Trading Conditions 4.7 You specifically consent to the provision of the information of Section 4.6 by means of our Website. 4.8 You confirm that you have regular access to the internet and consent to us providing you with information, including, without limitation, information about amendments to our Customer Agreement, costs, fees, policies and information about the nature and risks of investments by posting such information on our Website. 4.9 You acknowledge that a variation which is made to reflect a change of law or regulation may, if necessary, take effect immediately without prior notice. We may vary this Customer Agreement at any time and it remains solely your responsibility to stay informed about any changes. The latest version of our Customer Agreement is available for access on our Website. 4.10 Your trading account must be established for trading purposes only. The Company is not a bank, nor does it keep deposits as a bank. We keep deposits only to maintain margins supporting the trading account and trading activities. 4.11 The company maintains a zero-tolerance policy for abusive trading strategies, fraudulent activities, manipulation or any other scams. Such activities include but are not limited to misuse of deposited and promotional/bonus funds, swap arbitrage, bonus arbitrage, cash-backs, internal or external hedging, the use of any automated trading system and/or software (ldquotrading robotsrdquo, ldquoexpert advisorsrdquo, etc). If we deem there to be any of such activities, we reserve the right to annul and cancel any or all your past Transactions and debit all generated profits. 5 Risk Warning 5.1 You unreservedly acknowledge and accept that: a) You run a great risk of incurring losses and damages as a result of trading in CFDs and/or Financial Instruments and accept and declare that you are willing to undertake this risk. The damages may include loss of all your money and also any additional commissions and other expenses, b) CFDs and/or Financial Instruments carry a high degree of risk. The gearing or leverage obtainable in CFDs and/or Financial Instruments trading means that a small deposit or down payment can lead to large losses as well as gains. It also means that a relatively small movement can lead to a proportionately larger movement in the value of your investment and this can work against you as well as for you. CFDs and/or Financial Instruments Transactions have a contingent liability and you should be aware of the implications of this in particular the margining requirements, c) When trading in CFDs and/or Financial Instruments you are trading on the outcome of the price of an Underlying and that trading does not occur on a regulated market but over-the-counter (OTC), d) Before deciding to trade on margin you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite, e) You have chosen the particular type of service and financial instrument, taking your total financial circumstances into consideration which you consider reasonable under such circumstances, and f) There are risks associated with use of online deal execution and trading systems including, but not limited to, software and hardware failure and internet disconnection. The Company is not responsible for such losses or failures. 5.2 The Company shall not be responsible for any loss arising from any investment based on any recommendation, forecast or other information provided. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this Website are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice. The Company will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. 5.3 The contents of any report provided should not be construed as an express or implied promise, as a guarantee or implication that Clients will profit from the strategies herein, or as a guarantee that losses in connection therewith can, or will be limited. 5.4 Trades in accordance with the recommendations in an analysis, especially leveraged investments can be very speculative and may result in profits, as well as losses, especially if the conditions mentioned in the analysis do not occur as anticipated. 5.5 In case of any fault in pricing process, typing errors, entering errors and quoting errors through the electronic trading system and/or phone, the Company has full right to make any necessary modifications to the investor39s trading account in which the mistake took place. 5.6 If you do not understand the risks involved in trading foreign exchange or leveraged Financial Instruments, please do not trade. 5.7 Investor and deposit protection schemes are available. For further up-to-date information about such schemes please refer to the publically accessible websites of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and the Central Bank of Cyprus. 6 Liability 6.1 You agree that we shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect, incidental or special loss (including loss of profits and trading losses) that result from your use of the Services even if you have advised us of the possibility of such loss. Consequential loss includes pure economic loss, loss of profit, loss of business and likely loss whether direct or indirect. 6.2 Otherwise than through our negligence or wilful default, we will not be liable for any losses, damages or claims that result directly or indirectly from any person obtaining any access data that we have issued to you prior to you reporting to us the misuse of your access data. 6.3 We will not be liable to you for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly from any research which you rely on in making an Order whether published by us or not. 6.4 We will not be liable to you for any losses, damages or claims, which result directly or indirectly from a delay transmitting any Order. 6.5 We will not be liable to you for any losses, damages or claims, which result directly or indirectly from any changes in the rates of tax. 6.6 We will not be liable for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly if we fail to receive any documents sent in respect of your Account or any funds held on your behalf, or if you fail to receive any such documentation which we may forward to you. 6.7 Nothing in this Customer Agreement shall be taken to restrict or exclude any duty or liability which we may owe you under the Regulations. 6.8 You agree to indemnify us against any loss, liability, cost, claim, action, demand or expense incurred or made against us in connection with the proper performance of your obligations under this Customer Agreement except where that loss, liability, cost, claim, action, demand or expense arises from our negligence, fraud or wilful default or that of our employees. 6.9 Our failure to seek redress for violations, or to insist upon strict performance, of any condition or provision of this Customer Agreement or our failure to exercise any right or remedy to which we are entitled under this Customer Agreement, shall not constitute an implied waiver thereof. PART II - FUNDS 7 Client Money 7.1 When handling your funds (ldquoClient Fundsrdquo) we are taking all possible measures to ensure that your funds are held in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations governing ldquoClient Funds. rdquo Unless otherwise agreed with you in writing, we will deal with any funds that we hold in your Account in accordance with the Regulatorrsquos Client Money Rules. All Client Funds deposited for the provision of Investment Services shall be held in a segregated account(s) (omnibus account) under the name ldquoClient Accountrdquo together with money of other Clients. All amounts handed over by the Client to the Company or which the Company holds on behalf of the Client, for the provision of Investment Services, shall be held in the name of the Client and/or in the name of the Company on behalf of the Client in an account. This means that your funds will be segregated from our own money and cannot be used in the course of our business. 7.2 We may hold your money and the money of other Clients in the same Client Funds bank account (omnibus account). In this case we will ensure that your funds are identified and segregated from other Clientsrsquo funds and from our own funds through our back office and accounting system. 7.3 We aim to hold your money only in EEA regulated financial institutions which have client money rules similar to ours and are supervised by regulatory authorities of equivalent status to ours. However, in the unlikely event that your money will be held in a bank or electronic payment provider/processor authorised and regulated in a third country, the Company shall specify these on its Website. While the Company shall attempt to ensure that banks authorised in a third country uphold standards equivalent to EEA-regulated institutions, the legal and regulatory regime applying to any such institution may be different from that of Cyprus and or any other EEA country in the event of the insolvency or any other analogous proceedings relating to that bank or person, your money may be treated differently than if it were held with a bank in an account in Cyprus or any other EEA country. 7.4 We do not hold clientsrsquo funds in unregulated financial institutions. We may however pass on clientsrsquo money to any regulated third party such as a bank, a market maker or liquidity provider, merchant, e-wallet, intermediate broker, OTC counterparty, an exchange, a clearing house or an intermediate broker to hold and control Client Funds where the Execution Venue requires the transfers of the such Client Funds (a) for the purposes of a transaction for the Client through or with that person or (b) (e. g. a bank, a market maker or liquidity provider, merchant, e-wallet, intermediate broker, OTC counterparty or clearing house) to hold or control in order to effect a Transaction through or with that person or to satisfy your obligation to provide collateral (e. g. initial margin requirement) in respect of a Transaction. We carry out annual risk assessments of all regulated third parties we work with, but are not liable for any acts or omissions of any regulated third party to whom we transfer any money received from you. The regulated third party to which we transfer money may hold it in an omnibus account and it may not be possible to separate it from our money, or the third party39s money depending on the third partyrsquos regulatory provisions. In the event of an insolvency or any other analogous proceedings in relation to that regulated third party, we may only have an unsecured claim against the regulated third party on your behalf and on behalf of our other Clients, and you may be exposed to the risk that the money received by us from the regulated third party is insufficient to satisfy the claims of you and all other Clients with claims in respect of the relevant account. The Company accepts no responsibility for any funds not deposited directly into the Company39s bank accounts, for losses incurred directly or as a result of delays and/or failures to deposit/remit funds through affiliated and/or third parties. 7.5 We shall not pay interest on Client money that is credited or deposited into the segregated Client Account(s) by the Company, and we may place your money in overnight deposits and you hereby consent that we are permitted to keep any interest accrued. We may deposit your money with a depository which may apply a security interest, lien, or right of set-off to the funds. 7.6 Upon signing or acceptance of the Customer Agreement, you hereby authorize the Company to process any deposits and withdrawals from the ldquoClient Fundsrdquo Bank Account on behalf of the Company including, and without prejudice to the generality of the above, withdrawals for the settlement of all transactions undertaken under the Customer Agreement and all amounts which are payable by or on behalf of the Client to the Company or any other person. 7.7 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and the Client, the Company may, at its discretion, from time to time, and without the Client39s authorization, set-off any amounts held on behalf of the Client and/or to the credit of the Client against the Client39s obligation to the Company or its Broker(s). Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company and the Client, this Agreement shall not give rise to rights of any credit facilities. 8A Funding and Withdrawals of the Clients Account 8.1 You may fund your Account by credit or debit card, wire transfers or SEPA transfers, e-wallets or other similar methods of money transfer acceptable by the Company or any of its affiliated companies from time to time in its absolute discretion. We do not guarantee that all the transfer methods are available to be used in your country. Transfers to fund your account can only be initiated by you either 1) through the trading platform or 2) through the assistance of a tele operator subject to your express consent. 8.2 The minimum initial deposit required so as to start trading is described in the lsquoAccountsrsquo section of our Website. At our discretion we can allow you to start trading if you have transferred fewer funds than the minimum initial deposit. We reserve ourselves the right to refuse cash deposits and/or trading account access due to said cash deposits. 8.3 You may request to withdraw funds deposited from your account as per the procedure described in the withdrawals section of the website, subject to delivering to us the required documents. If your withdrawal request is made to us without meeting all requirements, the Company reserves itself absolute discretion to execute this withdrawal request until all legal requirements are met. The Company does not charge any fees for transferring withdrawal funds to you, but any expenses incurred by the bank, credit card company, payment processor, or e-wallet for transferring the withdrawn funds shall be borne by you please refer to the relevant section on our website. The maximum amount that can be transferred to your initial deposit facility is equal to the initial deposit made profits made can only be transferred to your bank account. 8.4 The Client may withdraw funds deposited to his Account and/or profit gained through trading transactions from his Accounts only to the relevant account or card from which he had used to fund his Account (such account to be called ldquoOriginating Account/Cardrdquo. Transfers (withdrawals) of funds to accounts/cards other than the Originating Account/Card is allowed at the Company39s absolute discretion and provided the Company is satisfied that there is a reasonable justification for transmitting the funds to a different account. The minimum withdrawal amount is USD 25, unless otherwise stated. 8.5 The Client is fully responsible for the payment details given to the Company and the Company accepts no responsibility for the Client39s funds, if the details provided by the Client are incorrect. If a withdrawal request is made to a bank account, the Client has one month from the date of the withdrawal request to provide his bank details. If one month has passed without obtaining sufficient and appropriate information, the funds will be returned to his trading account and a new withdrawal request must be submitted. 8.6 The Company will effect withdrawals of Client funds only when the identity of the Client is verified by the valid Know-Your-Client and Anti-Money-Laundry documentation. 8.7A We shall make any payments due to you in such a manner as we deem appropriate in the circumstances and maintain a Zero-Tolerance policy for any violations of these Terms and Conditions such as, but not limited to, any fraudulent credit/debit card use, credit/debit card chargebacks, or other processor chargebacks (regardless of when the transaction or chargeback occurred), in which case all accounts will be immediately and irrevocably terminated. Any open trades associated with the account will be immediately closed and future trades will be refused as per provision 13.1.q of the TampC. You acknowledge that we are not required to provide you notice before closing your trades and/or account but may choose to do so. 8.7B In cases of suspected ldquoFriendly Fraudrdquo such as an unwarranted chargeback claim against a legitimate transaction, you acknowledge that, in addition to the rights mentioned in provision 8.7A, the Company also reserves the right to: a)Immediately, irrevocably and indefinitely ban you - and all third parties you have authorised to act on your behalf - from using our services. We reserve the right to implement bans on: i. All IP addresses used to access or otherwise associated with your account. Ii. Your own and your authorised third partiesrsquo registered postal and billing addresses transmitted during the account verification process. Iii. Your own and your authorised third partiesrsquo names and last names and all other identification details as they appear on the identification documents submitted during the account verification process. iv. Any other identifying elements we may find appropriate and effective. All bans will be final and non-negotiable. b) Recover the chargeback amount(s) from your accountrsquos remaining balance. c) Seize from your accountrsquos remaining balance the total sum of profits. d) Seize from your accountrsquos remaining balance any given bonuses. e) Notify all relevant credit issuers and credit rating institutions. f) Pursue criminal proceedings against you for credit card fraud. g) Initiate civil proceedings against you for redress, compensation and recovery of any and all incurred losses and damages, including damages to reputation, directly or indirectly related to fraudulent chargebacks. 8.7C Provided that we find provision 8.7.B to be adequately satisfied, any positive balance left in your account will be refunded to the point of origin of the funds. You acknowledge that we are not required to provide you notice before proceeding with the refund, but may choose to do so. 8B Promotions and Incentives 8.8 Clients with open trades who have not logged in for more than one week and/or never made a deposit will have their open positions automatically closed each weekend the funds will be debited from their account. The Company accepts no liability or responsibility regarding the financial outcome resulting from the automatic closure of the aforementioned open positions. 8.9 The Company, from time to time, and at our sole discretion, may offer several types of promotions and/or incentives through which Clients can earn specified rewards upon reaching or by completing pre-defined targets. ldquoPromotionsrdquo are schemes which the Company runs repeatedly with the same or similar mechanisms whilst ldquoincentivesrdquo (or competitions) are specific one-off schemes (for example but not limited to Christmas gifts) usually open to Clients only subject to invitation and respective confirmations. Clients who have not deposited any funds cannot be entitled to any bonus, or any other similar incentives which may be available under any promotion or incentive offered by the Company. 8.10 Joining promotions will be subject to specific conditions applied as listed below in Section 8.12 however the conditions applicable for the specific one-off incentives are/will be issued in the incentive announcement. When joining promotions and/or incentives all other terms of this Agreement apply unless expressly and specifically excluded. Conditions apply for the duration of the promotion/incentive only and may be subject to change without any notice. 8.11 Any suspected breach, violation, or abuse of this Agreement and/or the specific conditions may lead, without prejudice to any other right we may have under this Agreement or Regulations, to the immediate cancellation and withdrawal debit of all bonuses. 8.12 Promotions and incentives are subject to availability and might not be offered to all clients. By participating in the promotions and incentives you continue to accept our Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change promotions and/or incentives, conditions, withdraw or annul any scheme without prior notice. A. Deposit Bonus (Pending Bonus) (a) Subject to the deposit method, bonuses receive instant or managersrsquo approval. Bonuses subject to managersrsquo approval will only be visible in your bonus wallet once approved. (b) Some bonus promotions might include a time window for which new deposits are eligible to receive a bonus and shall accordingly be announced in the terms of the respective promotion. In case no specific time window is stipulated, all deposit requests have to be received within the first 24 hours the first deposit was approved under the respective bonus promotion to be eligible for a bonus. (c) The respective bonus promotion shall indicate the bonus to be granted with each approved deposit. In case no specific terms are issued, the bonus shall be 30. (d) The required trading volume is based on the cumulative bonus amount and updated each time a bonus is issued. (e) Your bonus will be automatically released to your account balance when your leveraged trading volume reaches a specified multiplier on the granted bonus within a period of 60 days. In case the respective bonus promotion does not stipulate different terms, this multiplier shall be USD 10,000. For example, if you have a bonus of USD 300, you need to trade a total volume of USD 3,000,000 for it to be released. If you are subsequently granted another bonus of USD 200, your required trading volume will be USD 5,000,000 to release all bonus funds. (f) When the bonus is released, it will be automatically credited to your account balance and can be withdrawn immediately. (g) Bonus funds cannot be used for trading until they are added to your account balance. (h) The bonus wallet cannot exceed USD 10,000 unless otherwise stipulated in the respective bonus promotion. (i) Deposited funds (excluding the bonus) can be withdrawn at any time. (j) The Company reserves its right to amend and/or cancel the conditions of its bonus promotions at any time and it shall be the responsibility of the Client to update himself accordingly. By continuing to participate in the bonus promotions you agree to their terms and conditions. The Redeposit bonus may be issued in different bonus levels, the below example refers to the 20 all other levels follow the same mechanism. Subject to joining the redeposit bonus promotion, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Subject to the deposit method, bonuses receive instant or managersrsquo approval. Bonuses will be visible only once approved. (b) The required trading volume is based on the cumulative bonus amount and updated each time a bonus is issued. (c) You can withdraw your entire bonus amount and the profits generated with it when your leveraged trading volume reaches a multiplier of USD 10,000. For example, if you make a redeposit of USD 1,000, your 20 bonus will be USD 200 and you need to trade a total volume of USD 2,000,000 for it to be withdrawable. If you are subsequently granted another bonus of USD 200, your required total trading volume from the moment of receiving the first bonus will remain USD 2,000,000. Once this volume is reached, the initial amount of your bonus funds will become withdrawable. To release the follow-up bonus, you will have to complete another trading volume of USD 2,000,000. (d) Deposited funds and profits can be withdrawn at any time the bonus can be withdrawn only when fulfilling the bonus conditions described above. For example, if you were to deposit USD 10,000 and participate in our 20 bonus promotion, you would receive a bonus amount of USD 2,000 in your trading account. Considering the option that you made a trading profit of USD 1,000, your total account balance would be USD 13,000. If you were to submit a withdrawal request before meeting the required volume, you would be able to withdraw your initial deposit of USD 10,000 and your full trading profit of USD 1,000. Your total withdrawals would be USD 11,000. If, instead of a profit, you would incur a loss of USD 1,000 and submit a withdrawal request before meeting the required volume, you would be able to withdraw USD 9,000. (e) The bonus cannot exceed USD 10,000 unless otherwise stipulated in the respective bonus promotion. (f) The Companyrsquos normal terms and conditions apply and we reserve our right to amend and/or cancel the conditions of any bonus promotions at any time. By continuing to participate in the bonus promotions you agree to their terms and conditions. Subject to joining the rebate bonus promotion, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Our rebate bonus scheme will allow you to claim real cash back money when specified targets (such as for example but not limited: volume, rebate per trade, etc) amounts are completed before the promotionrsquos expiration time. Targets are applicable as per the specific rebate promotion. (b) The rebate bonus scheme may apply to all financial instruments or to specific ones from time to time the rebate amount available per financial instruments is indicated in each asset box on your trading terminal and will be added to your cashback wallet at the opening of a new trade. (c) As soon as you completed the required target, you will be able to manually claim the accumulated cashback amount. You will have to claim the cashback by clicking the relevant button in the cashback wallet. (d) The claimed amount will be transferred to your account and will be available for immediate withdrawal without any additional requirements. (e) If the expiration time is reached before the targets are completed, we may inform you of three options, as applicable: Get extra time, or Assign a new target and carry over the accumulated cashback amount. (f) Extra time, if offered, will only be offered one time per target. If you chose to switch to a new target, you may carry over your accumulated cashback. (g) As long as you have a completed the target but an unclaimed cashback, no additional promotion will be issued to you. If you reach your target and wish to participate in a new promotion, you will have to first claim the cashback money from the previous promotion. Clients trading through our dealing room will have to claim the cashback on the trading platform. (h) You make a redeposit to an existing promotion without changing your target(s). (i) Total lifetime cashback amount is limited to 30 of the deposit at the start of the promotion with a bonus maximum of USD 5,000 (five thousand). New targets will not be assigned when the maximum bonus level is reached. (j) The rebate bonus promotion is subject to availability and might not be available for all clients. By participating in this bonus promotion you continue to accept our Terms and Conditions. We have the right to change the present Terms and Conditions, withdraw or annul the bonus promotion at any time without prior notice. (k) If the Client chose to participate in the Redeposit Bonus programme, he/she will be prohibited from any further participation in the Rebate Bonus programme, and any outstanding cashback earned via the Rebate Bonus will be cancelled. If a Client has been restricted from participating in the Rebate Bonus programme and wishes to cancel his/her enrolment in the Redeposit Bonus programme, he/she may do so by submitting a request at any time, subject to the Company39s approval. In cases where the Client receives approval from the Company to terminate his/her enrolment in the Redeposit Bonus programme, the Redeposit Bonus amount will be debited from his/her trading account if the required volume has not yet been completed. (a) Clients are eligible to participate in the phone verification bonus by following the relevant promotional campaign and registering their correct telephone number before their initial deposit. Duplicate registrations by the same Client will result in the cancellation of all issued bonuses. (b) Participating Clients will receive a one-off phone verification bonus worth USD 50 which will be credited to the trading account for immediate use. 1. After the Client has verified his phone number and received the USD 50 verification bonus, he has a period of 7 days in which to make a deposit and open at least one position. 2. If the Client fails to deposit but has traded with the bonus amount and has open positions, then on the 8th day all open positions will be closed and the account balance (including bonus and profits) will be set to zero. 3. If the Client has deposited but not traded, the bonus will be debited from his trading account on the 8th day. 4. If the Client, after receiving his Phone Verification Bonus of USD 50, has not logged into his account for 7 days, the bonus will be debited from his trading account on the 8th day. (c) Subject to meeting all of the below criteria, the phone verification bonus will become withdrawable: a. Completed Know-Your-Client (KYC) documentation b. Opening of one trade c. Fulfilling a minimum trade volume of USD 1,000,000 (one million). D. Clients are eligible to receive the bonus once, and for one account only. Each account opened qualifies for the bonus once per registered IP address, phone number, and email. E. The account in question contains a minimum balance of USD 100. (d) Residents of certain countries may not be eligible to participate in the phone verification bonus. The Company reserves the right to restrict Clients from participating in the phone verification bonus at any time without notice. (a) All of our Clients are eligible to participate in the Happy Hour Bonus where the Company may, from time to time, offer beneficial trading conditions and/or rebates for executed trades on specific financial instruments. (b) The incentive will be automatically credited to your trading account, if you think you were eligible for a happy hour bonus but it has not been credited to your account, you should contact your account manager. (c) This bonus promotion is subject to a minimum opening trade size equivalent to USD 500,000 on all trades without a close limit. (d) For example, if the Company is offering a 50 spread discount on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your spread is 3 pips, then your bonus is calculated as follows: i. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, Happy Hour spread as per the promotion 1.5 pip iii. Credit 1,000,000 x 0.00015 USD 150 bonus to be credited to your trading account. (e) Happy Hour Bonuses are issued up to a cumulative amount of USD 5,000 per Client. (a) All of our Clients are eligible to participate in the Pip Spread Bonus where the Company may, from time to time, offer beneficial trading conditions and/or rebates for executed trades on specific financial instruments. (b) The incentive will be automatically credited to your trading account or you will pay a reduced spread for the trade as applicable. If you think you were eligible for this bonus but it has not been credited to your account, you should contact your account manager. (c) This bonus promotion is subject to a minimum opening trade size equivalent to USD 500,000 on all trades without a close limit. (d) Example 1, if the Company is offering a 2 Pip Spread Bonus on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your usual spread is 3 pips, then your bonus is calculated as follows: i. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, reduced spread as per the promotion 2 pip iii. Credit 1,000,000 x 0.0001 USD 100 bonus to be credited to your trading account. (e) Example 2, if the Company is offering a 1 Pip Spread Bonus on all EURUSD trades between 13:00 and 14:00 and your usual spread is 3 pips, then your position will automatically open with 1 pip spread. Eu. Opening position: Long EURUSD, trade size USD 1,000,000 ii. Trade spread 3 pips, reduced spread as per the promotion 1 pip iii. Paid spread. 100 instead of 300. (f) Pip Spread Bonuses are issued up to a cumulative amount of USD 5,000 per Client. G. Refer-a-Friend Terms and Conditions 1. This promotion is only available to existing UFX Traders (the ldquoReferrerrdquo) upon manager approval and valid only once for each unique referral (ldquoNew Account Referralrdquo). A New Account Referral is defined as a trader who is currently NOT a UFX customer. Traders who have accounts or have had accounts with UFX at any time during the past 12 months, will not count as New Account Referrals. 2. Referrer will register New Account Holdersrsquo personal contact details with UFX in order to mark a New Account Holder to be a referred client. 3. The Referrer will be awarded with the following amounts: a. USD 100 if the New Account Referral makes an initial deposit between USD 500 to USD 1,000 b. 10 bonus from the New Account Referralrsquos deposit if the initial deposit is between USD 1,000 to USD 10,000. This is valid on the New Account Referralrsquos first deposit only. Whereby the bonus will be credited directly to the Referrerrsquos account and will be subjected to USD 1 million of trading volume for each USD 100 bonus to become withdrawable. Immediately withdrawable deposits do not qualify for this bonus. 4. UFX reserves the right to terminate all transactions related to this offer at any time without giving prior notice. Any hedging trades in a single account or across multiple accounts will be cancelled as per the standard Terms and Conditions. 5. This offer can only be combined with the Cashback Bonus, whereby Cashback requirements will be accounted for, before Refer-a-Friend requirements. 6. The Referrer confirms that New Account Holders have agreed to disclose personal contact information such as, but not limited to name, email address and/or telephone numbers to UFX for the purpose of being contacted for trading in financial instruments. 7. New Account Holdersrsquo contact details will be added to UFXrsquos database for the purpose of sending marketing materials and general financial information. The New Account Holder can be removed from the marketing email list as per his own request by using the ldquounsubscriberdquo buttons in the emails. 8. UFXrsquos general Terms and Conditions apply. H. Practice Mode Bonus (quotPMBquot) (a) Eligible Clients can earn up to USD 60 by completing certain trades in Practice Mode: USD 10 when a position is opened USD 20 when a position is closed USD 30 when a profitable position is closed (b) No deposits or registration necessary to participate, Clients are provided with virtual funds to practice trading (c) The PMB is converted into real funds when the Client registers and creates a real account (d) The converted PMB must be used to trade within a period of 7 days after creating the real account failure to do so will lead to the PMB automatically being debited from the trading account (e) Subject to meeting all of the below criteria, the PMB will become withdrawable: Completed Know-Your-Client (KYC) documentation Minimum deposit of USD 25 Minimum account balance of USD 100 Opening a minimum of one trade Fulfilling a minimum trade volume of USD 1,000,000 (one million) (f) Clients are eligible to receive the bonus once, and for one account only. Each account opened qualifies for the bonus once per registered IP address, phone number, and email. (g) Clients who have never deposited funds and who have not logged in for more than one week will have their positions closed and bonus money debited (h) The PMB cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers 9 Margins and Collateral Payment 9.1 During the lifetime of any Financial Instrument, we, in our absolute discretion, reserve the right to review and adjust the percentage of funding required or the rates at which interest is calculated on such Financial Instrument, with or without notice to you, especially in, but not limited to, volatile market conditions. Positions that are open overnight may be adjusted to reflect the cost of carrying the position over. Details of such adjustments are available on our Website. 9.2 Where we effect or arrange a Transaction involving a CFD you should note that, depending upon the nature of the Transaction, you may be liable to make further payments when the Transaction fails to be completed or upon the earlier of the transaction settlement or closing out of your position. You will be required to make further variable payments by way of margin against the purchase price of the Financial Instrument, instead of paying (or receiving) the whole purchase (or sale) price immediately. The movement in the market price of your investment will affect the amount of margin payment you will be required to make. We will monitor your margin requirements on a daily basis and we will inform you as soon as it is reasonably practicable of the amount of any margin payment required under this clause. 9.3 You agree to pay us on demand such sums by way of margin as are required from time to time or as we may in our discretion reasonably require for the purpose of protecting ourselves against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated transactions under this Customer Agreement. 9.4 Unless otherwise agreed, margin must be paid in cash. Cash margin is paid to us as an outright transfer of funds and you will not retain any interest in it. Cash margin received by us will be recorded by us as a cash repayment obligation owed by us to you. 9.5 In addition and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this Customer Agreement or any Regulations, we shall have a general lien on all funds held by us or our Nominees on your behalf until the satisfaction your obligations. 9.6 We shall have the right, in addition to any other rights we may have under this Customer Agreement, or under the law in general, to close, cancel and or limit the size of your open positions (new or gross) and to refuse to establish new positions. Situations where we may exercise such right include, but are not limited to, where: a) We consider that there are abnormal trading conditions, b) We consider there to have been abusive trading strategies transmitted to us, or c) Your account has reached Stop Out level. 9.7 At margin levels of less than 25 of your equity, we have a discretionary right to begin closing positions immediately and without notice. Individual Stop Out levels are set at 25 and we reserve the right to close all or any of your Open Positions below Stop Out level immediately and without notice solely in our discretion. The provisions of this paragraph are applicable to all Clients. 9.8 For deals entered using the MT4 online trading platform, we have a discretionary right to issue margin calls when the margin level is below 50. Deals will be closed automatically and without any further notice when the margin level falls below 20. 9.9 It is in the Companyrsquos discretion to close any open deals after an inactivity period of 90 days of such deals. Hedging positions may incur an administration fee of 0.1 of the complete volume (deal plus hedge position) in US-Dollars per day and we retain the right to close any hedged positions after 21 days without any further notice. 9.10 We shall be entitled to retain monies which are required to cover adverse positions, initial margin, variation margin, any uncleared funds, realized losses and any and all other amounts payable to us under this Customer Agreement. 9.11 Whenever we conduct currency conversions, we will do so at such reasonable rate of exchange as we shall select. PART III - TRADING 10 Online Trading System And Website Access 10.1 When your account is enabled for trading, you are entitled to use your Access Codes within our Online Trading System in order to be able to transmit orders for the purchase or sale of Financial Instruments through us through your compatible personal computer connected to the internet on our Online Trading System. 10.2 You will not proceed and avoid proceeding in any action that could probably allow the irregular or unauthorized access or use of our Online Trading System. You accept and understand that we reserve the right, at our discretion, to terminate or limit your access to our Online Trading System or part of if we suspect that you allow such use of our Online Trading System. 10.3 When using our Website and/or Online Trading System you will not, whether by act or omission, do anything that will or may violate the integrity of our computer system or cause such system to malfunction. You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining the equipment necessary to access and use our Website and/or Online Trading System. 10.4 You acknowledge that the internet may be subject to events which may affect your access to our Website and/or Online Trading System including but not limited to interruptions or transmission blackouts. We are not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from such events which are beyond our control or for any other losses, costs, liabilities, or expenses (including without limitation, loss of profit) which may result from your inability to access our Website and/or Online Trading System or delay or failure in sending Orders. 10.5 We are not an Internet Service Provider and cannot be responsible for not fulfilling any obligations under this Customer Agreement because of internet connection failures or public electricity network failures or hacker attacks. 10.6 We shall not be held responsible in the case of delays or other errors caused during the transmission of orders and/or messages via computer. We shall not be held responsible for information received via computer or for any loss which you may incur in case this information is inaccurate. 10.7 You are permitted to store, display, analyze, modify, reformat and print the information made available to you through the Website and/or Online Trading System. You are not permitted to publish, transmit, or otherwise reproduce that information, in whole or in part, in any format to any third party without our express written consent. You must not alter, obscure or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided in connection with the information. You represent and warrant that you will not use the Website and/or Online Trading System in contravention of this Customer Agreement, that you will use the Website and/or Online Trading System only for the benefit of your Account and not on behalf of any other person, and that, with the exception of a web browser and other applications specifically approved by us, you will not use (or allow another person to use) any software, program, application or other device, directly or indirectly, to access or obtain information through the Website and/or Online Trading System or automate the process of accessing or obtaining such information. 10.8 Our operation time for trading begins at 17:05 Sunday and concludes at 16:59 Friday New York time (EST) which is equivalent to 00:05 to 23:59 server time, Monday to Friday, except the 25th of December, the 31st of December, and the 1st of January. During Daylight Savings Time our operation and server time is adjusted according to New York time (EST). Be informed that we reserve the right to change our trading hours at any time without prior notice. 10.9 You agree to keep secret and not to disclose any Access Data to any person other than an individual who has been expressly authorized to act on your behalf according to Section 16. 10.10 You should not write down your Access Codes. If you receive a written notification of your Access Codes, you must destroy the notification immediately. 10.11 You agree to notify us immediately if you know or suspect that your Access Data has or may have been disclosed to any unauthorised person. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Access Data and will issue you with a replacement Access Data. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive the replacement Access Data. 10.12 You agree that you will co-operate with any investigation we may conduct into any misuse or suspected misuse of your Access Data. 10.13 You accept that you will be liable for all orders given through and under your Access Data and any such orders received by us will be considered as received by you. In cases where a third person is assigned as an authorized representative to act on your behalf, you will be responsible for all orders given through and under your representative39s Access Data. 10.14 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons have access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, when the above are transmitted between us or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means. 10.15 We may offer third party authentication services such as Twitter and/or Facebook for registration. While subscribing / registering for our service, you should provide accurate information and should not in any case try to deceive us, impersonate other persons and/or entities. Using third party authentication remains your sole responsibility and we cannot guarantee the data protection enforcement of such third parties. We may or may not choose to verify any or all of the information provided by you during registration or later for security purposes. 11 CFD39s Trading Procedures amp Orders 11.1 You or those persons you have notified to us in writing as authorized to give instructions and Orders on your Account may place Orders either via our Online Trading System or via phone, in the way specified in Section 11.2. 11.2 You can place new Orders via our Online Trading System by using your Access Codes, you can give instructions to liquidate your existing positions or to delete/modify pending orders via phone by using your name, username or user ID. Orders are accepted at our sole discretion and we reserve the right to refusal of accepting any Order. For accepted Orders, we will use commercially reasonable efforts when transmitting all Orders for execution to the venues indicated under Section 12. 11.3 In case of an Order received by us in any means other than through the online Trading System, the order will be transmitted by us to the Online Trading System (if possible) and processed as if it was received through the Online Trading System. 11.4 We will be entitled to rely and act on any Order without any further enquiry, and we will consider any Orders to be binding upon you where such Order has been placed using your Access Data in accordance with Section 11.2. 11.5 We shall receive and transmit all Orders given by you strictly in accordance with their terms. We will have no responsibility for checking the accuracy of any Order. Any Order that you give to us constitutes an irrevocable instruction to us to proceed with the Transaction on your behalf. 11.6 Any Order shall be conclusively deemed to be a valid Order from you to us if we believe it to be genuine. You are responsible for any loss, claim or expense incurred by us for following or attempting to follow any of your Orders. 11.7 We will not be obliged to check or have regard to any assumption made or expressed by you as to the effect of any trade on your existing or overall positions with us. We need have no regard to your comments that any trade you place is a trade to close all or part of an open position. We will treat all trades as a buy or a sell regardless of whether the trade has the effect of opening a new position or closing an existing one. It is your responsibility to be aware of your positions at all times including expiry dates. 11.8 If you give us an Order which puts you in breach of any of this Customer Agreement, we may in our absolute discretion fill such an Order to the extent we deem appropriate and you will not have any right to cancel any resultant partially filled Order. You will be liable for the breach of this Customer Agreement and remain liable for the settlement of the resultant Transaction in accordance with the terms of this Customer Agreement. 11.9 You may give only the following orders of trading character using our Online Trading Systems: a) OPEN - to open a position as market or limit order, b) CLOSE to close an open position as market or limit order, or c) To add, remove, edit orders for Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop 11.10 Any other Orders not mentioned in Section 11.9 are unavailable and are automatically rejected. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price. If the price requested is not available in the market, the order will be filled as a market order. If the requested price of a Stop Loss or Take Profit is reached at the open of the trading session, the order will become a market order. 11.11 All open spot positions will be rolled over to the next business day at the close of business in the underlying relevant Market, subject to our rights to close the open spot position. 11.12 Subject to this Customer Agreement and as amended from time to time, we may allow our Clients, at our sole discretion, to specify a closing price for ldquoStop Lossrdquo or ldquoTake Profitrdquo orders. Upon our acceptance of such order, you hereby authorize us to close the respective order subject to the terms specified in the order without any further notice from us to you. Any confirmed positions cannot be cancelled or changed. 11.13 You have no right to change or remove Stop Loss, Take Profit and Limit Orders if the price has reached the relevant level. 11.14 Orders can be transmitted for execution, changed or removed only within the operating (trading) time and if they are not executed they shall remain effective through the next trading session. 11.15 Your Order shall be valid in accordance with the type and time of the given Order, as specified. Each deal will expire after 90 days at 23:59 or on the contract expiration day, whichever occurs first. Click here to see the contract39s expiration date. 11.16 Orders: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop are transmitted for execution at the price declared by the Client on the first market price touch. The Company reserves the right not to transmit the Order or to change the opening (closing) price of the transaction in case of the technical failure of the trading platform and also in case of other technical failures. 11.17 Under certain trading conditions it may be impossible to transmit Orders (Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell limit, Sell Stop) at the declared price. In this case the Company has the right to transmit the Order for execution or change the opening (closing) price of the transaction at a first market price. This may occur, for example, at times of rapid price movement, if the price rises or falls in one trading session to such an extent that under the rules of the relevant exchange, trading is suspended or restricted or during the starting moments of the trading session. In the case of such an event, the order will be executed at the next best price. As a result, placing such order will not necessarily limit your losses/take your profits to the fully intended amounts because market conditions may make it impossible to execute such an Order at the stipulated price. It should be noted that the price at which a trade is executed at may vary significantly from original requested price during abnormal market conditions. lsquoSlippagersquo is a normal market practice and a regular feature of the foreign exchange markets under certain conditions such as but not limited to illiquidity and volatility due to news announcements, economic events and market openings, therefore trading according to news cannot be guaranteed. Please refer to our Risk Disclosure Policy and website for further details about Slippage. 11.18 We may establish cut-off times for instructions or Orders which may be earlier than the times established by the particular market and/or clearing house involved in any Transaction and you shall have no claims against us arising out of the fact that an Order was not placed by you before of our cut-off time. 11.19 We have the right to change the contract specifications, including leverage, deal size and spreads, at any time depending on the market situation. You agree to check the full specifications of the CFD before placing any Order. We have the right to allow a change to your trading Account leverage or spreads at our discretion. 11.20 The level of Swap Rates vary in size and change depending on the level of interest rates. We reserve the right to change the level of Swap Rates and credit your account accordingly. From Friday to Monday swaps are calculated once. From Wednesday to Thursday swaps are calculated in triple size. 11.21 Our spreads are based on the market rates received by us from the execution broker(s) and/or liquidity providers and are pre-determined according your account status. Spreads may be changed at our discretion without your prior consent. 11.22 The Client accepts that the transmitted orders shall be solely executed by the Companyrsquos execution broker(s) and/or liquidity providers which may change from time to time and may be based in jurisdictions not covered under regulations. For any orders placed with the Company, the Company shall act as an agent and not as a principal on the Clientrsquos behalf (Reception and Transmission on Orders). 11.23 You acknowledge that we derive our revenue as fixed share of the spread regardless of you winning or losing deals. Therefore, in case the fair market price reduces our commission in a specific transaction it may occur that the transaction will not be executed by our liquidity providers. In the event of such, a new price quote will be sent to you for consideration. 11.24 For MT4 users we operate under a First-In-First-Out no hedge basis meaning opened deals involving the same Underlyings must be closed out before another deal with the same Underlying but in the opposite direction is opened. Hedged positions shall be closed or cancelled in the discretion of the Company without prior notification of the Client. 12 Best Execution Policy 12.1 The Company follows a strict reception and transmission of orders execution policy and as such we shall ensure each time when carrying out Clientsrsquo order, or acting on behalf of Clients that the following criteria shall be taken into account as applicable: (a) the characteristics of the Client including the classification of the Client as Retail (b) the characteristics of the Client order (c) the characteristics of Financial Instruments that are the subject of the order (d) the characteristics of the execution venues to which the order can be directed 12.2 The Company shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for a Client taking into account price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size nature or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the order. Nevertheless, whenever there is a specific instruction from the Client the Company shall execute the order following the specific instruction as applicable. 12.3 Where the Company shall carry out an order on behalf of a Retail Client, the best possible result shall be determined in terms of the total consideration, representing the price of the Financial Instrument and the costs related to carry out that order, which shall include all expenses incurred by the Client directly related to the execution of the order, including execution venue fees, clearing and settlement fees and any other fees paid to third parties involved in the execution of the order. 12.4 For the purposes of delivering best execution where there is more than one competing venue to carry out an order for a Financial Instrument, in order to assess and compare the results for the Client that would be achieved by executing the order on each of the execution venues listed in the Company39s order execution policy that is capable of executing that order, the Company39s own commissions and costs for executing the order on each of the eligible execution venues shall be taken into account in that assessment. 12.5 Finally, as a safeguard for best execution, the Company shall not structure or charge their commissions in such a way as to discriminate unfairly between execution venues. The Companyrsquos detailed Best Execution Policy can be downloaded here . 13 Refusal To Transmit Orders 13.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions herein, you agree and understand that we have the right, at any time, without giving any notice and/or explanation, to refuse, at our discretion, to transmit any Order for execution, and that you have no right to claim any damages, specific performance or compensation whatsoever from us, in any of the following cases but not limited to: a) Whenever we deem that the transmission of the Order for execution affects or may affect in any manner the reliability or smooth operation of the Online Trading System, b) Whenever there are no available cleared funds deposited in your Account to pay all the charges and required margin relating to the said Order, c) There is absence of essential detail of the Order, d) It is impossible to proceed with an Order regarding the size or price, e) Your Order has more than one interpretation or is unclear, f) It is impossible for the Order to be executed due to condition of the market, customs of a trading volume, g) We received from you the notice on cancellation of the contract, h) Forwarding of the notice on termination of the Customer Agreement by us to you, i) If any doubt arises as to the genuineness of the Order, j) Where we suspect that you are engaged in money laundering activities or terrorist financing, k) In consequence of lawful claims or requirements of corresponding organized trading platforms, affiliates as well as in consequence of lawful claims of third parties, l) Where the legality of the Order is under doubt, m) In consequence of request of regulatory or supervisory authorities or a court order, n) In the circumstances mentioned in Section 9 and Section 21, o) Where the Order is placed in a manner and form not compliant with our normal operations of business, or p) When the underlying market is closed and the Company does not receive liquidity from its execution venues. q) If your account is under investigation or has been terminated according to provision 8.7. r) If your account is, or we suspect it to be, in breach of the Terms and Conditions. 14 Confirmations and Client Reporting 14.1 We reserve the right, at our discretion, to confirm in any manner the instruction and/or Orders and/or communications sent through the Online Trading System. You accept the risk of misinterpretation and/or mistakes in the instructions and/or Orders sent by you, regardless of how they have been caused, including technical and/or mechanical damage. 14.2 Information on Order(s) status, Accounts status, Trade Confirmations and messaging facility between us and you may be available via, but not limited to, our Online Trading System. 14.3 Any notice or other communication to be provided by us under the Customer Agreement, including a trade recap, Account Statements and Trade Confirmations, will be sent to you either in electronic form by e-mail to the CFDs Customer Agreement email address which we will have on record on you or provided via our Online Trading System. You are obliged to provide us with e-mail and mailing addresses for this purpose. We are not responsible for any delay, alteration, re-direction or any other modification the message may undergo after transmission from us. 14.4 It is your responsibility to inform us of any change to your email address (or any other relevant personal information), the non-receipt of a Confirmation, or whether any Confirmations are incorrect before settlement. 14.5 We will send to you, in the method specified above in Section 14.3, a Trade Confirmation in respect of each executed Order. Such documents shall, in the absence of manifest error, be deemed conclusive unless you notify us in writing to the contrary within 48 hours of receipt of the said Trade Confirmation. In the event that you believe that we have entered into a Contract on your behalf, which should have produced a Trade Confirmation, but you have not received such Confirmation, you must inform us immediately but no later than 48 hours when you ought to have received such Confirmation. In the absence of such information the Contract may at our absolute discretion be deemed non-existent. 14.6 A statement of Account is available to you on the private zone of your account. Any confirmation or proof for any act or statement of account or certification issued by us in relation to any transaction or other matter shall be final and binding on you, unless you have any objection in relation to such statement of account or certification and the said objection is filed in writing and received by us within five (5) Business Days from the issuance of any statement of account or certification. 14.7 We may provide to you Reports for the requested date on the Balance of your Account. Such Reports can be provided within 5 (Five) Business Days from the date of receipt of the request for such Report from the Client and will be subject to a standard minimum fee. 14.8 If we hold your funds we shall send to you, upon your request, a statement of those funds. 14.9 We will provide you with an online access to your Account via our Trading System by using your Access Data, which will provide you with sufficient information in order to manage your account and comply with our Regulatory reporting requirements, therefore we may not be providing you with periodic and/or annual statements. 14.10 The Company reserves the right to charge a fixed account maintenance fee of USD 50 every three months for inactive accounts (no movements within the last three months), assuming that the account has the available funds. If the account is funded with less than USD 50 and has been inactive for the said period, the Company reserves the right to charge a lower amount to cover administrative expenses and inform the Client of the pending accountrsquos closure within the next 10 business days after this notification. In the case of account closure, this Agreement will be suspended and/or your account will be archived. 15 Assurances, Guarantees 15.1 By agreeing to be bound by this Customer Agreement, and again on each occasion that you place an Order, you state, affirm, warrant and guarantee to us as follows: a) You are placing the Order and entering into the Transaction as principal, (that is on your own behalf and not for any third person), unless you have produced to our satisfaction, a document and/or powers of attorney enabling you to act as representative and/or trustee of any third person and relevant identification documents for such third party. b) You are entering into and performance of the terms of this Customer Agreement and each Transaction does not breach, conflict with or constitute a default under any law, regulation, rule, judgment, contract or other instrument binding on you or any of your funds or assets. c) You are not subject to any restrictions in placing the Order or entering into the Transaction contemplated by the Order. d) You have taken such advice in respect of the Transaction contemplated by the Order and have not relied on any representation or information provided by us in reaching your decision to enter into the Transaction. e) You are duly authorized to and have obtained all necessary power, authorizations and approval to enter into this Customer Agreement and to sign and give Orders and to otherwise perform your obligations under this Customer Agreement. f) All the information disclosed to us in your Application Form, the documentation provided and otherwise is true and accurate and that you undertake to inform us in writing should there be any changes to the information provided. g) The documents handed over by you to us are valid and authentic and to the best of your knowledge and belief, the information provided in the Application Form and any other documentation supplied in connection with the application form, is correct, complete and not misleading and you will inform us if any changes to such details or information. h) Your funds are not in any direct or indirect way the proceeds of any illegal activity or used or intended to be used for terrorist financing. i) You are over 18 years old and of sound mind, having no legal or other obstacle prohibiting you from entering into this Customer Agreement. j) You have provided us with your investment objectives which are relevant to our Services for example whether there are any restrictions on the markets or instruments in which any Transactions will be sent for execution for you, depending on your nationality or religion. 16 Third Party Authorization to Trade 16.1 You have the right to authorize a third person to give Instructions and/or Orders to us provided you have notified us in writing, of exercising such a right and that this person is approved by us fulfilling all of our specifications for this such as but not limited to regulatory requirements. 16.2 Unless we receive a written notification from you for the termination of the said person39s authorization, we will continue accepting instructions and/or orders given by this person on your behalf and you will recognize such orders as valid and committing to you. 16.3 The written notification for the termination of the authorization to a third party has to be received by us with at least 5 days notice prior the termination date. PART IV ndash GENERAL PROVISONS 17 Regulatory Provisions 17.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Customer Agreement, in providing Services to you we shall be entitled to take any action as we consider necessary in our absolute discretion to ensure compliance with the relevant market rules and or practices and all other applicable laws. 17.2 We are authorized to disclose information relating to you and/or your Transactions to regulatory bodies as required by law and/or where we believe it is desirable for the proper management of your Account. 17.3 Under Applicable Regulations, we will keep Client records for at least five years after termination of the Customer Agreement. 17.4 Should any part of this Customer Agreement be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or illegal or contravene any rule, regulation or by law of any market or regulator, that part will be deemed to have been excluded from this Customer Agreement from the beginning and this Customer Agreement will be interpreted and enforced as though the provision had never been included and the legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Customer Agreement or the legality, validity or enforceability of this provision in accordance with the law and/ or regulation of any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected. 18 Introduction of Clients 18.1 Some Clients may have been introduced to the Company by a business introducer. In such case and by accepting this Customer Agreement, the Client acknowledges that: a) The business introducer is not a representative of the Company nor is it authorized to provide any guarantees or any promises with respect to the Company or its services, b) The Company shall not be liable for any type of agreement that may exist between the Client and the business introducer or for any additional costs that might result as a result of this agreement, and c) Based on a written agreement with the Company, the Company may pay a fee or a retrocession to the business introducer as defined in Section 19 (Inducements). 19 Inducements (payments to/from third parties) The Company may pay and/or receive fees/commission to/from third-parties provided that these benefits are designed to enhance the quality of the service offered to the Client and not impair compliance with the Companyrsquos duty to act in the best interests of the Client. 19.1 The Company may pay fee/commission to business introducers, referring agents, or other third parties based on a written agreement. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions and/or other parameters. 19.2 The Company may receive fees/commission as well as other remuneration from third parties based on a written agreement. The Company may receive fees/commission from the counterparty through which it executes transactions. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions executed and/or other parameters. 19.3 The Company has the obligation and undertakes to disclose further details regarding inducements upon the Clients request. 20 Communication and Notices 20.1 We may provide you with access to third party trading recommendations, market commentary or other information. Where we do so: a) this is incidental to your dealing relationship with us. It is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions and does not amount to investment advice, b) if the document contains a restriction on the person or category of persons for whom that document is intended or to whom it is distributed, you agree that you will not pass it on to any such person or category of persons, c) we give no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of completeness of such information or as to the tax consequences of any Transaction, and d) you accept that prior to dispatch, we may have acted upon it ourselves to made use of the information on which it is based. We do not make representations as to the time of receipt by you and cannot guarantee that you will receive such information at the same time as other Clients. Any published research reports or recommendations may appear in one or more screen information service. 20.2 Market commentary is subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. 21 Complaints 21.1 Enquiries can be addressed to us in two ways: through the Contact Us Section found on our website or by sending us an email as described in Section 21.2 below. On the lsquoContact Usrsquo section there is a scroll down menu named the lsquoReason you are contacting Usrsquo and the client can select ldquocomplaintrdquo from the selection list. Enquiries shall be handled, in the first instance, by the customer support department within a 72hrs time limit. If you receive a response from the customer support department but deem your enquiry to be unsolved, we encourage you to contact the compliance department which is an independent department within our Company to submit your complaint. We have put in place formal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly aiming to solve any complaint submitted to us in a fair manner without escalating it further. 21.2 Any complaint has to be submitted within five days of occurring either through the Contact Us Section or by email to complaints. cyUFX and needs to include: a) full name of the Client, b) Client39s username, c) email and telephone number, d) clear description of the complaint including deal IDrsquos, and e) supporting evidence to the complaint in question (i. e. screenshots) 21.3 For authentication reasons all complaints must be sent from the same Clientrsquos email address as the one in our records. If the complaint is received later than 5 days after the event occurred, then it will be in the Companyrsquos absolute discretion to accept the complaint or not. 21.4 All complaints must be made in English in a legible and comprehensive manner containing the information stipulated in Section 21.2. Complaints that do not contain this information and/or contain abusive language will not be processed. 21.5 We will try to resolve any complaints within five business days. If your complaint requires further investigation and we cannot resolve it within five working days, we will issue our holding response within four weeks of receiving the complaint. When a holding response is sent, it will indicate when we will make further contact (which should be within eight weeks of receipt of the complaint). 21.6 The Company will send a final written response to the Client within three (3) months from the date it is received. In case a Client complaint is not settled within a three (3) month period, the company will still send a written response informing the Client about status of their complaint. 21.7 Any conflicts regarding pricing will be solved by checking the actual prices in the market at the specific time at which the error occurred. Investors should review their account statement and are responsible for reporting any mistakes found on the account within 48 hours after the issue of the statement. 21.8 Without derogating from the provisions of Section 21.1 above, it is expressly stipulated that no complaints may be made in respect of: a) a transaction or a pending order or any modification to the foregoing not accepted, rejected, deleted or reverted in accordance with the provisions of this Customer Agreement, b) any trading or account management issue arising due to error in communications either on the side of the Client or the Company or both, c) any issues arising due to unavailability of the trading facilities for maintenance and/or other technical works conducted in accordance with this Customer Agreement and/or lsquoErrorrsquo messages returned by the platform, d) any transactions made with funds generated by the Client as profit from transactions that were subsequently cancelled by the Company, e) any issues arising out the failure of the Trading Platform software/hardware in case no records on the server log-file exist to prove the Client sent instructions, or f) any differences in the prices and/or quotes provided by the Company for the respective financial instrument and any of the foregoing provided for any other financial instrument (including, without limitation, the underlying asset) and/or provided for the same and/or similar financial instrument by any other company (whether the Companyrsquos affiliate or otherwise) an erroneous price quote and/or a spike in the Companyrsquos price feed any lost and/or unrealized profits or any non-financial losses. g) Bans, account terminations, fund seizures, bonus seizures, profit seizures, refusal of services, refusal of orders or any other action or inaction by UFX in relation to situations falling under provision 8.7. 21.9 The Companyrsquos records of the Clientrsquos Trading Account, including and without limitation the server log files, shall be the absolute and indisputable proof in respect of any complaint. Without limiting generality of the foregoing, in case of a discrepancy between the trading logs on the server side and trading logs on the Clientrsquos side, the log files on the server side shall take precedence. If the server log-file has not recorded the relevant information to which the Client refers, the complaint based on this reference may not be considered. 21.10 The Client acknowledges that the Company may, at its sole discretion, prevent the Client from making any changes to the Order(s) in question during the time the respective Complaint is being reviewed. 21.11 If a decision to address the issue referred to in the Clientrsquos Complaint has been made by the Company, the Company may, at its sole and absolute discretion, choose either of the following methods: a) Open and/or close a transaction and/or pending order in question, b) Satisfy (fully or partially) Clientrsquos request as stated in the complaint, or c) Otherwise address the issue using methods, generally excepted in common market practice. 21.12 Unless expressly set forth otherwise by an applicable law and/or regulation, the Companyrsquos decision with respect to a Complaint shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to any appeal. 21.13 If a situation arises which is not expressly covered by a term of this Customer Agreement, we and you agree to try to resolve the matter on the basis of good faith and fairness and by taking such action as is consistent with market practice. 21.14 In the case where a settlement is reached for a complaint, the Client agrees in writing to waive any rights to past or present claims against the Company and to withdraw any negative postings, announcements, filings or other publications which could have a negative effect on the Company by signing a settlement agreement. Failure of the Client to any of the provisions contained herein, or signing the settlement agreement will result in a legal filing from the Company against the Client. Bonuses pending through promotions and/or incentives will be debited if the Client fails to sign the agreed settlement agreement. 21.15 We reserve our rights to proceed with legal actions where complaints are based on false or misleading information, evidence in support of the complaint has not been submitted in the initial claim or deliberately been withheld or any non-disclosure of information in favour of your claim. Submitting such false or misleading information is a serious offence and if as a result of this, the Company suffers reputable damages in what form so ever, we shall initiate legal action filing for redress and compensation. 21.16 In the unlikely event of you having any reason to feel dissatisfied with our final response, you may then refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an independent organisation established to resolve disputes between financial institutions and their customers. You should note that the Ombudsman will not consider a complaint until we have had the opportunity to investigate and find a solution for the complaint. You may refer to the Ombudsman once you receive a final response from us or three months after the date of your complaint, whichever is sooner. Details of the Ombudsman will be provided by the Compliance department in their final response to your complaint. Any reference to the Ombudsman must take place within four months of the Compliance department39s final response. Contact the Financial Ombudsman (FO): Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus 13 Lordou Virwnos Avenue 1096, Nicosia P. O.Box: 25735, 1311 Nicosia Phone: 22848900 Fax: 22660584, 22660118 Email: complaintsfinancialombudsman. gov. cy Further information can also be found at financialombudsman. gov. cy PART V ndash CLOSING PROVISIONS 22 Communication 22.1 You accept and understand that our official language is the English language and you should always read and refer to the main Website for all information and disclosures about us and our activities. Translation or information provided in languages other than English in our local Websites is for informational purposes only and do not bind us or have any legal effect whatsoever we have no responsibility or liability regarding the correctness of the information therein. 22.2 Unless the contrary is specifically provided, any notice, instructions, authorizations, requests, general enquiry or other communications and messages to be given by you to us under this Customer Agreement shall be in English and in writing and shall be sent to us at the contact details specified in Section 1.3. If your communication is sent by post, it must be posted by registered mail or a commercial courier service. 22.3 We reserve the right to specify any other way of communication with you. 22.4 We may monitor and/or record any electronic communications between us (including telephone calls, emails, text messages and instant messages), without the use of a tone or other warning, to provide verification of instructions and maintain the quality of our service, for training purposes and to check compliance with this Customer Agreement, our internal policies and procedures and applicable Regulations. You accept that our records of our communications will be admissible as evidence of any instruction or communication given or received by you and that these records belong to us. 22.5 You may call us between the hours of 8:00 and 17:00 (CET) on business days. If we need to contact you urgently regarding your Account we may contact you outside these times. You may use the chat facility for any enquires with our customer service desk outside of our official working hours. 22.6 Notices sent to you will be emailed to you at the email address which is registered on your Account or posted to you at the last address that you provided to us as your normal residential address or given to you through the Online Trading System. It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide us with accurate and up to date contact information. 22.7 Notices shall be deemed delivered: if sent by facsimile, upon receipt by the sender of a transmission report from its facsimile machine confirming receipt of the message by recipient39s facsimile machine, or if delivered via commercial courier service, at the date of signing of the document on receipt of such notice and shall take effect only when actually received by the recipient, provided they do not violate and are not contrary to any term of this Customer Agreement. All notices issued by first class post shall be deemed to be received seven (7) Business Days after the date of their dispatch. Notices issued by airmail shall be deemed to be received seven business days after the date of their dispatch. 23 Charges and Taxes 23.1 You acknowledge that we derive our revenue as fixed share of the spread regardless of you winning or losing deals from the counterparty through which we execute transactions. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions executed and/or other parameters. However, and as a safeguard for best execution, the Company shall not structure or charge their commissions in such a way as to discriminate unfairly between execution venues should more than one execution venue be available. For further details please refer to Section 11.23 and 19. Account maintenance fees are listed in Section 14.10. Since rollover fees depend on several market parameters (such as but not limited to the financial instrument in question, market volatility, etc) the incurred fee may change. Please refer to the ldquoTrading Conditionsrdquo sections of our website for examples. The Company does not charge any fees for transferring the funds to you, but any expenses incurred by the bank, credit card company, payment processor or e-wallet for transferring the funds shall be borne by you. For further details please refer to Section 8. 23.2 You agree to pay our charges and applicable taxes (if any) at the rates and times set out on our Website from time to time. We may vary our charges from time to time and publish them on our website accordingly. It will remain solely your responsibility to review the relevant sections of our Website and stay informed about any changes in our charges. 23.3 We may share dealing charges (commissions) with third parties, or receive remuneration from them in respect of transactions carried out on your behalf. 23.4 You undertake to pay all stamp expenses relating to the Customer Agreement and any documentation which may be required for becoming our Client or the carrying out of the transactions under the Customer Agreement. 23.5 You shall be solely responsible for all filings, tax returns and reports on any Transactions which should be made to any relevant authority, whether governmental or otherwise and for payment of all taxes (including but not limited to any transfer or value added taxes), arising out of or in connection with any Transaction. 23.6 Commissions for deposit and/or withdraw of funds may be amended by us from time to time. It will remain solely your responsibility to review the relevant sections of our Website and stay informed about any changes in our charges In addition you will be liable for any charges made by any third party provider involved in the transfer process. 24 Information, Confidentiality, Data Protection and Privacy Policy 24.1 You agree to provide us with such information as we reasonably request from time to time to enable us to comply with applicable Regulations and provide the Services. Where you provide us with information, you are responsible for ensuring that it is correct and should promptly inform us in writing of any change. 24.2 We will treat your Information as confidential and will not disclose it to any person without your prior written consent or as described in Section 24.4 except for those members of our personnel who require information thereof for the performance of their duties under this Customer Agreement, or where disclosure is made necessary pursuant to a court decision or when disclosure of certain types of such information is required under the legislation, Regulator or any supervisory authorities and to our consultants, lawyers, auditors, provided that in each case the relevant professional shall be informed about the confidential nature of such information and commit to the confidentiality herein obligations as well. In addition, we will in particular abide by the Processing of Personal Data (Protection of the Individual) Law of 2001, and any other applicable data protection laws and regulations in respect of the personal data comprised in your Information, in case you are a natural person. 24.3 We may collect your information directly from you (in your completed Application Form or otherwise) or from other persons including, for example, credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and the providers of public registers. 24.4 We may use your information in order to provide, administer, tailor and improve the Services, our relationship with you and our business generally (including communicating with you and facilitating your use of the Website and/or our telephone trading facilities) to carry out credit, anti-money laundering and fraud prevention checks to exercise and/or defend our legal rights and to comply with all applicable Regulations and the requests of regulatory and enforcement authorities in any jurisdiction. You acknowledge that we may also need to transfer your information to countries outside the European Economic Area. 24.5 You agree that we may contact you by telephone, email or post to tell you about products or services offered by us in which you may be interested in. We will not contact you for this purpose, however, if you have informed us that you do not wish to receive such communications by contacting us. 24.6 The obligations to safeguard the confidentiality and not to disclose information do not apply to information that is in public domain or is made public not due to the Parties39 actions (or failure to act) or is in legal possession of one of the Parties and was not subject to an obligation of confidence or non-disclosure at the moment of its receipt by such Party. 25 Force Majeure 25.1 Except as expressly provided in this Customer Agreement, we will not be liable or have any responsibility for any type of loss or damage arising out of any failure, interruption, or delay in performing our obligations under this Customer Agreement where such failure, interruption or delay is due to: a) Government actions, the outbreak of war or hostilities, the threat of war, acts of terrorism, national emergency, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage, requisition, or any other international calamity or political crisis, b) Act of God, earthquake, hurricane, typhoon, flood, fire, epidemic or other natural disaster, c) Labour disputes not including disputes involving our workforce, d) Suspension of trading on a market, or the fixing of minimum or maximum prices for trading on a market, a regulatory ban on the activities of any party (unless we have caused that ban), decisions of state authorities, governing bodies of self-regulating organizations, decisions of governing bodies of organized trading platforms, e) A financial services moratorium having been declared by appropriate regulatory authorities or any other acts or regulations of any regulatory, governmental, or supranational body or authority, f) Breakdown, failure or malfunction of any electronic equipment, network and communication lines (not due to the bad faith or wilful default of ourselves), hacker attacks and other illegal actions against our server and Online Trading System, or g) Any event, act or circumstances not reasonably within our control and the effect of that event(s) is such that we are not in a position to take any reasonable action to cure the default. 25.2 In the event of force majeure, the affected Party must notify the other Party of the circumstances and of the events beyond its reasonable control within 3 business days. 25.3 In the events of force majeure we may suspend, freeze or close your positions. 26 Term And Termination 26.1 This Customer Agreement shall be valid for an indefinite time period until its termination by virtue of the provisions of Section 26 herein. 26.2 We may terminate this Customer Agreement immediately upon the occurrence of any of the events set out below: a) You fail to comply with any requirement relating to the transfer of an open investment position, b) You do not have the authority to transact business with us or to do so in the manner in which you customarily conduct business with us, c) If you become deceased, declared absent or become of unsound mind, d) Such termination is required by any competent regulatory authority or body, e) You violate any provision of the Customer Agreement, and in our opinion, the Customer Agreement cannot be implemented, f) If you fail to make any payment or fail to perform any other act required by the Customer Agreement, g) We have reliable information that a material adverse change in your financial condition has occurred or that you may not perform your obligations under the Customer Agreement or you do not give to us adequate assurance of your ability to perform your obligations within 24 hours after receipt of the relevant request from us, h) If an application is filed in respect to you for any action pursuant to any bankruptcy acts or any equivalent act, including those of another country, applicable to you or if a partnership, to one or more of the partners, or a company, a trustee, administrative receiver or similar officer is appointed, i) If an Order is made or a resolution is passed for your winding-up or administration (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), j) If any distress, execution or other process is levied against any property of you and is not removed, discharged or paid within seven days, k) If any security created by any mortgage or charge becomes enforceable against you and the mortgagee or chargee takes steps to enforce the security or charge, l) If any indebtedness of you or any of your subsidiaries becomes immediately due and payable, or capable of being declared so due and payable, prior to its stated maturity by reason of your default (or any of your subsidiaries) or you (or any of your subsidiaries) fail to discharge any indebtedness on its due date. m) You convene a meeting for the purpose of making or proposing or entering into any arrangement or composition for the benefit of your creditors, n) If any of the representations or warranties given by you are/or become untrue, o) In cases of material violation by you of the requirements established by any legislation, p) If scalping or any other unauthorized trading activity is performed on the Online Trading System, automated or manual. In this case all Transactions performed that way will be annulled and cancelled, or q) If you are classified as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or fail to provide adequate documentation with regards to the Know-Your-Client and Anti-Money-Laundry regulations the Company has to follow. r) The Company maintains a strict policy of limiting accounts to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, same payment account details (e. g. debit or credit card, Neteller, etc) and shared computer, e. g. in a public library or workplace. Duplicate registrations by the same Client are strictly forbidden and all Transactions performed by all duplicate accounts will be annulled and cancelled and all profits generated will be debited. s) The company maintains a zero-tolerance policy for abusive trading strategies, fraudulent activities, manipulation, or any other scams. Such activities include, but are not limited to, misuse of deposited and promotional/bonus funds, swap arbitrage, bonus arbitrage, cash-backs, internal or external hedging, the use of any automated trading system and/or software (ldquotrading robots, rdquo ldquoexpert advisors, rdquo etc.). If we deem there to be any such activities in relation to the Clientrsquos trading account, we reserve the right to annul and cancel any or all of your past Transactions and debit all generated profits. 26.3 This Customer Agreement may be terminated by either you or us at any time by sending a written notice. As a result of termination of this Customer39 Agreement, your Account will be closed. 26.4 Your termination of this Customer Agreement will not affect any obligation or liability that you may then have to us, including any liability or short position you may have arising from or in connection with transactions initiated prior to the termination. Subject to Section 26 herein we will complete Transactions which are in progress at termination as soon as reasonably practicable. 26.5 If any of the described in Section 26.2 occur, then we may at our discretion at any time that event (without prejudice to any other right we may have) and without notice to you, take any one or more of the following actions: a) Terminate this Customer Agreement, b) On your behalf and in your name, suspend, freeze or close out all or any or your open investment positions, c) Convert any currency, d) Apply any of your cash and the proceeds of any Transaction in satisfaction of the amount owing to us, including amounts due in respect of settlement, fees, commissions and interest, e) Keep such Client39s funds as necessary to close positions which have already been opened and/or pay any pending obligations you have, including, without limitation, the payment of any amount which you owe to us under the Customer Agreement, or f) Close your Account, g) Annul or cancel any or all your past Transactions and debit all generated profits. 26.6 We reserve the right to combine any accounts opened in your name, to consolidate the Balances in such accounts and to set off those Balances. 26.7 If there is Balance in your favor, we will (after withholding such amounts that we in our absolute discretion consider appropriate in respect of future liabilities) pay such Balance to you as soon as reasonably practicable and supply you with a statement showing how that Balance was arrived at and, where appropriate, instruct any Nominee or/and any custodian to also pay any applicable amounts. Such funds shall be delivered in accordance to your instructions, but we have the right to refuse transfer of your funds to a third party. 27 Applicable Governing Law And Jurisdiction 27.1 If a settlement is not reached by the means described in Section 21 of this Customer Agreement, all disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with the Customer Agreement shall be finally settled in a court in Cyprus. 27.2 This Customer Agreement and all transactional relations between you and us are governed by the Laws of Cyprus. 27.3 All transactions on behalf of you shall be subject to the laws which govern the establishment and operation, the regulations, arrangements, directives, circulars and customs of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (ldquoCySECrdquo) and any other public authorities which govern the operation of investment firms, as they are amended or modified from time to time. We shall be entitled to take or omit to take any measures which we consider desirable in view of compliance with the laws and regulations in force at the time. Any such measures as may be taken and all the laws and regulations in force shall be binding on you. 28 Third Parties 28.1 We may at any time transfer, assign or novate any of our rights, benefits or obligations under this Customer Agreement subject to providing notification to you. 28.2 Your rights and obligations under this Customer Agreement are personal to you and are not capable of transfer, assignment or novation. 28.3 You are fully aware that the Company merely acts as an agent in the service described under UFX Debit Card enabling the Client to enter into direct business terms with the Debit Card Issuer. Once the Client follows the link embedded on the Companyrsquos Website and accepts the business terms of the Debit Card Issuer, the debit card services will be provided from a secured server hosted by the Debit Card Issuer and may not be subject to control by the Company or any government regulation equal in standard and/or scope to the one we adhere to. 28.4 You are fully aware that investment information which may be announced by us to you from time to time or on a regular basis is not necessarily the result of investment research conducted by us. Where such investment research is outsourced from our operations, we shall undertake every effort as to monitor the level and standard of diligence to which such research is undertaken but cannot guarantee that the provider is subject to control by the government or any regulatory authority equal in standard and/or scope to the one we adhere to. Facts, opinions and any further findings or omissions thereof do not represent the views of the Company and we cannot be held liable for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly from any third party research which you rely on in making an investment decision. 28.5 You are fully aware that when you are assigning rights to third parties (for example money managers, trading robots, signal providers, etc) we shall only provide our Services to you as described in Section 3 and your assignment of services to third parties shall be solely your responsibility. Any facts, opinions, findings, services or omissions thereof do not represent the views and services of the Company and we cannot be held liable for any losses, damages or claims which result directly or indirectly from any third party assignments. PART VI ndash DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS In this Customer Agreement the following words shall have the corresponding meanings: Access Codes . Your login and password given to you by us in order to have access on our Online Trading System or Website (where applicable). Access Data . Your Access Codes, your Account number and any information required to make Orders with us in any way. Account . Any transaction account which we may open for you on our records to allow you trade in Financial Instruments as defined below. Applicable Regulations . (a) Rules and regulations of a relevant regulatory authority (b) the rules of the relevant market and (c) all other applicable laws, rules and regulations as in force from time to time in any jurisdiction. Application Form . The application form completed by you to apply for our Services (via which we will obtain amongst other things necessary information for your identification and due diligence and your categorization in accordance with the Regulations). Autochartist Limited . The Company shall act as an agent when enabling the Client to enter into business terms with Autochartist Limited. Balance . The total sum on your Account after the last transaction made within any period of time. Base currency . The first currency in the currency pair. Bonus Terms . The conditions as advertised in marketing campaigns from time to time that have to be fulfilled in order to receive the bonus incentive and in accordance with Section 8 of this Customer Agreement to qualify for a payout of such incentive. Business Day . Any day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, or the 25th of December, or the 1st of January. CFDs . A spot and/or forward Contract for Difference on the following underlyings: Currencies (Spot FOREX), Metals, Commodities, Futures, Options, Forwards, Stocks, Indices. Customer Agreement . This Agreement between us and you which also includes the following documents to be found on our Website: (a) Costs and Fees, (b) Contract Specifications, (c) General Risk Disclosure. Client Money Rules . The rules relating to Client money as set out by our Regulator. Contract Specifications . Each lot size or each type of Underlying in a Financial Instrument offered by us as well as all necessary trading information concerning spreads, swaps, margin requirements etc, as determined by us from time to time in our Website. Currency of the Account . The currency that you choose when opening an Account with us or converted into at your choice after the opening the Account. Currency Pair . Consists of two currencies (the Quote Currency and the Base Currency) and shows how much of the Quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the Base Currency. CySEC . The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, which is our supervisory authority. CySEC Rules . The Rules, Directives, Regulations, Guidance notes of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission in Cyprus. Financial Instrument(s) . CFDs, NDFs and Rolling Spot. Liquidity Providers . The Company shall act as agent of the Client (principal) when receiving and transmitting orders. The Company will be transmitting your Orders for execution to PX Exchange (ldquoPXErdquo), a broker regulated under the International Financial Securities Commission with license number 54, and PXE may be transmitting the orders received by us to other liquidity providers. Broker(s) or Liquidity Provider(s) are not necessarily operating in regulated markets. Leverage . A ratio in respect of Transaction size and initial margin. 1:200 ratio means that in order to open a position, the initial margin is two hundred times less than the Transactions size. Margin . The necessary guarantee funds to open positions or to maintain open positions, as determined in the Contract Specifications for each Underlying in a Financial Instrument. NDFs . Non-Deliverable Forwards and has the same meaning as CFDs. Nominee . Any company as we may appoint as our Nominee from time to time, which is a member of our group whose principal function is to hold funds acquired by our Clients. Online Trading System . Any software used by us which includes the aggregate of our computer devices, software, databases, telecommunication hardware, a trading platform, making it possible for you to obtain information of markets in real time, make technical analysis on the markets, enter into Transactions, place/modify/delete Orders, receive notices from us and keep record of Transactions. Open Position . A deal of purchase/sale not covered by the opposite sale/ purchase of the contract. Order . An instruction by you to us in Financial Instruments available for Transactions on our Trading Platform. Parties . The parties to this Customer Agreement - you and us. Payment Processors . our funding options are processed via one of the following companies: Skrill (authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority with registration number 900001), Safecharge and Gate2Shop (authorised by the Central Bank of Cyprus with Licence No., Global Collect (authorised by the Dutch National Bank Licence No. 34140462), EMerchantPay authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority with licence No. 532489) or Optimal Payments Limited (authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Financial Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man Ref. 1357). Pending order . Order for buy or sell a Financial Instrument at the price different from the market price. Quote . The information of the currency price for a specific Underlying of a Financial Instrument, in the form of the bid and ask prices. Quote Currency . The second currency in the currency pair. Regulator . The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (ldquoCySECrdquo) Rolling Spot . Has the same meaning as CFDs. Rules . Laws, articles, regulations, directives, procedures and customs as in force from time to time. Scalping . refers to the opening and closing of a position within seconds. We have a one minute minimum time interval between opening and closing trades. Services . The services provided by us under this Customer Agreement as specified in Section 3. Slippage . This term refers to the difference between the expected price and the price at which the trade is actually executed. Spread . The difference between the ask and the bid prices of an Underlying in a Financial Instrument at that same moment. Stop Loss . means an offer to close a transaction at a price determined in advance by the Client which, in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to buy a specific number of a certain instrument, is lower than the opening transaction price, and in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to sell a specific number of a certain instrument, is higher than the opening transaction price. Stop Out . Situation when we execute the right to close all your open positions at current market price or the last available price and your equity divided by balance falls below the stop out level specified for your account type. Swap or Rollover . The interest added or deducted for holding a position open overnight. Swap Rates . The rate of the fixed portion of a swap, at which the swap will occur for one of the parties entering into a Financial Instrument. Take Profit . means an offer to close a transaction at a price determined in advance by the Client which, in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to buy a specific number of a certain instrument, is higher than the opening transaction price, and in the case of a transaction that is opened by offering to sell a specific number of a certain instrument, is lower than the opening transaction price. Trade Confirmation . A message from us to you confirming the transmission for execution of your Order. Trading Signals . The Company shall act as an agent when enabling the Client to enter into business terms with iSignals GmbH. Transaction . Any dealing in a Financial Instrument. Scapling . refers to the opening and closing of a position within seconds. We have a one minute minimum time interval between opening and closing trades. Subjacente. Forward and/or futures contracts on Currencies (Spot FOREX), Metal, Commodities, Futures, Options, Forwards, Stocks, Indices. We (our, us): UFX is a globally operating brand and includes Reliantco Investments Limited (ldquothe Companyrdquo). We (our, us) . UFX is a globally operating brand and includes Reliantco Investments Limited (ldquothe Companyrdquo) as well as its affiliated company UTech Limited. Website . UFX or any other Website of the Companyrsquos trade names, as we may from time to time notify to you. You . The Client(s) who is (are) the holder(s) of the Account. Your Information . Any information that we receive from you or otherwise obtain which relates to you, your Account or our provision or your use of the Services. Last updated on October 13, guj. dictionary 1. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 1 a few/yu VTgw/ytuAt, ytuAe a little/yu rjj/ytuAwk ab initio/ypc Erl gtu/v fhe ybjth, mntgf administrate/yuzrbrlMxuRx/JrnJx fhJtu administrative/yuzrbrlMxurxJ/JrnJxe admirable/ypzrbhj/JFtKJt jtgf admire/yzbtgh/JFtKJwk admissible/yzrbrmj/MJeftgo admission/yzrbNl/v bltJx animus/yurlbm/ykxm, JuhCtJ-v ble vut fhJe antagonism/ypLxpdturlb/w ble, rJhtut antagonistic/y / antagonistic/ypLxpdturlMxf/w bltJx Cgwo, Juhejwk Antarctic/ypLxtforxf/rtK tw gj/ymtbtrsf antithesis/yprLx:ermm/Tl rJhtute Jt antonym/ypLxturlb/rJYtt:e o N anvil/yprLJj/yuhK anxiety/yUftRxe/rakt, gtte, Wtuslt anxious/yPfrtgm/raktwh, WtuS any/yule/ftuR, dbu u anyhow/y / anyone/y / anyplace/y / anything/y / anywhere/y / apache/yvpa/dwkztu, cbttN apanage(appanage)fwhe Jthmtu apart(ment)/y / apart/yvtxo/swwk apartheid/yvth:ux/hkdCu apathetic/ypv:urxf/Wvutt muJwk/ylwmtne apathy/ypvr:/CtJNwLgt ape/yuRv/Jtkhtu, lfj fhJe aperture/yuRv/ apex/ypvut/rNFh, xtua aphasia/ypVpryt/CtttrJfth aphorism/ypVptrhb/fnuJ, mwt aphrodisiac/ypV 7. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 7 apoplectic/yvtujufrxf/jtjatu, bltuhtude apoplexy/yvtujufrt/cuCtl yJM:t apostasy/yvtuMxprm/MJtbo-vt gtd apostate/yvtuMxux/tbogtd fhJtu apostle/yvtuMxj/gNMJe tbov 8. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 8 ark/ytfo/htK, ytg, ntuze arm(y)/y / arm/ytbo/nt:,nr:gth armada/ytbozt/ltift ftVjtu armament/ytbtobLx/NMtefhK, NMt mhkstb armour/ytboh/ch, fJa army/ytbeo/jcwth around/yhtWLz/ytmvtm arouse/yhtW/std fhJwk arrack arraign/yhpRl/ythtuv DzJtu arrange(ment)/y / arrange/yhpLs/gJM:t fhJe array/yphp/gqnhalt, vtuttf arrears/yrhyo/az juKwk arrest/yhuMx/thvfz fhJe arrival/yhtRJj/ytdbl arrive at - arrive in - arrive/yhtRJ/ytJe vntUaJwk arrogance/yphtpdLm/WttR, Dbkz arrogant/yphtpdLx/W, Dbkze, tuAzwk arrow/yphtu/eh arroyo/yphtgtuu/sbtdo arsenal/ytmoluj/NMttdth arson/ytmol/ytdsle, ytd atkvJe art(istic)/y / art/ytxo/fjt artefacts/ytxeoVpx/fjtfrytu artery/ytxohe/ttuhe lm artful/ytxoVwj/ftJttFtuh, jwakw article/ytrxofj/fjb, ylwAu, juF, JMw articulate/ytrxofgwjux/ntJCtJmCh Cttt artifacts/ytrxoVufx/ artifice/ytrxoVtRm/lfje Jol, fwNt artificial/ytrxorV fhe, bstf bantering/cpLxrhkd/ntMgrJltu-bstf fhwk baptise/cpxtR/ltb vtzJwk (rF fhe mkhtK, rfjtu bat/cpx/rfuxlwk cpx-hbJwk, atbtrazegwk batch/cpa/sw:,DtKJtu, jtpx bate/cpxuz/DxtzJwk, htufe htFJwk bath/ct:/Mltl bathe/cpRt/lntJwkwk bathos/cp:m/njfe mtrng halt baton/cpxl/czeftu, kztu battalion/cxprjyl/vxl(Cwbe mult) batter/cpxh/ttuftJJwk, wzJwk battery/cpxrh/tuvFtlkw, bthvex battle on-bw fujebtk atjw htFJwk battle/cpxj/ mkDto fhJtu jztR, bthtbthe battle-line/cpxj jtRl/gwthuFt bauble/ctpcj/fjte baulk/ctuf/yJhtutJwk, yaftJwk bawdy/ctprz/ceCm Jt bawl out-aem vtzJe, Xvftu uJtu bay/cug/Wvmtdh, yFt bayonet/cpgtulux/ckwf mt:u szujwk mkdel bazaar/cth/ntx, csth bazooka/ctqft/htufux AtuzJtlwk mttl be/ce/:Jwk, ntuJwk, yrMJ ntuJwk beach/cea/rhgtftkXtu beacon/cefl/btdoNof vee cte, rfhK bead/cez/bKftu, vtht beak/cef/atka beam/ceb/rfhK, abf beaming/ceb/ rfhK, abfJtw bean/cel/fXtu bear down-tftu bthJtu bear out-xuftu uJtu bear the brunt ytDt mnuJtu bear up-ajtgu htFJwk bear with-ajtJe juJwk bear(up)on-lu juJtuJt ntuJt bear/cuyh/sLb ytvJtu, hA, mnl fhJwk bearable/cuhpj/mnl :R Nfu uJwk 12. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 12 beard/ceyzo/tZe bearer/cphh/ntuuTth, tthKfhlth bearing/cprhkd/Jol, ykdrM:r bearish/cprhN/uSjte(Nph) beast/ceMx/vNw, stlJh beat back-bthe nxtJJwk beat down-vxftJJwk, vAztJwk beat off-bthe nxtJJwk beat out-ytujJe ltFJwk beat up-nwbjtu fhJtu beat/cex/bthJwk, bnt fhJwk tcfthtu, tj beatific/cerxrVf/fvtrlttl beatitude/cerxxgwz/fvt, ytrNoJt beatnik/cexrlf/YZe CeLlgwJtl beau/ctu/JhKtrdgtu, AujAcejtu beauteous/gwxeym/mwkh beautiful/gwrxVwj/mwkh, jtJbg beautitude/gwrxxgwz/tLgt beauty/gwrx/mwkht/jttg beaver away-mF bnul fhJe because/ceftp/fthK fu beckon/tufl/RNtht:e ctujtJJwk become/rcfb/:Jwk, clJwk bed/cuz/vx, v:the bedeck/cezuf/mstJx fhJe bedizen/curzl/CCftth JMttu vnuhJt bedlam/cuzjpb/ygJM:t, vtdjFtlwk bedraggle/rczpj/mkvqKo heu Celw fhJwk bedrock/cuzhtpf/lfh Fzf-vtgtu bee/ce/btFe beef up/ceV-yv/mof, bscq cltJJwk beef/ceV/dtglwk btkm bee-hive/centRJ/btvqztu beeline/cejtRl/mete jtRl beer/rcyh/ceyh befitting/rcrVrxkd/gtug before/rcVtph/lt :e vnujtk beforehand/rcVtphnpLz/ydtW:e befuddled/rcVzz/bqtgujwk, DktDw, Atfxwk beg/cud/btdJwk, ytSS fhJe beget/rcdux/vutfhJwk, fthK clJwk begin/rcdel/NYfhJwk begrime/rcd 13. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 13 berry/cuhe/ctuh, ltltk V berserk/cfo/lqle, skdje berth/c:o/M:tl, mqJtlwk vtrxgwk, rlbKwkf beseech/cemea/ytSS-ftjtJtjtk fhJt beset/cemux/DuhtR sJwk, nwbjtu :Jtu beside/rcmtEz/ctswbtk besides/rcmtEz/T Wvhtk besiege/rcmes/Duhtu DtjJtu, btuhatu btkzJtu besmear/rcMbeyh/atuvzJwk besmirch/rcMbao/dkw fhJwk, ztDt fhJtk bespectacled/rcMvuxufz/abtJtwk best/cuMx/mJouX, mJtuob bestial/rcMxeyj/vNw suJwkk bestow/rcMxtu/yvoK fhJwk bet/cux/Nh jdtzJe bete noire/cuxLtTJth/yKdbwk betray/rcxu/dtu uJtu betroth/rcxutt/mdtR fhJe betrothal/rcxuttj/mdtR better/c / between/rcxJel/cu le Jau beverage/rcJhus/veKwk bevy/rcrJ/xtuwk, bkze beware/rcJph/mtJt :Jwk bewilder/rcrJzh/dwkaJKbtk ltFJwk bewitched/rcrJz/ buje rJtJtwk beyond/rcgtuLz/:e ytd biannual/ctRyuLgwyj/Jtobtk cu Jth bias/ctgm/vtvt, CuCtJ bib/rcc/tY ZaJtu, jtrgwk biblical/rcrjfj/ctRcj lu jdwk bibliography/rcjeytud g fhe uJwk blink/rjLf/cfJwk, vjftht :Jt blinkers/jfmo/ytkFtu lt vht(Dtuzt) blister/rjMxh/Vtujtk blithe/jtRt/ytlkrJCtuh, btuSjwk blitz/rjx/rJltNf nwbjtu blitzkrieg/jexed/nwbjtu, mvtxtu bloat bloated bloc/jtuf/rb, btuhatu block in-yxftJJwk block off-ytza Qce fhJe block up-ztxtu jtdJtu block/jtuf/fbhtu, htufJwk, Fkz, Ctd yJhtutJwk blockade/jtufuRz/ltftckte block-buster/jtufcMxh/tqb batJlth blockhead/jtufnuz/yKDz, szCh, Ctux bloke/jtuf/sK, grf blonde/jtuLz/mtuluhe Jt(dtuhe Mte) blood/jz/jtune, h blood-letting/jzjurxkd/jtunegt, hvt bloody/jze/jturngt, qh, wx, FqlFth bloom/jqb/FejJwk, Jmk ytJJe bloomer/jqbh/Achztu, dtuxtu blooper/jqvh/Achztu, dtuxtu blossom out-WChJwk blossom/jtub/Vwjtu cumJtk, gwJtle blot out-Cqkme ltFJwk blot/jtux/ztD, fjkf, aqmJwk blouse/jtW/vtujfwk blow in-ltN :Jtu blow off-Wze sJwk(nJt) blow out/jtu-ytWx/Vqkfe bthJwk, ytujJtR sJwk blow over-leau vzJwk, yk ytJJtu blow up-tbtftu :Jtu, btuxwk fhJwk blow/jtu/Dt, sxftu, Vxftu, VwkftJwk blowhard/jtuntzo/cztRFtuh blow-up/jtu-yv/btuxwk rat, btuxwk cltJJwk bludgeon/jl/jtfze :e VxfthJwk blue/jw/Jte hkd blue-chip/jwaev/NtFvtt, mth blue-eyed/jwytRz/jtzftu-btletu blue-print bluff out-Axfe sJwk(atjtfe) bluff/jV/vtuf tbfe blunder/jkzh/Achztu, dtuxtu blunderbuss/jkzhcm/swlJtKe ckwf blunt/jLx/cqXwk, tuAzkw, lftbwk cltJJwk blur/jh/ztD, tkFw :Jwkw blurb/jco/vwMf rJtu ltUD-vrhag blurred/jzo/tkFwk, tkqqtwk blurt/jxo/ChzJwk (Cttt) blush/jN/NhbtJwk bluster/jMxh/Cvftth fu vtuf boar/ctuh/skdje zwfh(rNkdzt Jtwk) board in/up-yxftJJwk board/cptzo/bkz, vtrxgwk, ythtunK fhJwkaZJwk boast/ctuWMx/cztR ntkfJe boat/ctux/ntuze, ltift bob/ctuc/tujtFtJtk bobby/ttprc/jkzlltu vtujem bobitise/ttprcxtR/dwtkd rJAufhJtu bode/ctuz/ body/cturz/Nheh, mkM:t, bun body-politic/cturzvtprjrxf/htx boffin/cturVl/mkNtutf-Jittrlf bog down/ctudztWl/vxftJw, ftJbtk Fqkae sJwk bogey/cturd/xuRlltu zctu boggle/ctudj/bwkJJwk, vxftR vzJwk bogie/cturd/ bogus/ctudm/cltJxe, kCe bohemian/ctunubeyl/yJtq, bwftathe boil down to-le chtch ntuJwk boil up-dhb fhJwk boil/ctuRj/WfJwk, dqbzwk boisterous/ctuRMxhm/DtUDtrxgkw, FzFztx bold/ctuz/cntwh bollywood/cturtJwz/rVbe sd bolster/ctuMxh/xuftu ytvJtu bolt down-leau vxftJwk bolt/ctux/JAqxJwk, mtkf uJe, tux bqfJe bomb/ctub/ctuBc bombard/ctuBctzo/ctuBt-tuvbthtu fhJut bombardment/ctuBctzobLx/ctuBt-tuvbthtu bombast ytzkche Cttt JtvhJe bombastic/ctuBctrMxf/ytzkche Cttt 15. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 15 bon mot/ctuLbtux/awh-hbwS Jfg bon vivant/tPt rJJtk/FtWtY bon voyage/ctUJJtgus/bkdj gttt bonafide/ctultVtRz/v 16. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 16 branch/c J, fxfe, tuz brick/rc fhe - xwfze bright/c gtdn brother/c 17. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 17 browbeat/c 18. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 18 bust/cMx/Ate, ytov fhe, btAje le st coda/ftpzt/ykrbahK coddle/ftpzj/vkvtJwk code(d)/f / code/ftuWz/mktt coded/fturzz/mtkfurf, mkttJtwk, dw codicil/fturzrmj/Jrmgltbtle vwhJKe codify co-efficient/ftyurVrmyLx/dwKtkf(y:oNtMt) coerce/ftuymo/schMe fhJe coercion/ftuymlo/ttf, tbfe coercive/ftuyrmoJ/schMe vqJoflwk coeval/ftpRtj/mbftjel, mbmtbrgf coffee/f / coffee/ftpVe/ftuVe coffers/ftpVmo/ustuhe, Ckztu, vuxe coffin/ftpVel/Ncvuxe cog cogent/ftusLx/mc, lfh, v g M:tl coil/ftuRj/dqkawk-JJwk coin/f / coin/ftuRl/rmftu, lJtu N haJtu coincide/ftp-RlmtRz/mt:umt:u clJwk co-incidence/ftpRrLmzLm/gtudtlwgtud/studmkstud coincident coir/Jtgh/ft:e coition/ftpRNl/mkCtud coke/ftuf/ftujmtu colander cold/f / cold/ftuz/Xkzw, Xkze, xtZ, Nhe collaborate collaboration/fjtctuhuNl/mngtud collage/ftujts/rJtjfr(vt:o-JMw) collapse/fjpm/qxevzJwk collar/ftpjh/ftujh collate/ftpjux/ collateral/ftpjpxhj/rbjf mckte collation colleague/ftpjed/mnftgofh, ftgocktw collect up-Jwk collect(ion)/f / collect/jux/yufXwk fhJwk, sbt :Jwk collective/jurxJ/mtbqrnf college/f / college/frjs/bntrJtjg collide/fjtRz/mtb-mtbu y:ztJwk colliery/ftujeyhe/Fles FtK collision/frjl/y:ztbK, xfh, xfhtJ colloquial/fjturfyj/ctujatjlwk colloquy collude/ftugwz/ftJttJt fhJt collusion/ftugwl/fvx, ftJttJt colonial/fjturlyj/Jmtne colossal/ftujtuj/rJhtx, v 26. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 26 combatant/ftuBcpxLx/jzJigtu combative/ftuBcprxJ/jztgf, frsgtFtuh combination/f / combination/fturBcluNl/rbK, mkgtusl combine/f / combine/fBctRLt/rbK fhJwk combing dwLnudthtu lemVtR fhJe combustible/fBcwrMxj/mde WXu uJwk come across bJwk, vrhag ntuJtu come across with-Jwk come across/f / come along-Jwk come apart-Jwk come at-Jwk come away-Jwk come back-Jwk come by-Jwk come down on-Jwk come down with-Jwk come down-Jwk come forward-Jwk come in for/f / come in for-Jwk come in on-Jwk come in-Jwk come into-Jwk come off/f / come off-Jwk come of-Jwk come on-Jwk come out with-Jwk come out-Jwk come over-Jwk come round/f / come round-Jwk come through-Jwk come to-Jwk come up against-Jwk come up to-Jwk come up with-Jwk come up-Jwk come what may su :Jwk ntug u :tg come/f / come/fb/ytJJwk comely/ftubrj/stshbtl, Cg comestible comet/fturbx/tqbfuw comeuppance comfort(able)/f / comfort/fbVxo/mwF, ail, ytJtml comfortable/fbVxouRj/ythtbtgf comical/fturbj/hbqS comity/fturbrx/mtisLg, rNxt, rJJuf comma/f / comma/ftubt/cuCtl yJM:t command/f / command/fbtLz/nwfb, tctbtk commandeer commando/fbtLztu/rJrNx tjebe miirlf commemorate/ftububtuhux/Mbr WmJ fhJtu commemorative commence/fbuLm/NY fhJwk commendable/fbuLzuj/JFtKJtjtgf commensurate/fbuLMgwhuRx/lu ylwYv comment(ary)/f / comment/ftubuLx/xeft-xevK fhJe commercial/fbofhe xwfze, yrlr continual/fLxeLgwj/yrJh, twxf-twxf continue/f / continue/fLxeLgw/atjw htFJwk continuous/f / continuous/fLxeLgwym/JK:kgwk, m contortions contour/fLxwh/mvtxe Nof huFt contraband/ftpLxtcpLz/v 30. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 30 contusion conundrum/ftpLgwlzb/ftugztu, WFtKwk convene/fLJel/mCt ctujtJJe convenient/f / convenient/fLJerlgLx/ylwfq convenor convent/ftpLJuLx/mttJeytu ltu bX convention conventional converge/ftpLJso/fuL hV drfhJe conversant/ftpLJmoLx/mwvrhra, stKfth conversation/f / conversation/fLJmomuNl/Jtra converse/fLJmo/Jtra fhJe conversion/fLJol/Yvtkh, tbtOh convert convertible/fLJrxoj/Yvtkheg convex convey/fLJu/vtXJJwk, btufjJwk conveyance convict/f / convict/fLJefx/mstfhJe, fue conviction/fLJefNl/v 31. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 31 cosmopolitan/ftpMbtpvtprjxl/rJJltdrhf, vahkde cosmos/ftpbtpm/c fhe ytj courtship/ftuxorNv/v fuhtu lut demand/rzbtLz/btdKe, btdJwk demand/z / demean demeanor demeanour/rzbelh/heCt, ytahK demented demine demirep demise/zebtRm/yJmtl, bgw demit charge democracy/rzbturm/jtufNtne democratic/rzbtuprxf/jtufNtnelwk demographic/zubtpd bl, Ntw energetic/yulhsurxf/MVqroJtwk energy/ / energy/yuloS/Nrf, tft, Wsto enervate/yulJouRx/y tf cltJJwk enfant terrible enforce/yuLVtumo/ybj fhJtu enfranchise/yuLVu grj/Ftm fhelu espionage/yurMvlts/stmqme espouse/yuMvtW/rnbtg fhJe, xuftu uJtu essay/ / essay/ypmu/rlckt essential/ / essential/RmuLNj/ytJ gf establish(ment)/ / establish/RMxtjeN/M:tvJwk, v g :wwk evaporate/RJtvtuhux/ctveCJl :Jwk evasion/RJpRl/WjkDl, atuhe evasive/RJprJ/WztW, xtwk eve/RJ/(evening) mtks, Mte even even out-Jwk even up - Jwk even/ / even/RJl/At vK, mb, gtsce evening/ / evening/RJlekd/mtks event/ / event/RJLx/cltJ, Dxlt, v fuhJwk exclaim/ / exclaim/RmfjuRb/WTdth-htz vtzJe exclude/Rmfjwz/ctft htFJwk exclusive/RmfjwrJ/rJr gm/ C fhe dKJuN fatuous/Vugwym/ faucet/Vutmux/l fault(y)/ / fault/Vtpx/Ftuxftu, Ftbe faulty/Vtpxe/FtbeJtwk fauna/VtuWlt/v 52. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 52 favourable/VuRJhuj/mtlwfq favourite/ / fawn/Vtpl/nhKlkw cawk fear/ / fear/Veyh/zh, Cg, nuN ntuJe fearful/ / feasible/Verj/Ng, gJnthwk feast/ / feast/VeMx/rbsctle, sTgtV feat/Vex/vhtb, rmrt feather/ / feather/Vuth/vAw feature/ / feature/Veah/jtK, bwg-juF, ctc feckless fecund/VuLz/Vwv fecundity/VurLzxe/ feeble/Vej/lcwk, yN feed in - Jwk feed up-Jwk feed/ / feed/Vez/FJztJJwk feel up to-Jwk feel up-Jwk feel/ / feel/Vej/jtdJwk, ylwCJJwk fees/ / fees/Vem/bnultKwk feet/ / feet/Vex/vd (c. J.) feign/VuEl/ZtUd fhJtu feint/VuELx/Vxftu felicitate/Vrujmexux/yrClkl ytvJt felicitation/VurjrmxuNl/yrClkl felicity/Vurjrmrx/vhbmwF feline/Vurjl/rcjtze lu jdwk fell/Vuj/tz ftvJwk, fall (Cq. ft) fellow/ / felony/Vujrl/yr dkCeh dwltu-rnkmt female/ / female/rVbuRj/Mte, ltheste feminine/VurbltRl/lthe mns, Mtestr feminism/Vurbrlb/Mteytult nftu-MJtktt feminist/VurbrlMx/Mteytule lut fence/ / fence/VuLm/Jtz, jJthctS ferment/VhbLx/yt:tu clJtu ferocious/VhturNym/rJfht, qh ferret out/Vuhux ytWx/Dze ftZJwk ferry/Vurh/Vuhtk-ytJ st fhJe fertile/VxtoRj/Vwv fertilise/VrxojtR/Vwv cltJJwk fervent/VJoLx/WMttne, jtdKe mCh fervid/VrJoz/ytwh fervour/VJoh/nttuojtm festival/ / festival/VurMxJj/WmJ, WstKe festivity/VuMxerJxe/WmJ, WsJKe fetch up-Jwk fetch/ / fetch/Vua/sR lu jtJJwk fete/ / fete/VuRx/butJztu, ytlkbutu fetid/Vurxzx/dkttwk fetish/VurxN/ytrfof rmttk feud/VTgwz/fjut, Dztu feudal/VTgwzj/stdeh mkckte fever/ / fever/VeJh/tJ, WLbt feverish/VeJrhN/btkjwk, rVfwk few/ / few/VTgw/yufug lkrn fiance/VeypLme/Jtt, bkduh fiasco/VeytMftu/hftm, tczftu, mtJ rlVt fiat/Vtgx/nwfb, VJtu fib/rVc/swXtKwk fibrous/VtRchm/humtJtkw fickle/rVfj/lcwk, aka fictional/rVfNlj/fvltlwk fictitious/rVfrxNm/ftvrlf fiddle about/around-Jwk fiddle/rVzj/AuhJwk, mthkde JdtzJe fidelity/VtRzurjrx/JVtthe fidgety/rVsurx/cuail field/ / field/rVz/Fuh, butl, tut, butlbtk WthJwk fiend/rVyLz/Nutl fierce/ / fierce/rVymo/ftrj, qh, CetK, Wd 53. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 53 fight/VtRx/jztR, bthtbthe figment/rVdbLx/ftvrlf Ntut figurative/rVdhrxJ/v 54. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 54 flamboyant/VjpbcptgLx/Cvftth flame/ / flame/Vjub/ydlsJtt, v 55. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 55 fly/ / fly/VTjtg/WzJwk, btFe foam/ / foam/Vtub/vhvtuxt, VeK fob/Vtuc/AuhJwk focus/Vtufm/fuL, fuLe fhJwk fodder/Vtpzh/Dtmathtu, bmtjtu foe/Vtp/wbl, nheV, v b, yJNuttu foster/VtuMxh/WAuhJwk, vtjl fhJwk fought/Vtux/jzgt, DzTgt foul/ / foul/VtWj/fvxe, C 57. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 57 front/V 58. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 58 gallows/dpjpt/Vtkme ltu btkaztu galore/dpjtuh/bcjf, rJvwj, v fhe (rfjtu) garrulous/dphwjm/Jtturzgwk gas/ / gas/dpm/cztR, dvtk bthJt, Jtgw gashed/dp z/fvtgujwk-Dt :gujwk gasp/ / gasp/dpMv/ntkVJwk gate/ / gate/duRx/hJtstu gather/ / gather/dpth/yufXt :Jwk-fhJwk gauche/dtpN/fZkdwk gaudy/dtprz/Cvftth, abfejwk gauge/ / gauge/duRs/btv-td juJtu gauntlet/dtpLxjux/jtuFkzltu vtUatu gauze gave/duRJ/ytgwk give Cq. ft. gavel/duRJj/nhtS fhlth, LgtgteNle n:tuze gawky/dtprf/cuztu, mkftuaNej gay/ / gay/dug/btuSjwk, mbrjkde vwYt gaze/ / gaze/duR/tfelu stuJwk gazebo/duuctu/mwkh T gt harm(ful-less)/ / harm/ntbo/Rst harmony/ntborl/mkJtet harness/ntlumo/stuhJwk, lt:Jwk harp/ntvo/th KKtJJt harried harrow/nphtu/aehJwk harrowing ordeal harrowing/nphtud/yr veztslf harsh/ / harsh/ntNo/fXtuh harvest/ntJuoMx/vtf, jKKe fhJe has/np/lu Au hash/npN/ hassle/npmj/bt:tfwx haste/ / haste/npRMx/WtJ hasten/npRMxl/Wtt fhJe hasty/ / hasty/npRMxe/WtJegwk hat/ / hat/npx/ hatch/ / hatch/npa/zt muJJt, ftJhwk fhJwk hate/ / hate/npRx/rtffthJwk hatred/ / hattrick Wvht Wvh tKJth rJfux fu dtuj haughty/ntprx/ynkfthe haul up haul/ / haul/ntWj/jtu nt: jtdJtu, atuhtJwk, FUaJwk haunt/ / haunt/ntWLx/CbJwk, wkcJwk haute couture have around-Jwk have back-Jwk have in-Jwk have off-Jwk have on-Jwk have out-Jwk have up-Jwk have/ / have/npJ/ haven/ / haven/npJl/ckh, ytgM:tl havoc/npJtuf/rJltN, vtgbtje, chcte hawk(er)/ / hawk/ntpf/cts, atjelu JuaJwk hawker/nptfh/Vurhgtu hawkish hay/ / hay/npg/ haywire/npJtgh/yMgM-dtkzw :Jwk hazard/npzo/Fhtu, stuFb hazardous/nptzom/Fhltf haze/ / haze/npR/tkFw hazel/npRj/ctbe hazy/npRr/tkFwk, tqktwk he/ / head for ytd JtJwk head off-Jwk head on mtbu mtbt, bt:tCuh head up-Jwk head/ / head/npz/tuhe sJwk head/nuz/ headstrong heal/ / heal/nej/mtst fhJwk health(y)/ / health/nu:/ healthy/nute/kwhM heap/ / heap/nev/Zdjtu hear of - Jwk hear out-Jwk hear/ / hear/neyh/mtkCJwk heard/ / heard/nzo/mtkCgwk hearsay/rnyhmuR/Wze Jt, yVJt 65. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 65 hearse NcJtrnle heart(ty)/ / heart/ntxo/g heart-rending gtJf heart-throb rjltu NnulNtn hearty/ntrxo/ntrof, scYk heat up-Jwk heat/ / heat/nex/dhbe heathen skdje btKm heave WAJwk, rlmtmt ltFJt heaven/ / heaven/nuJl/MJod heavy/ / heavy/nuJe/Cthu, yr heckle Jtlu CezJJwk hectic tuzttbJtwk, ytJuNbg, hDJtgwk hector dzt hedge/ / hedge/nus/Jtz, tze hedging hedonist CtudJte heed/ / heed/nez/gtl uJwk heel/ / heel/nej/yuze hefty/nuVrx/Yxvwx, ftJh, schwk, dzwk hegemony/nursbrl/JaoMJ, lutdehe height/ / height/ntRx/atR heighten/ntRxl/JtJwk, mus :Jwk heinous/nelym/Dtuh, DKtMv heir/ / heir/yuyh/Jthmth held/ / held/nuz/gtustgkw, thvfz :R hell/ / hell/nuj/lhf hello/ / hello/nujtu/ helm/ / helm/nub/mwftl helmsman/nubmbpl/mwftle help(ful)/ / help/nuv/b, htn, mntg helter-skelter yktttqkrtbg, hDJtgkw hem/ / hemlock/nubjtuf/uhltu Dwkxztu hemorrhage/nubrhs/ytkamphMttJ hen/ / hen/nul/bhDe hence/nuLm/u:e henceforth/nuLmVtp:o/ nJu vAe-ytd henchman/nuLabpl/xufuth, mtdhe, brgtu henna/nuLtt/bnUe henpecked/nuLvpfz/stuYft dwjtb her(s)/ / her/nh/uKelwk herald/nuhtz/Aze vtufthlth herbal/ncoj/ytitrtg, ytumrzgwk herbivorous/nrcoJtphm/yrnkmf v 66. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 66 high-handed high-profile/ntRv 67. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 67 holiday/ntujezu/hst holistic/nturjrMxf/yufYv holler/ntuujh/cqb vtzJe hollow/ / hollow/ntujtu/vtujwk, FtuFjwk holocaust/ntujtuftuMx/mJoltN, rJltN holy/ / holy/ntuje/vrJt homage/nturbs/ttksje home in on-Jwk home/ / home/nWb/Dh, ytNhtu homely/ntubrj/Dh suJwk homosexuality honcho/nktuatu/cttpm, bwg, ftl hone up/ntul yv/tth ftZJe honest(y)/ / honest/yturlMx/v 68. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 68 huckster/nfMxh/CtzwrbtKm, Vurhgtu huddle/nzj/ltmCtd-Cez fhJe hue and cry vtufth, cwbhtK, ufthtu hues/ngw/hkdtu hug/nd/du jdtzJwk huge/ / huge/ngqs/rJhtx hull/ / hull/nj/sntslwk rgwk hum/ / hum/nb/mkun, dKdKtx human/ / human/gwbl/ humane humanitarian/gwbprlxprhyl/btlJtJte humanities humble lftbwk cltJe uJwk humble/nBj/lb gt hut/ / hut/nx/qkvze hutments/nxbLx/wkvzve hybrid/ntRrc tgturf hypnotise/ntgSl/bktbwt fhJwk hypochondria/ntgSl/htudC 69. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 69 idiomatic/Rzeytujtursj/YrZv 70. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 70 implement/RBvuj/ybj fhJtu, mttl implementation/RBvuj/ybjefhK implicate/RBvuj/mkztuJJwk implication/RBvuj/mkztuJKe, mqrat:o implicit/RBvuj/drCo, rl:Nkf implore/RBvuj/ytSS fhJe imply/Rb/ytzfhtu mkfu fhJtu import(ed)/ / import/Rb/ytgt fhJwk importance/ / important/ / important/RBvtuxoLx/ydglwk imported/RBvtuxuoz/ytgte importune/Rb/ftjt Jtjt fhJtk impose upon/ / impose/Rbvtu/jtJwk, Xtufe cumtzJwk imposing/Rbvturkd/Xtufe cumtzwk imposition/RbvturNl/Juhtu, Auhrvkze, CthK impossible/ / impossible/RBvturmj/yNg impostor/RBvtuMxh/twthtu, Xd impotent/RBvtuxLx/ltbo, lvwkmf, fbstuh impound/RBvtWLz/s fhJwk impoverish/RbvtuJrhN/dhec cltJJwk imprecation/RBv gj/ldg inconsistent/RlfrLmmxLx/rJmkd inconvenient/RlflrJrlyLx/ydJzCgowk incorrigible/RlfturhSj/Jol mwthu lrn uJwk increase/ / increase/Rle/JtthJwk, JtJwk, Jtthtu incredible/RLurzj/l btle Nftg uJwk incredulous/Rluzgwjm/btle l ju uJwk incriminate/RrLrblux/dwLntbtk mkztuJJwk inculcate/RLfjfux/fuJJwk, rFjJJwk XmtJJwk incumbency incumbent/RLfbcLx/ntutuT tthK fhlth incurable/RLfgtuhuj/ymtg incurred/RLfzo/JntuhJwk, CtudJJwk incursion indecency indecent/RrLzmLx/ymg, yjej indecisive/RlrzmtRrJ/yrlKtogf indeed/ / indeed/RrLzz/FhuFh, mtaus indefatigable :tfu lkrn uJwk indefinite/RLzurVlux/yrlr indelible/RLzurjj/Cqkme l Nftg uJwk indent/RLzuLx/btdKe indented/RLzuLxuz/FtkatJtwk, Ftkaujwk independent/ / independent/RrLzvuLzLx/MJkt indescribable/RrLzMtgcuj/yJKoleg indestructible/RrLzMxrxJ/yrJltNe indication/RrLzfuNl/mkfu, RNthtu indicative/RrLzfurxJ/mqaf, NtoJwk indict/RLztRx/ythtuve XhtJJwk indictment/RLztRxbLx/ythtuvltbwk indifference/RrLzVhLm/Wvutt, wjot indigence/RrLzsLm/dhstW, dheczwk indigenous/RrLzSlm/MJuNe indignant/RrLzdLtLx/rhMfthvqKo indignation indirect/RLztghufx/ytzfhwk indiscriminate/RrLzSlm/yttktqt, yrJathe indispensable/RrLzMvuLmj/yrlJtgo indisposed/RrLzMvtuz/btkw, yN indistinct/RrLzrMxLfx/yMvx, tkFwk individual/ / individual/RrLzrJsgwyj/grf, grfd indivisible/RrLzrJj/yrJCtsTg indoctrinate/Rlzutfxelux/rJathmKe huzJe indolent/RLzutjLx/mwM, ytmw indomitable/RLzutrbxj/yKlb, ysug indoor(s)/ / indoor/RLztuh/ induce/RLzgqm/fhJt v tf inflame mdtJJwk, sjlNej inflammable mde WXu uJwk inflammation mtustu 72. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 72 inflammatory WfuhJwk instigated instill btk WthJwk, v g invitation/ / invite/ / invite/RLJtRx/ytbktK ytvJwk invocation ytJtnl, stde invoke/RLJtuf/ytJtnl-jtdw fhJwk involve/ / involve/RLJtuJ/mkztuJJwk, mbtJJwk involvement/RLJtuJbLx/mkztuJKe inward(s)/ / inwards/RLJzo/ykhle hV ion/ytgl/yKw iota/ytgtuuuxt/ykN, yKwk ipso facto ytvtuytv irascible aerzgwk irate/ytRhux/tute, tqkJt VqkJt ire/ytgh/dwMmtu, tut iridescent rJrJthkdNe o irk/yfo/fkxttu ytvJtu iron out-Jwk iron/ / iron/ytgol/ ironical Jtur-fxttJtwk irony/ytRhle/fxtt, Jture irrational/RhhuNlj/fonel irrectaimable irrefutable/RhhuVgwxuj/Fkzl l :R Nfu uJwk irregular/ / irregular/Rhhugwjh/yrlgrb irregularity/Rhhugwjprhrx/duhrhe, yrlgrbt irrelevance irrelevant/RhhujJLx/yv gw/ctc, ctf, ykf, hJtlt fhJwk isthmus mtkfztu stuztu Cqbtdo it/ / it/Rx/ its/Rxm/ italic ttkmwk itch FsJtJwk, FtuhJwk itch/ / itch/Ra/ item/ / item/ytRxub/ 75. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 75 itinerant Vhwk, v ttu-Cttt jarring fbfbtxe Jttu yJts jaundice/sptLzem/fbtu jaunt btusgttt jaunty/sptLxe/btuSjwk jaw/ / jaw/spt/szcwk jazz up-Jwk jazz/ / jazz/st/ jealous(y)/ / jealous/sujm/Rttow, yuFwk jeer Wvntm fhJtu jelly/ / jelly/suje/ jeopardise Cgbtk bqfJwk jeremiad htuKtk htulth, htuj jerk ytkaftu, xftu bthJtu jest jester/ / jester/suMxamp/ jet/ / jet/sux/rA btk:e Wztu VqJthtu jettison Jsl DxtzJt Vufe uJwk jewel/ / jewel/sTJuj/hl jewellery/ / jig jigsaw rat ftugztu jilt v fhe, xwaftu jolly/ / jolly/stuje/btuSjwk, ytlke jolt xftu, yktaftu jostle/stumj/tft bthelu ytd JtJwk jot down xvftJJwk, ltUte juJwk journal(ist)/ / journalist/slorjMx/vtfth journey/ / journey/sleo/bwmtVhe, gttt, v 76. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 76 judge(ment)/ / judge/ss/LgtgteN, bqg yktfJwk judicial Lgtgtjglwk, lu jdwk judiciary Lgtgkt judicious zntvKCgowk, rJJufvqKo jug/ / jug/sd/ juggernaut rJhtx c, sdLlt: juggler/ / juggler/sdjh/stwdh/nt:atjtfe fhlth jugglery nt:atjtfe, stwdhe jugglery of words NAj-v fhe mtt-bkz, akzt atufze jurisdiction ftgotut just(ice)/ / just/sMx/Lgtge, gtsce justice/sMxe/ justification Jitft, gtugt justify gtsce-Jit XuhJJwk jut out cnth uFtJwk jute/sTgwx/NK juvenile/swJultRj/mdeh juxtapose ctsw ctswbtk bqfJwk kaleidoscopic rJrJt fhe lance/ / lance/juLm/ land/ / land/juLz/sbel landmine sbelbtk dtuXJuje mwhkd landslide schM S, CqMFjl lane/ / lane/jul/dje, Nuhe language/ / language/jUdJus/ languid sz, mwM, bk languish mczJwk languor lanky aw lu vtwk, tz suJwk lantern Vtlm lap/ / lap/juv/Ftutu lapidary rnhtWtud lapse Ftjmt :Jwk, h :Jwk laptop Ftutbtk htFe Nftg uJwk ftuBgwxh larceny/jtmuole/atuheltu dwltu large/ / large/jtso/ largesse Wth Cux, tl lark/ / lark/jtfo/ lascivious jkvx, ftbe lash down-Jwk lash into-Jwk lash mF xeft, tvxwk (Jhmt) lash out txfKe ftZJe, VxfthJwk lash out/ / lash out-Jwk lashing Chvqh, rJvwj lass Atufhe lassitude v g later/ / lateral ctswlwk lather VeK latitude latter/ / latter/jpxh/cu btk:e Aujwk laud/jtuWz/JFtKJwk laugh about - laugh at - laugh off-Jwk laugh(ter)/ / laugh/jtV/ launch hwk bqfJwk, v 79. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 79 lay in-Jwk lay off/ / lay off-Jwk lay on-Jwk lay out/ / lay out-Jwk lay up/ / lay up-Jwk lay/ / lay/ju/bqfJwk layer/ / layer/jugh/:h, vz layman mtbtLg btKm lay-off AxKe, ftgoAwe layout ytjuF, halt, lfNtu lazy/ / lazy/jue/ytmw lead on-Jwk lead up-Jwk lead/ / lead/jez/rJtJJwk, ytduJtle juJe, mwhtd lead/jpz/memwk leaf/ / leaf/jeV/vtkzw, vtlwk leaflet/jeVjux/vrtft league league/jed/mkD, vtka rfjtubexhlwk ykh leak/ / leak/jef/aqJtf :Jtu, dh, cnth vzJwk lean on-Jwk lean/ / lean/jel/ZJwk, qcwk-vtwk, wfJwk leap fqftu bthJtu leap/ / learn/ / learn/jlo/NeFJwk lease of life SJtl lease vtvh Ctzu ytvJwk leash least/ / least/jeMx/ leather/ / leather/ju:h/ leave behind-Jwk leave off/ / leave off-Jwk leave out-Jwk leave/ / leave/jeJ/hst, AtuzJwk lecher lectern vwMf JtkaJtle Dtuze led ledger FttJne lee ytu:-ytNhtu leech jtune aqme stu leer ftbwft:e stuJwk leeway AwxAtx, vJl:e Wjxe rNt left/ / left/juVx/ztcwk, Atuze etwk leg/ / leg/jud/vd legacy Jthmtu legal(ly)/ / legal/jedj/ftlqle, ftgumh legatee legend/ / legend/jesLz/kf:t legendary legendary mwv 80. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 80 let in-Jwk let off Ctde sJt uJwk, Ctzu ytvJwk let off/ / let off-Jwk let on-Jwk let out fne uJwk, sJt uJwk let out-Jwk let up htn-Awxfthtu :Jtu let up-Jwk let/ / let/jux/ lethal Dtf lethargy ytm, v 87. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 87 mingy/rbkS/rakdqm, fksqm miniature/rbrlyuah/jDwrat minimise/rbrlbtR/ytuAwk fhJwk minimum/rbrlbb/yvb, jDwb minister/ / minister/rbrlMxh/v 90. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 90 muster/bMxh/yufXwk fhJwk, vtf mutation/BgwxuNl/VuhVth, rJrJtt mute/ / mute/Bgwx/bqkdw, aqv mutinous/Bgwrxlm/cJtFtuh mutter/Btxh/cczJwk mutual/Bgwgwyj/yLgtuLg, ytvmbtk muzzy/be/bkrx, Atfxwk my/ / myopia/btgturvyt/xqkferx myopic/btgturvf/xqkferx Jtwk myriad/rbrhyz/yluf, ymkg mysterious/ / mysterious/rbrMxheym/hnMgbg, dqZ mystery/ / mystery/rbrMxhe/hnMg mystic/rbrMxf/ytgtrbf mystics mystique/rbrMxf/hnMgbg Dxlt-cltJ myth/ / myth/rb:/kf:t, Jtto mythological mythological/btg:tujtursfj/kf:t lwk, vtihtrKf nab/lpc/zve-vfze juJwk nabbed nadir/ltrh/rgu, mti:e leau nagging m tut ftZwk, Dzwk nail/ / nail/luRj/lF, rFjtu, fcwjtJJwk nave/ / nave/ltRJ/Ctuwk naked/Lturfz/ll, Fwjwk namby-pamby lcwk, mwM name/ / nap/lpv/tufwk napping/lprvkd/Dwk, mqwk narcissism/lthrmrmb/ytbjtDt-v 97. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 97 paradigm/vuhztRb/WtnhK, lbqltu paradox/vphpztut/rJhtuDtCtm paradoxical/vphpzturtj/rJhtttCtme paragon/vphpdtpl/uXtltu lbwltu parallel/ / parallel/vphpjj/mbtkh paralyse/vphpjtR/vtDte-yMgM :Jwk paralytic/vphprjrxf/vtDtlwk htude parameter/vphtrbxh/vrhbtK, vtmtkytu paramilitary/vphtrbrjxrh/ ytojfhe paramount/vphpbtWLx/mJtuovhe paramour/vphpbh/gth, btmwft, hFt paranoia/vphpltpRyt/vezt WLbt, rJfr paranoid/vphpltpRz/ yrmkJulNej, rJC fhe ftg parole/ / parole/v/Nhe bwrf, Jal paroxysm/v/ytJuN, WChtu parried/v/ parrot/ / parrot/v/vtuvx parry/v/xtJwk, htufJwk parsimonious/v/fksqm part amp parcel yrlJtgoykd part/ / part/vtxo/Ctd partake/vtxouRf/btk stuztJwk partial/vtrNoyj/ytkrNf, vtvte partiality/vtrNoyrj/vtvt participate/ / participate/v/btk Ctd juJtu participle/ / particular/ / particular/v/Ftm, rJrNx partisan/vtrxol/vtlt ftgofhtu partition/v/Ctdjtk, xwzt partly/vtxorj/ytkrNf heu partner/ / party/ / party/vtrxo/xwfze, vt, bnuVej, vteg parvenu/vthJLgq/juCtdw pass away dwshe sJwk, bgw vtbJwk pass away/ / pass away-Jwk pass by-Jwk pass off/ / pass off-Jwk pass on-Jwk pass out/ / pass out-Jwk pass over-Jwk pass the buck cest vh Ztue uJwk pass up-Jwk pass/ / pass/v/vmth fhJwk passage MJefr, btLgt, vmth passage/ / passage/v/Vfhtu, btdo, bwmtVhe passe mbg:e vtA passenger/ / passion//yrWrbo passionate yrbltuCtJe, ftbwf passive Ntk, rlrg passport/ / passport/v/ past/ / past/ / past/v/Cqft, CwvqJo paste/ / paste/v/vtuawk rbK, jwde pastiche/vtuMxN/rJrJt mkde halt pastor pastoral dtuJttu lwk pastry/ / pastry/v/ pasture/vpMah/ Dtmle Jeze, arhgtK 98. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 98 pat/ / pat/vpx/veX :tczJe patch up-/vpayv/:edzwk BtthJwk patch/ / patch/vpa/:edzwk, ve patch-up/vpa/ mbtttl,:tdz :edz patent/ / patent/vpxLx/ MJrlbtoK-tthKnf paternal/vpxloj/ rvtlwk, rvtwg path/ / path/vt:/hMtu, btdo pathetic/v/gtslf pathology/v/htudNtMt patience/ / patient/ / patient/v/tehsJtl, eo patriarch/v/fwxwkcltu Jztu patriarchal/v/rvv 99. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 99 pence/ / pence/vuLm/ pencil/ / pencil/vurLmj/ pending/vurLzd/vzh, rlftj :gtrJltlwk penetrate DqmJwkwk, v gym/ perpendicular/vvuorLzgwjh/QCwk, metwk perpetrate/vrvoxuRx/ytahJwk perpetrator/vrvoxpxh/ftbt-fhq fhlth perpetual/vvuogwyj/NtJ, ftgbe perpetuate/vvuogwyux/NtJ cltJJwk perplex/vjoum/bkqtJw perquisite(perks)vdth yLg jtC persecute/vrmogwx/ttm dwsthJtu persecution/vrmogwNl/ttm, swjb persevere/veoJeyhLm/FkvqJof b:Jwk persiflage/vrmoVjps/bstf, b fhe persist/vrmoMx/tde hnuJwk persistent/vrmoxkx/ytd 100. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 100 personnel/vmoluj/fboatheytu perspective/vMtovufrxJ/vrhvug, g:t:o perspicacious/vrMvofprgm/mwMvx, mwdb fwNtd gtJje pie-bald/vtRctz/ftchaehkw piece/ / piece/vem/xwfztu, fxftu piecemeal/vembej/chhutk pied/vtRz/ftchraYk pier/vtgh/ pierce/ / pierce/veymo/CtUfJw, CuJwk pietism/vtRrxb/tbo ltu yrhuf pig/ / pig/rvd/zwfh, Cqkz pigmy/rvrb/rXkdwS, Jtbl pike/ / pike/vtRf/ pile up/vtRjyv/Fzfjtu :Jtu, sbt :Jwk pile/ / pile/vtRj/Zdjtu, nhm piled pilfer/rvVh/atuhJwk pilferage/rvVhus/atuhe pilgrim/rvtrd 101. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 101 pimp/rvBv/CzJtu, Jugm/mTCtJJtwk, ylwfq, NwC proponent/v fuhKe slf provoke/v fuhJwk prow prowess/v ym/frsgtFtuh, bt:tCthe puissance mct, Nrf puke/gwf/ytufJwk pull away-Jwk pull down-Jwk pull in-Jwk pull off-Jwk pull out/vwj ytWx/vtAw Fukae juJwk pull out-Jwk pull over-Jwk pull through/ / pull through-Jwk pull together-Jwk pull up/ / pull up/vwj yv/ztJJwk pull/ / pull/vwj/FkuaJwk pulp/vv/btJtu, hdztu pulsate/tmux/tcfJwk pulse/ / pulse/vm/ltz, glt tcftht, hd pulses/tmes/fXtu pulverize/tJhtR/aqhtu-Cwftu fhJtu pump/ / pump/vBv/nJt ChJe, XtjJJwk pun/vl/jut yjkfth, ry:eo punch/ / punch/vLa/bwftu bthJtu, ftKwk vtzJwk punctilious/vLfrxrjym/yrrNxtath ytd 108. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 108 purple/ / purple/vvoj/stbje purport/vvox/y:o fu tvgo fu ntuJwk purpose/ / purpose/vvo/nuw, ytNg, Ehttu purse/ / purse/vmo/vtrfx, viumtle ftu:e purser/vmoh/ftuXthe pursue/vMgwo/ylwmhJwk pursuing/vMgowd/ylwmhwk pursuit/vMgwox/veAtu, ylwmhK purveyor purview/vgwo/ftgotut, bgtot push ahead-Jwk push along-Jwk push around-Jwk push for-Jwk push off-Jwk push on-Jwk push through-Jwk push up-Jwk push/ / push/vwN/ttu bthJtu pusillanimous/vrmjprlbm/cefK, zhvtuf, ltbo pustule put about-Jwk put across/ / put across/vwx ytum/le mtbu hsw fhJwb put across-Jwk put away-Jwk put by/ / put down tce uJwk, ltUt fhJe put down/ / put forward-Jwk put in-Jwk put off bwjJe htFJwk, xtJwk put off/ / put off-Jwk put on to-Jwk put on/ / put on/vwx yptl/vnuhJwk put out/ / put out/vwx ytWx/ntujJe ltFJwk put through-Jwk put up with mnl fhJwk put up with/ / put up/ / put up/vwx yv/hsq fhJwk, WCwk fhJwk put/ / put/vwx/bwfJwk putrefied/vwxeVtRz/mzujwk putsch/vwa/rJtun, cJtu putty/vwrx/vtjem btxule btxe puzzle/ / puzzle/vj/ftugztu pyre/vtgh/rat Pyrrhic/rvrhf/yr rfkkbe python/ / python/vtg:l/ysdh quack/Jpf/xJi, cfltu yJts quaff/JtpV/ZeaJwk quagmire/Jtpdbtgh/ftJ, rfaz quaint/ / quaint/JpRLx/swlJtKe, rJjtK, rJrat quake/JpRf/t 109. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 109 quickie/rJfe/zve, VxtVx, xwkfw, WtJu quicksand/rJfmpLz/fK, jj quicksilver/rJfrmJh/vthtu quick-witted/rJfrJxuz/ntsh sJtce quid pro quo Jh, cjtu quienten down-Jwk quiet/ / quiet/fJtyux/Ntk, aqv Ntke quietus-end - exit quill/ / quill/Jej/vAwk quilt/ / quilt/Jex/hstR, dtuzwk quintessence/rJLxmLm/mthJ, yfo quip/frJv/xtuKtu bthJtu quirky/fJofe/ctujJtbtk atjtf quisling/frJrjkd/wbl mt:u Ce slth quit/ / quit/frJx/AtuzJwk, gtd fhJtu quite/ / quite/JtRx/l quittance/frJxLm/Aqxfthtu quiver/fJeJh/Ct:tu, t fhe fhJe ragamuffin/hpdtbrVl/a:huntj rage v rage/ / rage/huRs/fuh JtoJJtu, dtkzwqh raid/ / raid/huRz/nwbjtu, htuztu, ttz rail/ / rail/huRj/dttu uJe, CtkzJwk, vtxtu railway/ / raiment/huRbLx/vtuttf rain off-Jwk rain(y)/ / rain/huRl/JhmJwk, Jhmt raise/ / raise/huRs/WXtJJwk, WAuhJwk, JtthJwk, yuft fhJwk raisonne mwgJrM: rake/ / rake/huRf/WmuzJwk rally Xufze WztJJek, tux bqfJe, mhDm ftZJwk ram into btk tme sJwk, y:ztJwk ram/ / ram/hpb/Duxtu ramble/hpBj/hFzJkw, hFzve ramification/hprbrVfuml/srxjt, vrhKtb ramify/hprbVtg/ NtFtytu :Je rammed/hpBz/ btk tme dgwk, y:ztgwk ramp/hpBv/XdtR, htvtu ltu btdo rampage/hpBvuRs/tuVtlu azJwk rampant/hpBvLx/cuVtb, cumwbth rampart/hpBvtxo/ythrt rJtj ramrod/hpBthtpz/ ramshackle/hpBNpfj/ntjfztujf, FFze dgujwk ran/hpl/tuzTgt ranch/hpLa/ZtuhJtztu rancid/hprLmz/Ftuhwk rancour/hpLfh/ntzJuh, ut, Fth, ykxN random/hpLzb/ytzutz, ygJrM:,VtJu ub randy/hprLz/ftbtqh rang/hpLd/JdtzTgwk range/ / range/huLs/bgtot, rank/ / 110. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 110 rank/h/fth, Jdo, ftt ransack/hpLmpf/jqkxVtx-tuzVtz fhJe ransom/hpLmb/ctl AtuzJt le hfb rant/hpLx/Ntzkch, CttKctS rant/hpLx/ytzkche CttK rap/hpv/xeft fhJe, xftuhtu rapacious/hpvprNym/FtWthwk, jtuCe, jqkxthw rape/huRv/ctfth raphers rapid(ly)/ / rapid/hprvz/zve rappochement/htv 117. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 117 ruthless/Y:jum/rlog ryots FuzqJdo sabotage CtkdVtuz saboteur/mpctuxh/CtkdVtuzflth sabre rattling Ftkzt FFztJwk sabre/much/jJth sac ftu:e (v 118. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 118 sauce/mtpm/axKe, txftu ulth, WttR saucy/mptrm/atjtf, Wt, Vtxuj sauna/mtuWlt/ctvMltl saunter/mtuWLxh/jxth savage/mpJps/skdje, wh savant/mtJLx/rttl save up-Jwk save/ / save/muRJ/batJJwk, rmJtg saviour/muJegh/thKnth savoir faire/muJh Vpyh/fwlun, zntvK savour/muJh/MJt btKJtu, mqaJJwk savoury/muJhe/MJtrx savvy/mpJe/stKfthe, mbsK saw/ / saw/mtp/JuhJwk, fhJ, stugwk say/ / say/mu/fnuJwk, sKtJJwk scabbard/Mfpctzo/Bgtl, DYk scaffold/MfpVtuz/vtjF, btkaztu scald(heat)verb scale/ / scale/MfuRj/btv/ftkxt suJt ntzftk(btAje) azJwk scallywag cbtN, nhtbFtuh scam/Mfpb/ftiCtkz scamster/MfpbMxh/ftiCtkzegtu scan/Mfpl/tdJwk, ytkfJwk scandal/MfpLzj/ftiCtkz scandalous/MfpLzjm/ftiCtkrzgwk scansion/ / scanty/MfprLx/AwwkAJtgwk, yvwhwk scapegoat/MfpRvdtux/cjeltu cfhtu scar/ / scar/Mfth/Dt, Rstlwk rlNtl scarce/ / scarce/Mfpmo/yjg, yAJtwk scarcely/Mfpmorj/Ctgus scarcity/Mfphrmrx/yA scare monger Cg VujtJlth scare/ / scare/Mfpyh/Cgmkfu, zh zhJwk-zhtJJwk scare/Mfpyh/Cgmkfu, zhtJJwk scaremonger/MfpyhbtpLdh/Cg VujtJlth scarf/ / scarf/MftVo/bt:tltu Ybtj scarlet/Mftojux/jtjtN vzwk scarred/Mfpzo/zhe dgujwk scathing/Mfprtkd/mF, ytfk xeft scatter(ed)/ / scatter/Mfpxh/rJFhtJwk scavenger/MfpJuLsh/mVtR ftbth scenario/Mteltrhytp/TgtJje scene(ry)/ / scene/mel/ glwk scent/ / scent/muLx/mwdkt, dkt sceptic(skeptic) mkNgJte sceptre/muxh/kz-jtfze(mtlwk v btpx/jtdKek-JuJjtJuztk scholar(ship)/ / scholar/Mfptjh/rJtl scholarly/Mfptjhrj/rJtvqKo school/ / school/Mfqj/rlNt, rJathbka, rNtK ytvJwk science/ / science/mtgLm/rJttl scientific/ / scientific/mtgrLxrVf/Jittrlf scientist/ / scintillating/rmrLxjurxkd/afwk, usMJe scion/cion/mtgl/ scissors/ / scissors/memo/fth scoff/ / scoff/MftpV/ scold/ / scold/Mftpz/Xvftu ytvJtu scooge/Mfqs/fksqm scoop scoop/Mfqv/mbtathltu tztftu scooter/ / scooter/Mfqxh/ scope/ / scope/MftuWv/f, scorch/MftuWv/ctJwk, ztbuJtu, tzwk score off-Jwk score out/ / score out-Jwk score/ / score/Mftph/ scores/Mftpmo/yluf scorn/ / scorn/Mftplo/rhMfth fhJtu scotch 119. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 119 scot-free uttbw, rltout scoundrel cbtN, scour out/ / scourge/Mfso/tv,:vtx, atcFtu scout around// scout/ / scouting scowl/MftWj/ztut ftZJtk scrambled/MpBj/Zdjtu :Jtu, tux bwfJe scrap/ / scrap/Mpv/h fhJwk, Dztu, Ckdth, fahtu scrape along-Jwk scrape by/through-Jwk scrape together/up-Jwk scrape/ / scrape/MpRv/AtujJwk scratch/ / scratch/Mpa/jemtuxt scrawl/Mptj/zv:e jFJwk, jextk fhJt scrawny/Mptrl/ scream out-Jwk scream/ / scream/Meb/aem vtzJe screaming/Merbkd/aem vtzwk screed/rMz/jtkcw fkxttslf jFtK screen/ / screen/Mel/vhtu, ste screw up Achztu JtJtu, cdtzJwk screw/ / screw/Mgw/mkCtud fhJtu(yjej)cdtzJwk scribble/rMj/y:onel jext tuhJt scribe/MtRc/vtfth scrimmage/rMbus/vtve scrimpy/rMkBve/ scrimshank/rMbNpLf/Vhs aqfJe scrip/rMv/bqgvt script/rMx/nMv w, DztJwk seasoned/meLz/Dztgujwk, heZwk seat/ / seat/mex/cuXf, ytml secede/mumez/Awxt vzJwk, xwfztk fhJt second/ / second/mufLz/ceswk, tK secrecy/ / secret/ / secret/rmux/Ftlde, dw secretariat/ / secretariat/muuxrhgux/maeJtjg secretary/ / secretary/muuxrh/maeJ, bkte sectarian/mufxprhyl/yjdtJte sectarianism/mufxprhyrlb/yjdtJt section/ / section/mufNl/rJCtd, Ctd, xwfztu sector/ / sector/mufxh/Ctd secular/mufgwjh/tborlhvut, rclmtkv 120. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 120 see through/ / see through//xfe hnuJwk, mV :Jwk see to/ / see to-Jwk see up-Jwk see/ / see/me/stuJwk seed/ / seed/mez/ces, rcgthK seek/ / seek/mef/btdKe fhJe, NtutJwk seekers/mefmo/btdKe fhltht seem/ / seem/meb/jtdJwk, uFtJwk seemingly seen/mel/ seepage/me/bJwk, xvfJwk seer/meyh/vgdkch, xt see-saw/memtp/af-leaf seethe/met/czcrzgtk ctujJt segment/mudbuLx/Ctd, xwfztu segregate/murd 121. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 121 series/mehe/uKe, ftt, fth serious/ / serious/rmyrhym/dkCeh serpentine/mvourLxl/mvtofth serrated/muhuxuz/fhJ suJe tth Jtwk servant/ / servant/mJoLx/ltufh, dwjtb, muJf serve out-Jwk serve/ / serve/mJo/muJt fhJe, vehmJwk service/ / service/mrJom/ltufhe, muJt, mtVmwVe fhJe servile/mJtoRj/lea, wx, ytb sesame/mumuRb/jltu Atuz sesquipedalian jtkcw-fkxttslf session/muNl/yrtJuNl, mt set about-Jwk set against-Jwk set apart-Jwk set aside-Jwk set back/ / set back-Jwk set down-Jwk set forth-Jwk set in/ / set in/mux Rl/cumJwk, NY :Jwk set off(out)/ / set off/ / set off/mux ytpV/WvzJwk set on-Jwk set out/ / set out-Jwk set to yKe vh, fhJtle igthe btk set up WCwk fhJwk set up won/ / set/ / set/mux/dtuXJJwk, stuze set-back veAunX, vthtuX lt vdjtk settle down-Jwk settle dtuXJJwk, XefXtf fhJwk settle in-Jwk settle on-Jwk settle the score Juh JtJwk settle up-Jwk settle/ / settle/muj/ seven/ / seven/muJl/ sever/muJh/ftve ltFJwk several/ / several/muJhj/yluf,:tuzt DKt severe/ / severe/meJeyh/m sew/ / sew/mpt/meJJwk, mejtR fhJe sewage sewerage//dxhgJM:t sex/ / shabby/Nprc/dkw shackles/Npfm/nt:fze shade/ / shade/NuRz/Atkgtu, hkdle Atkx shadow/ / shadow/Npztu/vzAtgtu shady/ / shady/NuRze/AtkgtJtwk shake off shake off-Jwk shake up ZkZtuJwk shake up-Jwk shake/ / shake/NuRf/njtJJwk shall/ / shall/Npj/ shallow/Npjut/AeAhwk sham/Npb/kC, ztu, ytzkch shambles/NpBtm/yMgM, JuhrJFuh shame(ful)/ / shame/NpRb/Nhb, jtkAl, fjkf shananigans Shanghai/NtkdntR/yvnhK fhJwk shape/ / shape/NpRv/ytfth, DzJwk share/ / share/Npyh/Ctd vtzJtu sharp/ / sharp/Ntvo/eK, ytfhtu sharpen/Ntvol/tth ftZJe shatter/Npxh/Cwfft ctujtJJt shave/ / shave/NpRJ/nstb fhJe she/ / shear/Neyh/ftvJwk, aehJwk shed/Nuz/Awxfthtu buJjtu, gtdJwk sheep/ / sheep/Nev/Duxtk sheer/ / sheer//Tl, fuJ, btt sheet/ / sheet/Nex/ 122. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 122 shelf/ / shelf/NuV/yCuhtR, Atsje shell out-Jwk shell/ / shell/Nuj/ shelling/Nurtkkd/tuvbthtu shelter/ / shelter/Nuxh/ytg, htK shelve/muJz/yCuhtRyu aztJJwk shepherd/NuVzo/dtuJt, ChJtz shibboleth ftgbe rmttk shield/ / shield/rNz/Ztj, htK, shift/ / shift/rNVTx/cjtJJwk, vte shiftless shiftly shilly shally/rNrj Nurj/Zejwk vtuawk, Zawk vawk shimmer/rNbh/WfJwk, FFJwk shine/ / shine/NtRl/abfJwk, fJwk shiny/ / shiny/NtRrl/abfth ship(ment)/ / ship/rNv/snts shipment/rNvbLx/btj le hJtlde shirk/Nfo/sJtcthebtk:e AxfJwk shirt/ / shirt/Nxo/vnuhK, Fbem shit/ / shiver/rNJh/t 123. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 123 shut in-Jwk shut off-Jwk shut/ / shut/Nx/ckt fhJwk shuttle/Nxj/ytJ-st, Vuhtk fhJt shy away from-Jwk shy awayNhb:e ytDwk hnuJwk shy/ / shy/Ntg/Nhbt Shylock sibilant/rmrcjLx/N, m,t lt yJts Jtwk sibling/rmcrjLd/CtR fu cnul (ctf) sick/ / sick/rmf/btkw, rcbth sicken sickening side burns/mtRz cLmo/:turCgtk, fjb(Jt) side(ways)/ / side/mtRz/vzFwk, vt, hVthe fhJe side-kick dwkztltu mtdhe, begtu siege/ / siege/mes/Duhtu DtjJtu siesta/meyuMxt/Jtbfwte sieve/meJ/atJwk, atKe sift out-Jwk sift/rmVTx/atJwk sigh/ / sigh/mtg/rlmtmt ltFJt sight/ / sight/mtRx/rx, stuJwk, lsh sign away-Jwk sign for-Jwk sign in-Jwk sign off-Jwk sign on-Jwk sign up-Jwk sign/ / sign/mtRl/mne fhJe, rlNtle signal/ / signal/rmdLj/Rnthtu, mkfu signatories/rmluxrh/mne fhlth signature/ / significance/rmrlrVfLm/bnJ significant/ / significant/rmrlrVfLx/bnJlwk, ydglwk silence/ / silence/mtgjLm/Ntkr, silent/ / silent/mtgjLx/aqv, Ntk, bqf silhouette/rmgwyux/Atgtrat silk(y)/ / silk/rmf/huNb silky/rmrf/huNbe silly/ / silly/rmrj/bwFo silt/ / silt/rmx/ftJ, rfaz silver/ / silver/rmJh/atke similar/ / similar/rmrbjh/mhFwk, mbYv simmer down-Jwk simmer/rmbh/Wfwk, czcrzgt ctujJtk simple/ / simple/rmBj/mh, mtw simulation/rmBgwjuNl/lbwlt Yv, btuzuj simultaneous/rmbxuleym/mt:u clwk sin(ful)/ / sin/rml/vtv since/ / since/rmLm/:e sincere/ / sincere/rmrLmyh/mkrlX, Fhtrjlwk sine die/mtgluztR/yrlr mbg btxu sine qua non/rmlu Jtu ll/yrlJtgo Nh sinecure/rmlufgtuh/ytuAwk ftb Jtthu vdth sinewy/rmLgwR/MltgwJtwk sinful/rmlVwj/vtve, wx sing/ / sing/rmkd/dtJwk single out-sww thJJwk single/ / single/rmkdj/yuf, yufJzwk singular/ / sinister/rmrlMxh/Fhltf, yNwC, wx, bjel sink in-Jwk sink/ / sink/rmkf/zqcJwk sip/ / sip/rmv/Dqkxztu siphon off le:e cnth ftZJwk sir/ / sir/mamp/mtnuc, nswh siren/mtghl/btunf Mte, Cqkdwk sister/ / sister/rmMxh/nul, lmo sit about/around-Jwk sit back-Jwk sit down-Jwk sit in-Jwk 124. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 124 sit on-Jwk sit out-Jwk sit up-Jwk sit/ / sit/rmx/cumJwk sitcom/rmxftub/ntMg ltrxft site/ / site/mtEx/M:,sgt sitting duck situated/ / situated/rmgwyuxuz/rM:,ytJujwk situation/ / sit-ups/rmx yvm/WX-cum six/ / sixth/ / sixty/ / sixty/rmrMx/mtRX size up-Jwk size/ / size/mtE/btv, btuxwk sizeable sizzling skedaddle/Mfuzuzj/ltme sJwk skein/MfuRl/dqkawk, rVkzjw skeleton/ / skeleton/Mfurjxl/ntzrvksh skeptic(sceptic)/Mfuxef/mkNgJte sketch/ / sketch/Mfua/YvhuFt skew/Mfgw/ttkmw, ymbtkh skilful/ / skilful/rMfjVwj/fwN skill/ / skill/rMfj/ftitg, fwNt skim off-Jwk skim over/through-Jwk skin/ / skin/Mfel/atbze skip fwe-Xufe sJwk, Atuze sJwk, skipper/rMfvh/ftl skirmish/MorbN/y:ztbK, bthtbthe skirt/ / skirt/Mfxo/ctswbtk, le ftuh vh skit/rMfx/ltle hbwS ltrxft skivvy/rMfJe/vhaqhK ftbtu fhlth ltufh skull/ / skull/Mj/Ftuvze sky/ / sky/Mftg/ytftN slab/Mjpc/v:hltu btuxtu xwfztu slack/ / slack/Mjpf/Zejw, yue, bke slacks/Mjpm/ slain/MjpRl/ngt :guj, b slake/MjpR/cjtle ytd mktutJe slam/Mjpb/mF xeft-stuh:e cktfhJwk-ctJJwk slammer/Mjpbh/suj, fthtJtm slander/MjpLzh/awdje fhJe, cwhtR fhJe slang/MjpLd/Jtralt Ftm Ntu slant/MjpLx/ttkmwk slap on-Jwk slap/ / slap/Mjpv/jtVtu-bthJtu slapdash/Mjpv/WtJrgwk lu cuhfth slash/MjpN/ftv bqfJtu, xeft, Vxftu, slashed slate/ / slate/MjuRx/xeft fhJe, vtxe slated slatern/Mjpxlo/VqJz, jDhJDh Mte slaughter/Mjtpxh/fj slave/ / slave/MjuRJ/dwjtb, ckrJtl slavery/MjuRJrh/dwjtbe slavish/MjuRrJN/dwjtbevqKo slay/Mju/ngt fhJe, Jt fhJtu sleazy/Mjee/yr, dkttw, bjel sleek/Mjef/mwkJtw, jemwk sleep around-Jwk sleep in-Jwk sleep off-Jwk sleep on-Jwk sleep together-Jwk sleep with-Jwk sleep/ / sleep/Mjev/mwJwk sleeve/ / sleeve/MjeJ/ctkg sleigh/ / sleigh/MjuR/ sleight/MjuRx/hfec, gwrf, atjtfe slept/ / slept/Mjux/mwt sleuth/Mgw:/Awve vtujem slice/ / slice/MjtRm/vhe, fthe slide/ / slide/MjtRz/mhfJwk slight/ / slight/MjtRx/shtf,:tuzwkf 125. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 125 slim/rMjb/vtwk slime/MjtRb/btxe slimming sling/ / sling/rMjkd/xdtzJwk, jxftJJwk slink Awvtt-jvtt sJwk slip away-Jwk slip by-Jwk slip in-Jwk slip off-Jwk slip on-Jwk slip out-Jwk slip up-Jwk slip/ / slip/rMjv/ftvje, jvmJwk, Cqj, nt:te slippery/ / slit/ / slit/rMjx/ftv, slob/Mjtpc/bqFo, skdje btKm slog/Mjtpd/Zmhzt fhJt, ytkFtu beae bthJwk slogan/ / slogan/Mjtudl/lthtu, mwt slope/ / slope/MjtuWv/Zt sloppy/Mjturv/JuJjwk, Zkdtzt Jdhlwk, htuj slot/ / slot/Mjtupx/ftKwk, Ftkatu slothful/Mjpt:Vwj/ytmwk, yue slouge slough slough/MjtV/fK, mtkvle ftkae sloven/MjJl/WAtkAwk, WvhAjwk slow down-Jwk slow/ / slow/MjtuW/tebwk slug slug/Mjd/dtue, VxfthJwk sluggard/Mjdzo/ytmwltu veh sluggish/MjrdN/sz, bk, tebwk slum/Mjb/dktu JmJtx, wkvzvxe slumberous/MjBchm/QkDwk, Dtuhwk, Dulbtk slump/ / slump/MjBv/bke, Ftztu slur/Mjh/fjkf, Cqj slurp/Mjvo/mczft bthJt slurry/Mjrh/htudtu, hdztu slush/MjN/ftJ, hcze slut/Mjx/VqJz Mte, fwxt sly/MjtR/fvxe, Atlwk Atlwk, ftJttcts smack/ / smack/Mbpf/jtVtu, tvx, ahm, dtkstu small/ / small/Mbtpj/ltlwk smart aleck smart/ / smart/Mbtxo/av, achtf, igth, vezt :Je smash/ / smash/MbpN/Cwft ctujtJJt, smashing/MbprNkd/Cwft ctujtJwk smatter smatter smear/Mbeyh/atuvzJwk smell/ / smell/Mbuj/dkt-ytJJe smile at - smile/ / smile/MbtRj/ smirk/Mbof/yntMg smog/Mbtpd/tqbtzttqBbm smoke/ / smoke/MbtuWf/twb 126. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 126 sneer/Mleyh/ sneeze/ / sneeze/Mle/Af FtJe snickers//bqFotR vqKoo ntMg, vtuatk stuztk snide sniff out mqkDJwk, tdJwk sniff/ / sniff/rMlV/mqkDJwk, tdJwk snipe at snippet ltlt Wtht, ftvjeytu snob/Mltpc/ytzkche Wa Jdo snooty/Mlqrx/Dbkze snooze/Mlq/tufwk FtJwk, DJwk snore lmftuhtk ctujtJJt snort/ / snort//Aftuxt ltFJt snotty/Mltprx/Dbkze snow snow under-Jwk snow/ / snow//chV fwhe snowball zv:e JtJwk snub Wthe vtzJwk, twfthJwk so/ / so/mtu/u:e, su:e fhelu soak/ / soak/mtuf/Celwk fhJwk, CsJJwk soap/ / soap/mtuv/mtcw, jtkce xe. Je meheyj soar/ / soar/mtuh/Wvh aZJwk sob/ / sob/mtpc/zqmftk ChJtk sober/ / sober/mtuch/MJM:,lNtbwf soberiety/mtuc 127. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 127 song/ / song/mtUd/de sonorous/mtpltphm/ v 128. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 128 spectacles/Mvuxufm/abt spectacular/Mv/Noleg, stuJt suJwk spectre/Mvufxh/Cq spectrum/Mvufxb/ speculate/Mvugwjux/ykts, tthKt, mtu fhJtu speculation/MvugwjuNl/tthKt, mtu, yxf speculative/MvugwjurxJ/mtfeg, tthKtd speculators sttakhoro speech/ / speech/Mvea/Jtat, CttK speed(y)/ / speed/Mvez/de spell out-Jwk spell(ing)/ / spell/Mvuj/bkt, yJrt spellbound/MvujctWLz/bktbwt spend/ / spend/MvuLz/FaoJwk, rJtJJwk spent/MvuLx/ spices/MvtRrmm/bhe-bmtjt spicy/ / spicy/MvtRrm/ spill/ / spill/rMvj/ZtutJwk spillage/rMvjus/ZtuVtu spin out-Jwk spin/ / spin/rMvl/VuhJJwk, ftkJwk spinach/rMvlta/humtJte NtfCtS spinal/MvtRlj/fhtuzhsTswlwk spine spinster/rMvlMxh/fwbtrhft spiralling/rMvhrjkd/Wvh azwk spirit/ / spirit/rMvrhx/swMmtu, spiritual/rMvrhgwyj/ytgtrbf spirituality/rMvrhgwytrjrx/ytgtrbft spit/ / spit/rMvx/:qkfJwk spite/ / spite/MvtRx/ spiv/rMvJ/dtuhFtktt fhelu bntjwk splash down-Jwk splash out-Jwk splash/ / splash/Mv/FtcfJwk, Cqmftu bthJtu splendid/ / splendid//Cg, mhm, bstlwk splendour/MvjuLzh/Cgt splice/MvjtRm/dqk:Jwk, jl fhJt splinter/MvjeLxh/fha, xwfzt, Aht split up-Jwk split/ / split/Mtex/Ctdjt-xwfzt :Jtk splutter/Mjxh/W g, rlr surf/mVo/mvtxe-btustk vh rJnth fhJtu surface/ / surface/MthVum/mvtxe, cnth ytJJwk surfeit/MthVex/yrhuf(FtJt veJtbtk) surge/mso/ytd tme sJwk, WAttu surly/mrjo/tuAzwk surmise/mhbtR/ylwbtl, yxf surmount/mhbtWLx/JxtJJwk, vth fhJwk surpass/mhvtm/:e azegtt ntuJwk surplus/mhjm/vwhtk, Vtsj, JDthtlwk surprise/ / surprise/Mthv fuhtx:e raC fh, tropical/ / tropical/xturvfj/dhb v fuje, bwrmc trough/xtW/nJtztu, atx trounce/xtWLm/msTsznth, fthbtu vhtsg, Xvftu troupe/ / troupe/xqv/fjtfth bkze-Jk trousers/ / trousseau/xmtu/frhgtJh truant/xqytLx/tuVtle-CKJt:e Ctdwk ctf truce/xqm/mkrkt, gwtrJhtb truck/ / truck/xf/Fxthtu, stuztK trudge/xs/ZmztJwk trudging/xrskd/Zmztt atjJwk true/ / true/xw/mtawk, ymje true-blue/xq jw/ trump/xBv/nwfblwk vtlwk, nkVtJJwk truncate/xLfux/ftvfqv fhJe truncheon/xLal/kztu, czeftu trundle/xkzj/DzDz yJts:e atjwk trunk/ / trunk/xkf/mqkZ,:z, tz, bwg trust(worthy)/ / trust/xMx/rJJtm, Chtumtu trustworthy/xMxJrto/rJJtmvtt truth(ful)/ / truth/xw:/mg try for-Jwk try on-Jwk try out-Jwk try/ / try/xtg/fturNt, ftb ajtJJwk tryst/rxMx/rlttohe bwjtft-rbjl tsunami/mwltrb/CqfkvmSo btuswk tub/ / tub/xc/Mltlfwkze tube/ / tube/xgwc/le, Cqkdwk tubectomy/xgwcufxturb/JkgfhK tuck/ / tuck/xf/ltMtu, mkfujelu bqfJwk tuft/xVTx/Jtlwk wbFkw, dwAtu 142. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 142 tug of war/xd ytuJ Jtph/FuatFUae, Juhuh tug/ / tug/xd/FUaJw, ctux tuition/ / tuition/xgwNl/WvrNtK, ylwrNtK tumble/ / tumble/xBj/dtu:wk FtJwk tumour/xgwbh/dtkX tumultuous/xgwbxm/FCtxJtwk, tuVtle tune/ / tunnel/xlj/cwdwk, turban/xcol/vtDze turbid/ / turbid/xrcoz/zntuwk, hdzt suJwk turbulence/xgwojLm/tuVtl turbulent/xgwojLx/tuVtle batJlthwk turgid/ / turgid/xrsoz/mtusujwk, ytzkche turmeric/xbuorhf/nh turmoil/xbtuoRj/yktttkqte, yhtsft turn against-Jwk turn back-Jwk turn down/ / turn down/xlo/RLfth fhJtu turn down-Jwk turn in/ / turn in-Jwk turn off/ / turn off-Jwk turn on/ / turn on-Jwk turn out/ / turn out/xlo/cnth ytJJwk, clJwk turn over/ / turn over/xlo/tw vzJwk turn round-Jwk turn turtle/xl xxojo/W:je sJwk, dtu:wk FtJwk turn up/ / turn up-Jwk turn/ / turn/xlo/Vuhtu, Jthtu turn-coat/xlo/vt-vtxje cjw turnip/xlo/mjdb turnkey/xlofe/gktmtbd 143. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 143 uncanny/ylfprl/rJrat, dqZ, ydtuah unceremonious/ylmurhbturlym/yrJrtmh uncle/ykfj/ftft, btbt Jduhu unconfirmed/ylfLVBzo/rclyttthCw unconscious/ylfturLMtym/cuCtl uncouth/ylfq:/ymkMfthe, tuAzwk unction/yLfNl/ctb, bjb unctuous/yLfxgwym/FwNtbegwk, kCe, aefKwk undaunted/yLzturLxz/cntwh, rnkbJtwk undemarcated/yLtrzbtfuoxuz/ under/ykzh/leau underestimate/ykzh yurMxbux/Ftuxtu ykts ftZJtu undergo/ykzhdtu/btk :e vmth :Jwk underlie/ykzhjtg/drCo, btk hnuJwk undermine/ykzhbtRl/bqg ytuAwk fhJwk understand/ykzhMxuLz/mbsJwk undertake/ykzhxuRf/nt:btk juJwk undertrial/ykzhxtgj/ftat ftbltu fue underworld/ykzhJzoo/yktthe ytjb underwriter/ykzhhtRxh/Jebt-ctknuthe jtj undesirable/ylrztghuj/yrlAleg undettered/ylrzxzo/JK:kgt-yxfgw undo/ylzw/vqJoJ fhJwk unearth/ylyto/Ntute ftZJwk unequivocal/ylRfrJJtufj/Mvx unexpected/ylRfMvufrxz/yKttgwo unfavourable/ylVpJhj/rJvrh unfazed/ylVpRz/rJarj l :gujwk unforseen/ylVtuhmel/yKttgwo unfortunate/ylVtugwolux/fblmec unfurl/ylVjo/VhftJJwk uniform/gwrlVtubo/dKJuN, yufYv unify/gwrlVtg/yuf fhJwk unilateral/gwrljpxhj/yufvte uninhabited/yl Rlnprcxuz/rlsol, WsTsz union/gwrlyl/yuft, htsTg, mkD unique/gqrlf/custuz, ystuz unisex/gwrlmum/mJojkde unison/gwrll/yufmwh-htd, mkv unit/gwrlx/btv, lkd, yufb unite/gwltRx/yufrt :Jwk universal/gwrlJmoj/mJogtve, rJJgtvf universe/gwrlJmo/c 144. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 144 urged/ysoz/rJlkr fhJe urgent/ / urgent/ysoLx/ttfelwk, Jrh usage/gwmus/Wvgtud, he-hmb use up-Jwk use/gwm/Wvgtud used to/ / used to/gwz xw/xuJtR sJwk useful/ / usher/yNh/ytJfthJwk usual/gwyTTj/mtbtLg usurp/yvo/mt AelJJe, vatJe vtzJwk usury/yrh/Fqc gtsu vimt ytvJt utensil/gwxurLmj/JtmK utilize/gwrxjtR/ftbbtk juJwk, JtvhJwk utmost/yxbtuMx/mti:e Jtw utopia/gwxturvgt/frv mwJKoCqrb utter/yxh/Tl, WtthJwk utterly/yxorj/mkvqKoheu u-turn/gw xlo/ytzwk VtxJwk uxorious/yfturhym/JnwDujwk vacancy/JuRLme/Ftje sgt vacant/JuRfLx/Ftje vacate/JfuRx/Ftje fhJwk vaccinate/JuRrfmlux/htud v 145. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 145 verge/Jso/tth, ftkXtu, Auztu, ythu verify/JurhVtg/aftmJwkk, FhtR fhJe verily/Jurhrj/FhuFh, cuNf veritable/Jurhxucj/mttt, v gbtl visionary/rJlrh/MJlxt visit/ / visit/rJrx/bwjtft-juJe vista/rJMxt/btlmvx, qh:e uFttu btdo visualise/rJgwyjtR/fvlt rx fhJe vital/ / vital/JtRxj/sYhe, ydglwk vitiate/rJNeyuRx/qrt fhJwk vitreous/rJrxym/fta suJwk vitriolic/rJrxgturjf/mF xeft vituperative viva voce/JtRJtJturm/btirFf vhett vivacious/JtRJu g, SJk viz/luRbrj/namely VJ/video jockey/ftgob hsq fhlth vocabulary/Jfpgwjrh/Ntu 146. Dhaval Fadadu ( itswhite14yahoo/hotmail ) 146 vocal/Jtufj/fkXg, Jtat vocational/JtufuNlj/gJmtgjte vociferous/JturmVhm/ufthtu batJlthwk vogue/Jtud/Zc, ajK voice vote/JtuRmJtux/btirFf btl voice/JtuRm/yJts, WChtu XtjJJtu void/JtuRz/Ftjevtu, h volatile/JtujuxtRj/vJtne, aka, ytlke volcano/Jtufpltu/sJttbwFe volition/JturjNl/RAt volte face/JtuxVuRm/veAunX voluble/Jtugwj/yrJh ctugt fhwk voluminous/Jtugwrblm/th, rJM, rJvwj voluntary/JturjLxhe/MJirAf volunteer/JturjLxeyh/MJgkmuJf, MJirAf fhlth voluptuous/Jtpgwrxym/rJjtme, jkvx vomit/Jturbx/Wxe fhJe voodoo/Jqzq/bktkt, buje rJt voracious/JtuhprNym/FtWtk vortex/Jtuxuoft/Jb, aJt votary/Jtuxrh/atnf, vube, C vote down-Jwk vote in-Jwk vote on-Jwk vote/Jtux/b-ytvJtu vouch/JtWa/stbel-Fthe ytvJe vouchsafe/JtWamuRV/Fthe ytvJe vow/JtW/fmb, vrtt, mtudk juJt vowel/JtuWj/MJh voyage/Jturgs/mtnmgttt-vJtm(mtdh) vulgar/Jdh/rcCm, yjej vulnerable/Jlhpj/Cu, lbtjwk, wfe stg uJwkk wad/Jpz/ftd Jduhultk zqat wade in-Jwk wade into-Jwk wade/ / wade/JuRz/Fwkelu atjJwk wag/ / wag/Jpd/vqkAze njtJJe, dhs uFtzJe wage a war/JuRs y Jtph/ytbK fhJwk wage/JuRs/btzkJw, jtJwk wages/JuRSm/Jul, rfkb waggish/JprdN/xeFe, rJltue wagon/Judl/huJu-btjdtze ltu zctu waif/JuRV/rclJthme, cuDh, ylt: wail/JuRj/rJjtv fhJtu waist/JuRMx/fbh wait behind-Jwk wait in-Jwk wait on-Jwk wait up-Jwk wait/ / wait/JuRx/htn stuJe waiter/ / waive/ / waive/JuRJ/btkze JtJwk-swk fhJwk wake up-Jwk wake/JuRf/stdJwk, sdtzJwk walk into-Jwk walk off with-Jwk walk off-Jwk walk out/JtpfytWx/dngtd walk over-Jwk walk through-Jwk walk up-Jwk walk/Jptf/atjJwk, atj wall/ / wall/Jptj/rJtj wallet/Jptjex/vtrfx wallow/Jpjtu/yttuxJwk, htaJwk wallped wan/Jpl/ wander/ / wander/JtpLzh/CxfJwk, hFzJwk wanderlust/JtpLzhjMx/vJtmCqF wane/ / wane/JuRl/Vefwk, rlMus, teK :Jwk wanna want to want/JtpLx/sYh ntuJe, sYrhgt wanton/JtpLxl/lttl, tuVtle war/Jtph/gwt, jztR warble/Jptcoj/dtJwk, fqsl fhJwk ward off/Jtpzo ytuV/qh htFJwk, rlJthK fhJwk ward/Jptzo/Ftlwk, rJCtd wardrobe/Jptzohtuc/fvztk ltu fctx wares/Juymo/mtbde, mhkstb warfare/JpthVuyh/gwtfti

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